First three ain't coming. Last two likely not either as they have it made in the B12. Dantonio is a hoss and would.
Next level: Dabo, Fisher, Freeze, B Kelly, Whittingham, Graham, Shaw, Rodriquez, Stoops, Mullen, Bilema, N.C. guy. Most would come. Most, not all. Shaw wouldn't. Fisher's personal life wouldn't fit at Georgia, Auburn, Bama, Ole Miss so forget him.
Hot young names left out there are Herman and M Ruhle. They would crawl to Athens.
Assistants in demand: Smart, Pruitt. Maybe Cristobal (rumored to be Miami's choice).
Ex Coach Butch Davis would have the most talented team in America in 3 years and some level of heat by year 4.
Next Georgia coach's name is likely not on that partial list off the top of my head.
Next level: Dabo, Fisher, Freeze, B Kelly, Whittingham, Graham, Shaw, Rodriquez, Stoops, Mullen, Bilema, N.C. guy. Most would come. Most, not all. Shaw wouldn't. Fisher's personal life wouldn't fit at Georgia, Auburn, Bama, Ole Miss so forget him.
Hot young names left out there are Herman and M Ruhle. They would crawl to Athens.
Assistants in demand: Smart, Pruitt. Maybe Cristobal (rumored to be Miami's choice).
Ex Coach Butch Davis would have the most talented team in America in 3 years and some level of heat by year 4.
Next Georgia coach's name is likely not on that partial list off the top of my head.