Clay Higgins and Ohio Haitians

Meant to reply here.

Why should the legal Haitians be removed from Springfield? Seriously why? By just living in Springfield, what laws are they breaking that would require them to be removed? I'm intrigued at the thought process.

This is meant for the entire 20k as a group. Not the just ones allegedly breaking the law.

This is a little trick leftist love to play.

Never apologize for or need to feel the need to justify the self proving concept that America is for Americans only.

It's our land and the only land we have. Never surrender it.
Meant to reply here.

Why should the legal Haitians be removed from Springfield? Seriously why? By just living in Springfield, what laws are they breaking that would require them to be removed? I'm intrigued at the thought process.

This is meant for the entire 20k as a group. Not the just ones allegedly breaking the law.
WTH? Why should any community anywhere be forced to deal with 20,000 foreigners? Why is the US the Worlds dumping ground?

Don’t you have any compassion for the residents ?
Show me their card.
Maybe if trump got off his ass and wasn't playing golf half the time, an infrastructure plan could've been passed and Springfield would be better off. Ever think of that?

Okay...apologies good sir. But, my simple brain made of molten rock and unable to fully comprehend the most complex of human logic and stuck on a simple understanding of how granite feldspars are rarely sericitized, did reach this conclusion:

This might be the absolute dumbest two sentences ever written on this board. No insult meant, good sir. You are not dumb...just those two sentences. I am positive that you are a kind human and your females find you beyond reproach and an acceptable mate. But, had I not read (with my fiery-hot eyes that Lava-Ladies love) the post myself, I would have sworn it was written by two Magma-Boys trying to troll the rock kids of Pebble Town. No, that's too far. It would have been Rock-Teens. They are the absolute worst.

But, I digress. Maybe I need more time on the surface to cool and learn your complicated ways.
Okay...apologies good sir. But, my simple brain made of molten rock and unable to fully comprehend the most complex of human logic and stuck on a simple understanding of how granite feldspars are rarely sericitized, did reach this conclusion:

This might be the absolute dumbest two sentences ever written on this board. No insult meant, good sir. You are not dumb...just those two sentences. I am positive that you are a kind human and your females find you beyond reproach and an acceptable mate. But, had I not read (with my fiery-hot eyes that Lava-Ladies love) the post myself, I would have sworn it was written by two Magma-Boys trying to troll the rock kids of Pebble Town. No, that's too far. It would have been Rock-Teens. They are the absolute worst.

But, I digress. Maybe I need more time on the surface to cool and learn your complicated ways.
They aren’t the 2 dumbest , he’s written way dumber than this. Stick around, you’ll see.
They aren’t the 2 dumbest , he’s written way dumber than this. Stick around, you’ll see.
That reminds me of a joke:

"Why did the lava apply for a desk job? Because it was tired of being a rock star and wanted to settle down in a solid career, but it kept getting fired up for not being able to handle the heat. Plus, it heard the benefits were magma-nificent, but it couldn't quite mineral-ize its application before it cooled down."

My apologies. Lava-humor is likely not for everyone.

This is a little trick leftist love to play.

Never apologize for or need to feel the need to justify the self proving concept that America is for Americans only.

It's our land and the only land we have. Never surrender it.
So no immigration at all? None, even if it's legal? Is that your position?
WTH? Why should any community anywhere be forced to deal with 20,000 foreigners? Why is the US the Worlds dumping ground?

Don’t you have any compassion for the residents ?
Sure I do. But my compassion doesn't mean anything if the 20k that moved in did so legally (I have yet to see anything to the contrary). But again Springfield officials decided to inject 20k people into the population. It's not an issue of where they came from. It's the fact the came from anywhere and Springfield wasnt set up for it. That's on them; they were set up to fail from the beginning, regardless of it's Haitians, swedish super models or south GA farmers. That's just poor planning.

