Dang, that trout was caught where I fish ever year. About 20min from the


War Daddy
May 29, 2001
Lake house. Wifey's cousin is/was a fishing guide on the White River. He takes us a couple times a year. We catch 20-30 ever trip. Nowhere near that big, but plenty of fish and plenty of fun.
Most are rainbows, but we'll catch a brown every now n then. They're a little bigger than the rainbows, but Gary will have us release them unless they're really big; says to let them get really big.
We drift by Bill and Hitlarys Whitewater property every trip.
If anyone is interested in a trout trip, let me know. I'll hook you up with the Master. He's a great guy and knows how to catch trout fo sho.
Oh hell yeah. He has us use lightweight gear. Says it's easier to feel

them hit the line. I figure cause we don't know what the hell we're doing and he's trying to help anyway he can.
Re: Oh hell yeah. He has us use lightweight gear. Says it's easier to feel

I took my big boss fishing when I worked for extension. He asked me if I thought we should change the line on the reel he was using. Told him no. He got a 10 pound bass right up to the boat and the line popped. Was wishing I hadn't told him that.