CNN has extended the, "Iran will strike" panic bullshyt


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
Jun 28, 2016
into next week from the supposed retaliation by yesterday (Friday). Iran knows if they do pull anything, it will be met X10 and maybe even mean regime change in Iran. That's what they protect the most, their own asses.
What would you do if you were making that call for the Iduntoldya's military?
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into next week from the supposed retaliation by yesterday (Friday). Iran knows if they do pull anything, it will be met X10 and maybe even mean regime change in Iran. That's what they protect the most, their own asses.
What would you do if you were making that call for the Iduntoldya's military?
I’d park my Sopworth Camel if I were them.
into next week from the supposed retaliation by yesterday (Friday). Iran knows if they do pull anything, it will be met X10 and maybe even mean regime change in Iran. That's what they protect the most, their own asses.
What would you do if you were making that call for the Iduntoldya's military?

I'd pull a "Biden" and send a handful of misguided missiles.
maybe with a payload of US dollars.!?
Why is CNN and NBC so anti-Semitic/anti-Israel?

Do they ever talk about the US or Israeli hostages?
Because they are the government propaganda sites also known as the Communist
I'd pull a "Biden" and send a handful of misguided missiles.
maybe with a payload of US dollars.!?
Or some trans in high heels and tutu’s. Man that would scare the hell out of them.
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