Have you found any evidence they are here illegally? Seriously. Anything?
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What’s your ethnic background and where did your people come from?

now that you have clearly established your position, i now ask that you show your work on "all" Haitians living in Springfield being here illegally? Not your opinion...factual information that supports the position.

You are making the's on you to prove.

I will wait.
You show that they are legal. What an arrogant stupid response. We can be confident the vast and I mean vast majority crossed the border illegally like to other 10 to 20 million who are here now. You will wait because you don’t give a crap. Unless it directly affects you who gives a crap how it affects the rest of the country.

The whole left arrogance of I know better than you schtick is amazing.
Have you found any evidence they are here illegally? Seriously. Anything?

My heat-riddled brain can only provide the following, regarding what is "legal" and how the current administration warped regulations to make some foreign nationals technically legal. The entire concept of "ILLEGAL" is rotten, when the Executive Branch actively seeks ways to bring in thousands (millions?) of immigrants, outside of the normal immigration process. They had a mother-molten-loving app, for crying out loud (please excuse my language)

The "issue" isn't really the "legal"'s the massive importation (whatever of not) of immigrants that would otherwise not be allowed in under normal, congressional-driven rules of migration. Finding loopholes to bypass the intent of the People's House is sketchy at best and fraud at worst. But, I'm not a smart "Hot Rock". So, who knows?

Anybody clinging to (NERD ALERT!) that they are not *technically* ILLEGAL *argle bargle*...*SNORT* is either actively ignoring the real issue or too dumb to understand it.

Full Text:

NEW: Another egregious case involving sanctuary policies in Fairfax County, VA.You’ll want to read this one fully.

ICE says a Venezuelan illegal alien who was caught & released at the TX border in October 2022 was charged months later in Fairfax County w/ malicious wounding, using a firearm in a felony, reckless handling of a firearm, and endangering a child. ICE placed a detainer request on him, but Fairfax County ignored it and released him from custody. Fairfax County police then arrested him again in June 2023 for using a firearm in commission of a felony.

ICE says they contacted the Fairfax County jail to place a detainer on him, but Fairfax County had already released him from custody - again. He was then arrested two more times this year, in February and in May, for DUI and hit and run. After both arrests, ICE says they placed detainer requests on him, but Fairfax County ignored ICE both times, and released him from custody each time.

Deportation officers from ICE’s DC office were finally able to find him and arrest him in Springfield, VA this month, and he remains in federal custody.

In this case, ICE says @fairfaxcounty ignored ICE detainer requests three times, and released this alleged violent illegal offender into the community four separate times. Who are these sanctuary policies really protecting?

“Yohandri Roger Mosquera-Rosas’ charges render him a significant threat to the residents of our Northern Virginia neighborhoods,” said ICE Washington, D.C. Field Office Director Liana Castano.

“Mosquera allegedly committed numerous firearms crimes, including one that apparently endangered a child. ICE Washington, D.C. will continue to prioritize the safety of our public by apprehending and removing egregious noncitizen offenders from our Washington, D.C. and Virginia communities.”

Full ICE statement:
You show that they are legal. What an arrogant stupid response. We can be confident the vast and I mean vast majority crossed the border illegally like to other 10 to 20 million who are here now. You will wait because you don’t give a crap. Unless it directly affects you who gives a crap how it affects the rest of the country.

The whole left arrogance of I know better than you schtick is amazing.
I'm not the one claiming anything. It's on those who claim they're here illegally to show their work and prove it. It's their allegation. That's how this works. It's not arogance. It's asking folks to provide facts to support their arguments. Not just using their feelings.

Are you now claiming the Haitians in Springfield crossed the border illegally? Can you prove that? Or is that your opinion?

My heat-riddled brain can only provide the following, regarding what is "legal" and how the current administration warped regulations to make some foreign nationals technically legal. The entire concept of "ILLEGAL" is rotten, when the Executive Branch actively seeks ways to bring in thousands (millions?) of immigrants, outside of the normal immigration process. They had a mother-molten-loving app, for crying out loud (please excuse my language)

The "issue" isn't really the "legal"'s the massive importation (whatever of not) of immigrants that would otherwise not be allowed in under normal, congressional-driven rules of migration. Finding loopholes to bypass the intent of the People's House is sketchy at best and fraud at worst. But, I'm not a smart "Hot Rock". So, who knows?

