Chat Dems, who do you want as VP?


That's what she said
Gold Member
Jul 15, 2016
Longmont, CO
J. Shapiro is the obvious choice, imo. He’s a moderate that helps her the most. She won’t win w/o PA. Granted she’d have to be okay with pissing off the squad & the rest of the pro-Palestine side of the party since he’s Jewish.

Also worth noting, I read a report today that Shapiro is out & that’s it gonna be T. Walz so take that with a grain of salt. As a proud Trump supporter, I would like a Walz VP, lol.
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J. Shapiro is the obvious choice, imo. He’s a moderate that helps her the most. She won’t win w/o PA. Granted she’d have to be okay with pissing off the squad & the rest of the pro-Palestine side of the party since he’s Jewish.

Also worth noting, I read a report today that Shapiro is out & that’s it gonna be T. Walz so take that with a grain of salt. As a proud Trump supporter, I would like a Walz VP, lol.
The squad is vehemently opposed to Harris, which is a plus for her
J. Shapiro is the obvious choice, imo. He’s a moderate that helps her the most. She won’t win w/o PA. Granted she’d have to be okay with pissing off the squad & the rest of the pro-Palestine side of the party since he’s Jewish.

Also worth noting, I read a report today that Shapiro is out & that’s it gonna be T. Walz so take that with a grain of salt. As a proud Trump supporter, I would like a Walz VP, lol.
she may win NC and GA

but I agree that if she wins those she will win PA
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1. Shapiro, 2. Kelly, 3. Walz. Any of those three work for me. Though I would probably have preferred Cooper over any of them.
Your post screams: how to say I am a Marxist without saying it.

Anywho, if she picks Walz that tells me she's either dumber that I thought, which would be metaphysically impossible, or she doesn't want to win.

It’s Walz. Unreal she didn’t pick Shapiro.
Not really,

The left would go nuts, all kinds of focus on Gaza, there would be a bigger mess at the convention than what they might have anyway, and the enthusiasm of the uneducated young voters in particular would crater.

It's a very defensive pick that demonstrates they think they can beat Trump as long as they don't piss off the far left as Trump will keep doing their work for them pissing off any stray moderates who might otherwise vote for him.
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Not really,

The left would go nuts, all kinds of focus on Gaza, there would be a bigger mess at the convention than what they might have anyway, and the enthusiasm of the uneducated young voters in particular would crater.

It's a very defensive pick that demonstrates they think they can beat Trump as long as they don't piss off the far left as Trump will keep doing their work for them pissing off any stray moderates who might otherwise vote for him.
But how will the center react. You now have a senator that was ranked as the most liberal senator on a ticket with a guy that was endorsed by Bernie.
But how will the center react. You now have a senator that was ranked as the most liberal senator on a ticket with a guy that was endorsed by Bernie.
Who is going to tell the center that? CNN? The New York Times? MSNBC? Any of the 3 "regular" networks? I mean Harris is being reinvented on a daily basis as the tough prosecutor, she avoids all interviews, am sure she will sit down with Oprah or George S on ABC for a friendly chat and say they have had their tough interview.

You are 100% right but the voter has to perform their own diligence to figure that out. To be clear, it is not the least bit difficult to figure out but I will never overestimate the ability of most voters to do so.

This guy also is a great target for how handled COVID, riots and such, but Trump has a difficult time attacking someone on certain issues without coming across as a racist or simply reminding moderates why they didn't vote for him last time. I mean the ads against Harris and Walz just write themselves, but Trump has not demonstrated the personal ability to deliver the message without turning off those he must persuade.
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Who is going to tell the center that? CNN? The New York Times? MSNBC? Any of the 3 "regular" networks? I mean Harris is being reinvented on a daily basis as the tough prosecutor, she avoids all interviews, am sure she will sit down with Oprah or George S on ABC for a friendly chat and say they have had their tough interview.

