NonDawg Cause I’m proud to be an American…

George C Scott America GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
It is amazing how backwards you people are. Has it ever occurred to you that there are other people out there that are intelligent but may have different beliefs than your dumb ass. When people come to the US we expect them to accept our ways why shouldn’t we adjust to their ways when we are in their country. Only a moron would expect everyone in the world to think our way is the only way. Just shows that you have never been outside your simpleminded little world. Get a life and realize there is a whole world out there that you are not familiar with.
I’m sorry for my upsetting posts. But as someone who has lived around the world, I do get upset at the narrow mindedness of some of my fellow countrymen. Accept my apologies and please be open to way of life others may live.
And not trying to upset you, but shouldn’t other countries accommodate visitors? You know, open to the way of life of others?

Not everyone follows your agenda. Rather narcissistic and in unaccommodating to guests.

I bet they provide prayer rooms for Muslim athletes. Which is fine, but they spent money building prayer rooms. And bet cha red meat is served for meals.

One can be so agenda and empatheticaly minded, it becomes rude, you know, not open to the way of life of others.

If a single French government official or games official has air conditioning in their home or office, it would involve hypocrisy, right?
It is amazing how backwards you people are. Has it ever occurred to you that there are other people out there that are intelligent but may have different beliefs than your dumb ass. When people come to the US we expect them to accept our ways why shouldn’t we adjust to their ways when we are in their country. Only a moron would expect everyone in the world to think our way is the only way. Just shows that you have never been outside your simpleminded little world. Get a life and realize there is a whole world out there that you are not familiar with.
One of the silliest and bigoted posts I have ever read.

I am beginning to think this is a punk post. I fell for it. No one can be this woke.
It is amazing how backwards you people are. Has it ever occurred to you that there are other people out there that are intelligent but may have different beliefs than your dumb ass. When people come to the US we expect them to accept our ways why shouldn’t we adjust to their ways when we are in their country. Only a moron would expect everyone in the world to think our way is the only way. Just shows that you have never been outside your simpleminded little world. Get a life and realize there is a whole world out there that you are not familiar with.
It's amazing how soft & ignorant your dumbass is.

They brought their own AC, how is that a problem? Nobody asked them to adjust their ways. You & the bitch ass french should realize there's a whole world out there who don't prefer to be hot & stinky like them.

There's no reason we should pretend that using AC units will hurt the environment just because the dumbass French want to pretend.
I’m sorry for my upsetting posts. But as someone who has lived around the world, I do get upset at the narrow mindedness of some of my fellow countrymen. Accept my apologies and please be open to way of life others may live.
Look at me everyone! I'm open minded & cultured, not like all the other "ugly" "dumbass" Americans.
Why don't you move to Europe since they're so superior?
It is amazing how backwards you people are. Has it ever occurred to you that there are other people out there that are intelligent but may have different beliefs than your dumb ass. When people come to the US we expect them to accept our ways why shouldn’t we adjust to their ways when we are in their country. Only a moron would expect everyone in the world to think our way is the only way. Just shows that you have never been outside your simpleminded little world. Get a life and realize there is a whole world out there that you are not familiar with.
Lol idiot…

It is amazing how backwards you people are. Has it ever occurred to you that there are other people out there that are intelligent but may have different beliefs than your dumb ass. When people come to the US we expect them to accept our ways why shouldn’t we adjust to their ways when we are in their country. Only a moron would expect everyone in the world to think our way is the only way. Just shows that you have never been outside your simpleminded little world. Get a life and realize there is a whole world out there that you are not familiar with.
Fair take. Except when it comes to U.S.A. If it wasn't for America the French would be speaking German. I think they should accommodate us in whatever we ask 😁😁
In the fall of 1991, my high school girlfriend convinced me to take French, with her, rather than Spanish. My dislike for all things French started then.

Every day we heard how much better France was than America. Culture, politics, cuisine, transportation, social issues, you name it...according to my teacher, the French had it right and America had it wrong.

Any country that thinks A/C is an environmental hazard, serves quiche, and has an aversion to deodorant ain't for me.

Like Archie said

Classic Tv Boo GIF by Sony Pictures Television

To the French
It is amazing how backwards you people are. Has it ever occurred to you that there are other people out there that are intelligent but may have different beliefs than your dumb ass. When people come to the US we expect them to accept our ways why shouldn’t we adjust to their ways when we are in their country. Only a moron would expect everyone in the world to think our way is the only way. Just shows that you have never been outside your simpleminded little world. Get a life and realize there is a whole world out there that you are not familiar with.

night what do you mean GIF
Radi and Moose, I want you to know that I just deleted a 2 page, 10 paragraph post explaining how other countries treat "visitors" vs the US of A.
I had a buddy tell me the hell with foreign countries. He said every time he went he had to carry a weapon and fight the sob’s. Of course he was talking about being in the military but he did have a point.
Lance Armstrong had portable AC in his hotel rooms 20 years ago. Helped him recover after riding all day in the heat. Being doped like Secretariat also helped. Best ugly American ever.
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It is amazing how backwards you people are. Has it ever occurred to you that there are other people out there that are intelligent but may have different beliefs than your dumb ass. When people come to the US we expect them to accept our ways why shouldn’t we adjust to their ways when we are in their country. Only a moron would expect everyone in the world to think our way is the only way. Just shows that you have never been outside your simpleminded little world. Get a life and realize there is a whole world out there that you are not familiar with.
what part of all those "other countries" are doing the same thing did you miss? Oh, you did NOT read? Too busy with your anti-american woke-ass bias to take in all the info and facts.