Anybody clinging to (NERD ALERT!) that they are not *technically* ILLEGAL *argle bargle*...*SNORT* is either actively ignoring the real issue or too dumb to understand it.

Full Text:

NEW: Another egregious case involving sanctuary policies in Fairfax County, VA.You’ll want to read this one fully.

ICE says a Venezuelan illegal alien who was caught & released at the TX border in October 2022 was charged months later in Fairfax County w/ malicious wounding, using a firearm in a felony, reckless handling of a firearm, and endangering a child. ICE placed a detainer request on him, but Fairfax County ignored it and released him from custody. Fairfax County police then arrested him again in June 2023 for using a firearm in commission of a felony.

ICE says they contacted the Fairfax County jail to place a detainer on him, but Fairfax County had already released him from custody - again. He was then arrested two more times this year, in February and in May, for DUI and hit and run. After both arrests, ICE says they placed detainer requests on him, but Fairfax County ignored ICE both times, and released him from custody each time.

Deportation officers from ICE’s DC office were finally able to find him and arrest him in Springfield, VA this month, and he remains in federal custody.

In this case, ICE says @fairfaxcounty ignored ICE detainer requests three times, and released this alleged violent illegal offender into the community four separate times. Who are these sanctuary policies really protecting?

“Yohandri Roger Mosquera-Rosas’ charges render him a significant threat to the residents of our Northern Virginia neighborhoods,” said ICE Washington, D.C. Field Office Director Liana Castano.

“Mosquera allegedly committed numerous firearms crimes, including one that apparently endangered a child. ICE Washington, D.C. will continue to prioritize the safety of our public by apprehending and removing egregious noncitizen offenders from our Washington, D.C. and Virginia communities.”

Full ICE statement:

So no evidence of Haitians in Springfield being here illegal. Just Venezuelans in Virginia? Got it. Those don't feel like similar issues.
I'm not the one claiming anything. It's on those who claim they're here illegally to show their work and prove it. It's their allegation. That's how this works. It's not arogance. It's asking folks to provide facts to support their arguments. Not just using their feelings.

Are you now claiming the Haitians in Springfield crossed the border illegally? Can you prove that? Or is that your opinion?

So no evidence of Haitians in Springfield being here illegal. Just Venezuelans in Virginia? Got it. Those don't feel like similar issues.
This is how they work. Same thing happened with vote fraud.

MAGA: makes unfounded claim.

Reasonable people: there is no evidence of MAGA claim.

MAGA: prove it!

Reasonable people: it’s your unfounded claim, you prove it.

MAGA: ……..

It’s mind-numbingly stupid.
This is how they work. Same thing happened with vote fraud.

MAGA: makes unfounded claim.

Reasonable people: there is no evidence of MAGA claim.

MAGA: prove it!

Reasonable people: it’s your unfounded claim, you prove it.

MAGA: ……..

It’s mind-numbingly stupid.

As lefty a point of view as you can get. And no matter what happened it is still mind numbingly stupid. They are here legally. Granted amnesty after being vetted. A plan devised in 2023 by the Biden/harris administration. 210000 Haitians have come to this country since this happened. 15000 settled in Springfield because there was work there. Well, now there isn’t any work and it is clobbering the current Americans living there. Why on earth when the poor are struggling so bad in this country and so many are living paycheck to paycheck, would you do this and drain our economy even further.

Once vetted and allowed in they were all given a ton of money to get started. All 210,000.

You guys are puffing you chest out about them not being illegal. Who gives a fvck? It is worse that they were given amnesty just a year ago. This was planned. So it makes it better that they aren’t illegal. Is this the same stupidity Kamala will operate with?

