Damn - $6,965 in donations already for our beggar coach ...


Pillar of the DawgVent
Jan 4, 2012
Might be time for ole Keef to have a convenient little tragedy. I need a real nice free vacation. About 5 grand would get it done in style for me. Hell, I could make do with around 3.
Ha -- this online begging kinda trips me out ..

Pushes a button. Call me an old fart.

And you'd be right.
Not commenting directly to this incident, but what ever happened to pride and men being men? I see these GFMe post on FB all the time now. If you are a man and choose to take a family, you have a few responsibilities: 1: roof over their heads 2: Food on the table 3: Clothes on their back. Freaking do it. Why is it the chats job to take care of your family? Then you advertise it on Go fund me? Basically, you are advertising, "hey, I didn't take care of my family like a man, so, can you bail me out?" Am I missing something? Renters insurance is like 12 bucks a month. Am I just cold hearted or do other chatters feel this way? If cold hearted, don't worry, not the first time I will have heard that.