-First, I thought Gordon Beckham did a really nice job, especially off the cuff. He has a dry, self deprecating style of humor that resonated well. I loved his stories from his playing days, especially the Ryan Peisal bus story from Arkansas in 2008... Gordo was very complementary of Perno during his talk as well.
-The organizers made a good decision in reducing the live auction items down to four. It was closer to ten two years ago (I didn't go last year) and that part of the evening was too long... very streamlined this year.
-Miss RedRain and I each grabbed a couple of silent auction items. We felt like George Costanza guarding the suit as the moments ticked away.
-One silent auction item was a Mark Fox autographed picture. It did not collect a single bid (nor did a number of other items)... I'm not as anti Fox as a number of others, but I thought that was interesting.
-Captains for the season were named. Keegan McGovern and Michael Curry. Rare to see a sophomore captain, but I know they love the way he works.
-Two freshman players sat at our table. Both are all business. I mean that in a good way. I like the way that almost all those guys carry themselves.
-Mike Mancuso was seated at our table in 2014. I doubt we'll ever top the entertainment/ enjoyment of that... I'll miss Mike. That guy has a very bright future.
-Speaking of former players, very few showed up. That was disappointing. I was hoping to see some guys from the '11 team and reminiss a little about some of those games. Not sure what the deal was, but very few former guys were there, that I saw.
-Good event overall. We'll have a game under our belts this time next week.
-The organizers made a good decision in reducing the live auction items down to four. It was closer to ten two years ago (I didn't go last year) and that part of the evening was too long... very streamlined this year.
-Miss RedRain and I each grabbed a couple of silent auction items. We felt like George Costanza guarding the suit as the moments ticked away.
-One silent auction item was a Mark Fox autographed picture. It did not collect a single bid (nor did a number of other items)... I'm not as anti Fox as a number of others, but I thought that was interesting.
-Captains for the season were named. Keegan McGovern and Michael Curry. Rare to see a sophomore captain, but I know they love the way he works.
-Two freshman players sat at our table. Both are all business. I mean that in a good way. I like the way that almost all those guys carry themselves.
-Mike Mancuso was seated at our table in 2014. I doubt we'll ever top the entertainment/ enjoyment of that... I'll miss Mike. That guy has a very bright future.
-Speaking of former players, very few showed up. That was disappointing. I was hoping to see some guys from the '11 team and reminiss a little about some of those games. Not sure what the deal was, but very few former guys were there, that I saw.
-Good event overall. We'll have a game under our belts this time next week.