I get these folks wanted a better life. And they struggled in their country to eat. But as long as people are doing the same here, why in god’s green earth would we fix their problem before Americans already struggling here. I defy you to answer that question with any logic. It doesn’t exist.
This is how they work. Same thing happened with vote fraud.

MAGA: makes unfounded claim.

Reasonable people: there is no evidence of MAGA claim.

MAGA: prove it!

Reasonable people: it’s your unfounded claim, you prove it.

MAGA: ……..

It’s mind-numbingly stupid.
Exactly. We have to operate in a society where facts support your position. If you have the facts, share them. That's all I ask. It's not a leftist POV. It's basic debate.

This "prove me wrong " nonsense is exhausting.
Because Im sick of all the immigrants. Its really that simple.

I also feel like dumping 20,000 Haitians that cant speak the language , know nothing about our culture and dont seem to care into a small town in Ohio is so disrespectful to the citizens there that it makes my blood boil. Who did this?

Chicago has spent $500 million since 2021 on immigrants. The citizens are damn near rioting at City Council meetings. New York is destroyed. Why are we paying for this? And they come here and commit crimes and disrespect us, we are all targets to them.

Imagine how great Chicago would be if we spent $500 million on US citizens ? Housing, mental health care , drug addiction centers, parks and sports. But no, we give it to people that hate us. F these people . I hope Trump rounds them up as fast as humanly possible. If youre illegal and get arrested for a felony, you get detained by ICE and deported immediately. I would help for free.
It’s pathetic to come into to the country illegally with no intention of assimilating, having their hands out to take tax $ support…yet alone committing crimes. Bottom line, I blame our govt for the most part and dem voters for helping dem politicians that allowing the influx of illegals to enter the country. There is a legal way to come to America…the Biden/kamala regime is beyond ridiculous, open borders = f’ that. The amount of $ taking from this he tax payers for illegal means is throwing people’s $ down the toilet.
Exactly. We have to operate in a society where facts support your position. If you have the facts, share them. That's all I ask. It's not a leftist POV. It's basic debate.

This "prove me wrong " nonsense is exhausting.
Facts. Biden/harris approved vetted amnesty for over 210000 Haitians. 15000 settled in Springfield because at that time work was plentiful in this great small town. Fact. Tensions have risen because now work isn’t plentiful and throwing that many people into any small town is a huge issue.

Why do this when we are already struggling lien crazy here? Why not fix our own problems first. Makes no sense. And is beyond stupid.
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Facts. Biden/harris approved vetted amnesty for over 210000 Haitians. 15000 settled in Springfield because at that time work was plentiful in this great small town. Fact. Tensions have risen because now work isn’t plentiful and throwing that many people into any small town is a huge issue.

Why do this when we are already struggling lien crazy here? Why not fix our own problems first. Makes no sense. And is beyond stupid.
Facts: none of us had heard a word about Haitian’s in Springfield until Trump amplified a LIE during a televised debate about black savages eating people’s pets.

Facts: JD Vance is a senator from the state in question and his first mention of Haitians was when he amplified the unfounded social media rumor about pet consumption about twenty four hours before the debate. His office called the city and was told there were no reports and no evidence of black savages eating pets and Trump went with the LIE anyway.

If it was such an awful problem for so long and so many people are unhappy, how did the Senator for OH, whose number one campaign issue is illegal immigration, fail to mention this huge problem even once before debate prep?

And on what do you base your assertion that “tensions have risen”? Because Trump and Vance say so? You aren’t hearing that from the mayor or the Republican governor.

You can try to Trumpsplain the situation all you want. It doesn’t wash the stink off.

And if there are any doubts remaining about how the GOP wants to use these dog whistles, just see Clay Higgin’s tweet.
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Facts: none of us had heard a word about Haitian’s in Springfield until Trump amplified a LIE during a televised debate about black savages eating people pets.

