decorated marine attacked


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jun 22, 2001
in mcdonalds by a group of blacks . he was asked if " black lives mattered " , he didn't respond , he just wanted to eat and leave . they jumped him as he left , they beat the crap out of him and then robbed him . i can't understand why these types don't understand the meaning of COWARD ! back in the day , peer pressure would have stopped these group attacks on one , it usually was one on one confrontations, the word COWARD meant something ! i am afraid it's only going to get worse .
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in mcdonalds by a group of blacks . he was asked if " black lives mattered " , he didn't respond , he wanted to eat and leave . they jumped him as he left , they beat the crap out of him and then robbed him . i can't understand why these types don't understand the meaning of COWARD ! back in the day , peer pressure would have stopped these group attacks on one , it usually was one on one confrontations, the word COWARD meant something ! i am afraid it's only going to get worse .
I heard about this. This is sad
Too bad he wasn't carrying a firearm to defend himself.

It's a sad state of affairs when you can't even go to McDonalds without getting harassed by thugs.
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in mcdonalds by a group of blacks . he was asked if " black lives mattered " , he didn't respond , he just wanted to eat and leave . they jumped him as he left , they beat the crap out of him and then robbed him . i can't understand why these types don't understand the meaning of COWARD ! back in the day , peer pressure would have stopped these group attacks on one , it usually was one on one confrontations, the word COWARD meant something ! i am afraid it's only going to get worse .

DC police haven't corroborated the jarhead's story. calls b.s. on the details. Silly jarhead should've used the drive-thru.
DC police haven't corroborated the jarhead's story. calls b.s. on the details. Silly jarhead should've used the drive-thru.
One on one, that "silly jarhead" would whip your ass like he "owned" it. Maybe just maybe with that silly party you support, you will get to face down ISIS in your neighborhood without those silly jarheads. I bet you would scream for government like a silly little bitch.
Too bad he wasn't carrying a firearm to defend himself.

It's a sad state of affairs when you can't even go to McDonalds without getting harassed by thugs.

DC police haven't corroborated the jarhead's story. calls b.s. on the details. Silly jarhead should've used the drive-thru.

yeah pug , ok............i heard the guy give the details of what happened and they showed the video tonight . he walked out the door and some black guy hit him in the BACK OF THE HEAD with an object . he was robbed and left face down , in fact they about tore his clothes off trying to get every dime from his pockets . he said a cab driver took him home , even though he had no money . he wants to find the cabbie and pay him . this is a bunch of sorry a$$ black cowards !
DC police haven't corroborated the jarhead's story. calls b.s. on the details. Silly jarhead should've used the drive-thru.

Says a jr member of the BLM movement. The video lies I guess huh Skippy? Racist white punk eating while black ppl are being killed their black brothers...How dare him......oh, you're a moonbat.
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DC police haven't corroborated the jarhead's story. calls b.s. on the details. Silly jarhead should've used the drive-thru.
Wrong!!! (yet again) There is a video of the incident that authorities are reviewing in order to make an arrest. You might want to watch it so you can see the kind of people that you are supporting and defending.

Snopes is not much different than a lot of liberal fish wrappers.

You may want to branch out a little on your reading sources. You're batting about .050.
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Poor white pug this isn't going well for him
Suicide watch
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DC police haven't corroborated the jarhead's story. calls b.s. on the details. Silly jarhead should've used the drive-thru.
You trying to spin this it does not help that you freaking libs won't let him have a gun.