You are 100% right but the voter has to perform their own diligence to figure that out. To be clear, it is not the least bit difficult to figure out but I will never overestimate the ability of most voters to do so.
I would imagine GA, NC, PA, WI and MI are going to be flooded with ads of Kamala saying the border is secure, accompanied by images of border agents being overran and Walz presiding over the Minneapolis riots. Then it would be easy to run ads of Kamala's word salads when asked how she'll address inflation and the cloud. Middle class soccer moms might not be thrilled with equity.
Not really,

The left would go nuts, all kinds of focus on Gaza, there would be a bigger mess at the convention than what they might have anyway, and the enthusiasm of the uneducated young voters in particular would crater.

It's a very defensive pick that demonstrates they think they can beat Trump as long as they don't piss off the far left as Trump will keep doing their work for them pissing off any stray moderates who might otherwise vote for him.
I don’t disagree with your analysis, and I’m not sure picking Walz will cost her many votes. However, I do believe Shapiro would have brought a significant percentage of moderate voters to her side. Now, the ticket is super liberal no matter how you slice it.
I would imagine GA, NC, PA, WI and MI are going to be flooded with ads of Kamala saying the border is secure, accompanied by images of border agents being overran and Walz presiding over the Minneapolis riots. Then it would be easy to run ads of Kamala's word salads when asked how she'll address inflation and the cloud. Middle class soccer moms might not be thrilled with equity.
Agree with all that. And Walz didn't do any better with the schools than he did with the riots. But the key is making Harris own the words she has said in the past, and not allow the reinvention to continue
I don’t disagree with your analysis, and I’m not sure picking Walz will cost her many votes. However, I do believe Shapiro would have brought a significant percentage of moderate voters to her side. Now, the ticket is super liberal no matter how you slice it.
Yes it is. But the calculus might be that I am willing to piss off a few moderates in exchange for enthusiasm from young left wing radicals on college campuses and elsewhere. Said differently, I can still win by losing a few moderates, but I can't win if the far left, particularly the young far left, decides to stay home because I named someone who supports Israel (and happens to be Jewish) as my running mate. The far left put her on notice and she blinked.
Agree with all that. And Walz didn't do any better with the schools than he did with the riots. But the key is making Harris own the words she has said in the past, and not allow the reinvention to continue
Honestly, if the Pub machine can't make an effective case against Harris by using her own words, we're to far down the road to turn back anyway. Trump's demeanor and Harris's stammering and cackling aside, the choice couldn't be clearer. We are a country that believes in self sufficiency and capitalism or we aren't.
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Honestly, if the Pub machine can't make an effective case against Harris by using her own words, we're to far down the road to turn back anyway. Trump's demeanor and Harris's stammering and cackling aside, the choice couldn't be clearer. We are a country that believes in self sufficiency and capitalism or we aren't.
I have made this argument before but I am afraid a lot of the voters under say 30 years old don't believe that any more. Partly due to what they have been taught in schools, partly due to parents who don't believe in it or don't really understand what it means. The lack of critical thinking among most of the young is just scary. And I know of exceptions but in most cases they are kids who attended schools that still teach American history or kids (mostly male) who have great role models at home. And there are entire classes of citizens (government workers, certain union members, certain students) who view Trump as a threat to their free lunch or potential free lunch. When you basically can't get fired from your job, or one candidate is trying the best they can (damn the constitution) to forgive your loans, you don't care a lot about self sufficiency and capitalism. I hope I am wrong.
Yes it is. But the calculus might be that I am willing to piss off a few moderates in exchange for enthusiasm from young left wing radicals on college campuses and elsewhere. Said differently, I can still win by losing a few moderates, but I can't win if the far left, particularly the young far left, decides to stay home because I named someone who supports Israel (and happens to be Jewish) as my running mate. The far left put her on notice and she blinked.
When you basically can't get fired from your job, or one candidate is trying the best they can (damn the constitution) to forgive your loans, you don't care a lot about self sufficiency and capitalism. I hope I am wrong.

Show them this and if it doesn't work, the lesson will be learned the hard way.


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