Facts: JD Vance is a senator from the state in question and his first mention of Haitians was when he amplified the unfounded social media rumor about pet rating about twenty four hours before the debate. His office called the city and was told there were no reports and no evidence of black savages eating pets and Trump went with the LIE anyway.

If it was such an awful problem for so long and so many people are unhappy, how did the Senator for OH whose number one campaign issue is illegal immigration’s fail to mention this huge problem even once.

And on what do you base your assertion that “tensions have risen”? Because Trump and Vance say so? You aren’t hearing that from the mayor or the Republican governor.

You can try to Trumpsplain the situation all you want. It doesn’t wash the stink off.
MSM does not cover anything bad for Kameltoe.

Meanwhile, which one for these kids is yours? The parents of these poor, brainwashed kids are the core base voting D these days.

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Facts. Biden/harris approved vetted amnesty for over 210000 Haitians. 15000 settled in Springfield because at that time work was plentiful in this great small town. Fact. Tensions have risen because now work isn’t plentiful and throwing that many people into any small town is a huge issue.

Why do this when we are already struggling lien crazy here? Why not fix our own problems first. Makes no sense. And is beyond stupid.
You STILL haven't shown they're here illegally. That's my WHOLE POINT.

I agree with you that an influx to a population puts a strain on resources. That's math. And Ohio screwed that up.

But to assert they are here illegally without providing information to support the position is increasingly infuriating. I'm all for deporting illegal immigrants. But I'm not for deporting those who haven't broken the law or deporting them because you don't like the fact they are there legally.

I don't like some of my neighbors because they aren't nice people. And I can't do anything about that (some are legal immigrants...)....
Facts: none of us had heard a word about Haitian’s in Springfield until Trump amplified a LIE during a televised debate about black savages eating people’s pets.

Facts: JD Vance is a senator from the state in question and his first mention of Haitians was when he amplified the unfounded social media rumor about pet consumption about twenty four hours before the debate. His office called the city and was told there were no reports and no evidence of black savages eating pets and Trump went with the LIE anyway.

If it was such an awful problem for so long and so many people are unhappy, how did the Senator for OH, whose number one campaign issue is illegal immigration, fail to mention this huge problem even once before debate prep?

And on what do you base your assertion that “tensions have risen”? Because Trump and Vance say so? You aren’t hearing that from the mayor or the Republican governor.

You can try to Trumpsplain the situation all you want. It doesn’t wash the stink off.

And if there are any doubts remaining about how the GOP wants to use these dog whistles, just see Clay Higgin’s tweet.
Yep. You didn’t answer the question. Why when people are struggling here would would grant amnesty to 210000 people and launch them into communities all over the country. When you have people, Americans, already here struggling to eat every day.? That isn’t a Trumpsplain. It is have a brain for once. Use it. Not a good idea unless you have a political purpose behind it. You know this. And no deflection will explain it away. Because it makes absolutely zero sense

I am glad they did bring attention to the massive continued incompetence of your elected administration
You STILL haven't shown they're here illegally. That's my WHOLE POINT.

I agree with you that an influx to a population puts a strain on resources. That's math. And Ohio screwed that up.

But to assert they are here illegally without providing information to support the position is increasingly infuriating. I'm all for deporting illegal immigrants. But I'm not for deporting those who haven't broken the law or deporting them because you don't like the fact they are there legally.

I don't like some of my neighbors because they aren't nice people. And I can't do anything about that (some are legal immigrants...)....
I just did in the article above. It explains everything. They are here legally since 2023, 210000 of them. Still unbelievably short sighted and stupid of this admin to grant them amnesty while other AMERICANS are struggling. Which is why the economy approval rating was so low. Why don’t we make it worse? That is what they did. It is ignorsnt. Politically driven. And stupid beyond belief. Them being legal makes it worse imo.(temporarily amnesty)
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You STILL haven't shown they're here illegally. That's my WHOLE POINT.

I agree with you that an influx to a population puts a strain on resources. That's math. And Ohio screwed that up.

But to assert they are here illegally without providing information to support the position is increasingly infuriating. I'm all for deporting illegal immigrants. But I'm not for deporting those who haven't broken the law or deporting them because you don't like the fact they are there legally.

I don't like some of my neighbors because they aren't nice people. And I can't do anything about that (some are legal immigrants...)....
His point is kind of the whole point of this board. It was a political decision that made them legal. And the result is symptomatic of a huge issue in this country.
Her friend. Got it.

You know, Haitians don’t eat dogs or cats in Haiti. Super weird that they’ve decided to start hunting the neighborhood pets here in the US when food is plentiful and according to you guys they are all on government assistance.
There are a lot of ppl saying it's true. Who are you to affirmatively conclude it's not true? So you live there? Meanwhile, you're voting for this crap. How long until millions decide not to pay taxes? Nobody voted for this.

So no immigration at all? None, even if it's legal? Is that your position?

Sure I do. But my compassion doesn't mean anything if the 20k that moved in did so legally (I have yet to see anything to the contrary). But again Springfield officials decided to inject 20k people into the population. It's not an issue of where they came from. It's the fact the came from anywhere and Springfield wasnt set up for it. That's on them; they were set up to fail from the beginning, regardless of it's Haitians, swedish super models or south GA farmers. That's just poor planning.

Have you found any evidence they are here illegally? Seriously. Anything?
Well, theres the fact that a shitload of Haitians just showed up out of nowhere. How in the heck do a bunch of people from an island nation get to the middle of Ohio legally? Any rational answer at all? Anything?

Planning? I dont think there was much planning involved here. At all.
You STILL haven't shown they're here illegally. That's my WHOLE POINT.

I agree with you that an influx to a population puts a strain on resources. That's math. And Ohio screwed that up.

But to assert they are here illegally without providing information to support the position is increasingly infuriating. I'm all for deporting illegal immigrants. But I'm not for deporting those who haven't broken the law or deporting them because you don't like the fact they are there legally.

I don't like some of my neighbors because they aren't nice people. And I can't do anything about that (some are legal immigrants...)....
You honestly think Ohio asked for this? Do you think Texas asked for 10 million coming there? Your position here is so strange I cant wrap my head around it.
Her friend. Got it.

You know, Haitians don’t eat dogs or cats in Haiti. Super weird that they’ve decided to start hunting the neighborhood pets here in the US when food is plentiful and according to you guys they are all on government assistance.
How do you know they dont eat dogs and cats in Haiti? You dont, youre just making stuff up .
Facts: none of us had heard a word about Haitian’s in Springfield until Trump amplified a LIE during a televised debate about black savages eating people’s pets.

Facts: JD Vance is a senator from the state in question and his first mention of Haitians was when he amplified the unfounded social media rumor about pet consumption about twenty four hours before the debate. His office called the city and was told there were no reports and no evidence of black savages eating pets and Trump went with the LIE anyway.

If it was such an awful problem for so long and so many people are unhappy, how did the Senator for OH, whose number one campaign issue is illegal immigration, fail to mention this huge problem even once before debate prep?

And on what do you base your assertion that “tensions have risen”? Because Trump and Vance say so? You aren’t hearing that from the mayor or the Republican governor.

You can try to Trumpsplain the situation all you want. It doesn’t wash the stink off.

And if there are any doubts remaining about how the GOP wants to use these dog whistles, just see Clay Higgin’s tweet.
This is false. There were videos about this in July. How do you think Trump and others heard about it?

And most people feel exactly like Higgins do. F these people. Take care of Americans.
How do you know they dont eat dogs and cats in Haiti? You dont, youre just making stuff up .
Dogs and cats are not known to be eaten by Haitians the way that dogs are regularly consumed in Korea and dogs and cats are sometimes eaten in China. Has any Haitian ever eaten a dog or a cat? Anything is possible, but traditional Haitian culture does not include eating cats and dogs.

The one woman who directly claimed Haitians has eaten her cat found it locked in her own basement. Why won’t someone come forward and make the claim that their animal was eaten by Haitians? Because it isn’t true.

This is an old trope, one of many, used to dehumanize and “other” people, which then justifies any level of abuse or extra-judicial treatment one can devise. It doesn’t count because they are savages.

Throughout our history, this general approach has been used on blacks, the Irish and other Catholics, Asians and any other ethnic group people feel threatened by. There’s nothing new about it.

And there’s still no credible proof of Haitians eating pets. Just like there no credible proof of voter fraud. Y’all trade in conspiracies and rumors and then get angry when we point out the bullshit.

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Dogs and cats are not known to be eaten by Haitians the way that dogs are regularly consumed in Korea and dogs and cats are sometimes eaten in China. Has any Haitian ever eaten a dog or a cat? Anything is possible, but traditional Haitian culture does not include eating cats and dogs.

The one woman who directly claimed Haitians has eaten her cat found it locked in her own basement. Why won’t someone come forward and make the claim that their animal was eaten by Haitians? Because it isn’t true.

This is an old trope, one of many, used to dehumanize and “other” people, which then justifies any level of abuse or extra-judicial treatment one can devise. It doesn’t count because they are savages.

Throughout our history, this general approach has been used on blacks, the Irish and other Catholics, Asians and any other ethnic group people feel threatened by. There’s nothing new about it.

And there’s still no credible proof of Haitians eating pets. Just like there no credible proof of voter fraud. Y’all trade in conspiracies and rumors and then get angry when we point out the bullshit.

Maybe because all the rumors and conspiracies turned out to be true afrer all?
Right. Which ones, based on what proof?
Masks, 6 ft distancing, Covid vaccines didnt work, Hunters laptop, 51 Intelligence officials, Russian collusion, The Steele dossier and on and on and on. I can think of more for you in a few minutes. Give me a sec.
Masks, 6 ft distancing, Covid vaccines didnt work, Hunters laptop, 51 Intelligence officials, Russian collusion, The Steele dossier and on and on and on. I can think of more for you in a few minutes. Give me a sec.
Ok. Everything is a conspiracy, right?

Masks and distancing were based on what was known at the time. You may remember that the Covid hoax killed over 1m Americans.

Covid vaccines saved many, many thousands of lives. If you don’t think that’s the case you don’t believe in science, which I understand is quite likely.

Hunter’s laptop, or more accurately the hard drive copy from Hunter’s laptop, contained legitimate information. The 51 intelligence people never claims they had proof it was a Russian operation, and five years later they still have nothing to charge Joe with.

Trump asked for help from Russia and Russia provided it. Even the Republican senate intelligence committee confirmed that. That may not constitute breaking the law, but it sure as hell isn’t a fake conspiracy claim.

Still no proof of voter fraud. Did you see that just this week Newsmax settled their defamation case with Smartmatic and Rudy was officially disbarred in DC for his lies about election fraud? Those events are what proof points look like, along with the $780m Fox settlement.
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Ok. Everything is a conspiracy, right?

Masks and distancing were based on what was known at the time. You may remember that the Covid hoax killed over 1m Americans.

Covid vaccines saved many, many thousands of lives. If you don’t think that’s the case you don’t believe in science, which I understand is quite likely.

Hunter’s laptop, or more accurately the hard drive copy from Hunter’s laptop, contained legitimate information. The 51 intelligence people never claims they had proof it was a Russian operation, and five years later they still have nothing to charge Joe with.

Trump asked for help from Russia and Russia provided it. Even the Republican senate intelligence committee confirmed that. That may not constitute breaking the law, but it sure as hell isn’t a fake conspiracy claim.

Still no proof of voter fraud. Did you see that just this week Newsmax settled their defamation case with Smartmatic and Rudy was officially disbarred in DC for his lies about election fraud? Those events are what proof points look like, along with the $780m Fox settlement.
Ok have a nice day. You stay in your alternate universe and Ill stay in mine.
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