no matter what libs say about australian gun laws, the gun buy back was " mandatory " . they outlawed the guns prior to the buy back .
You worry about the wrong things, I'm sure the big thieves laugh their asses off at how easy it is to control so many. Just keep you jousting air while they steal the country blind.
You worry about the wrong things, I'm sure the big thieves laugh their asses off at how easy it is to control so many. Just keep you jousting air while they steal the country blind.
they had no choice, the guns had been registered with the govt and they knew where they were . an Australian coworker told me, don't allow federal gun registration, it's the first step toward confiscation ! WHO ME WORRY !
You worry about the wrong things, I'm sure the big thieves laugh their asses off at how easy it is to control so many. Just keep you jousting air while they steal the country blind.
Most of them are members of the NRA. I am not BTW; but I am a strong supporter of the 2nd. I have hunted since I was 12 and I served in the Army. I taught my children how to hunt and fish and I will teach my grandchildren if I live long enough. When someone takes your gun let me know, don't think its happening. But we do need to do background checks, not cause they stop crazy people from killing children, but because I don't think we should turn a blind eye and sell guns to certain people. I know they can get them illegally, but hell people can steal cars too, but that does not mean I leave the keys in it and make it matter what libs say about australian gun laws, the gun buy back was " mandatory " . they outlawed the guns prior to the buy back .
Most of them are members of the NRA. I am not BTW; but I am a strong supporter of the 2nd. I have hunted since I was 12 and I served in the Army. I taught my children how to hunt and fish and I will teach my grandchildren if I live long enough. When someone takes your gun let me know, don't think its happening. But we do need to do background checks, not cause they stop crazy people from killing children, but because I don't think we should turn a blind eye and sell guns to certain people. I know they can get them illegally, but hell people can steal cars too, but that does not mean I leave the keys in it and make it easier.
the nra fights everyday in support of the 2nd , they need members to pay for what they do. i also have hunted and fished my whole life, i now hunt with my kids and grandkids, i have tried to teach them to respect guns and to respect the natural world around them. it is a pleasure to watch these boys and girls learn how to handle weapons in a safe and legal way . by the way we already have background checks, but you listen to the libs, some don't even know that we do . i'm not quite as confident as you are about the libs not getting our guns or making laws so hard to comply with and way too expensive to be able to afford them and the ammo . of course , they want their guns and their security will have guns !
The NRA doesn't give a damn about the 2nd Ammendment or gun owners and their rights. The NRA is filled with the most soulless, heartless people on earth. They talk about those two issues because they know that plays well in the press to Americans. The NRA is a Washington lobby that supports gun manufacturers and their sole aim is to insure that the flow of guns remains as high as possible, safety be damn. The NRA has actively lobbied against enforcement of the existing gun laws they claim to support. They have actively worked to make sure there is no full time acting director of the ATF, and lobbied their ass off to stop the appointment of Todd Jones as the director of the ATF. What does the ATF do? Enforce existing gun laws. He later quit over a armor piercing bullet plan that would save officers lives. The NRA doesn't give a damn about how many kindergarteners are people are blown away.
**** the NRA, and I say that as someone who supports and believe people should be allowed to own guns. I also believe there are limited, that universal criminal and mental health brackground checks should be mandatory, gun training courses should be mandatory, and illegal guns should be tracked and destroyed. Guns aren't the only problem. The violence that is celebrated in our culture and mental health are also a problem. However, guns and the amount of them is part of the problem.
If we make a liberal vs conservative issue then we have nothing. We are being slowly divided by religion, politics, race, city vs rural south vs north. The more divided we are the easer we are to control.
I hear three people who all believe in guns and gun rights. I tell you I have and will protect your rights to have a gun and use it responsibly. I will not protect a criminal or mentally ill person who wants to do harm to innocents. And I do not need the NRA. All I need is my neighbors and countrymen.
I do not want to cause trouble here. My son is stationed in Georgia and my precious grandchildren are living there. The people called me Mr. and when I asked why they explained that its what they were taught. Another Georgian called my son a Great American.
No child will ever hurt themselves with my guns. They and the Ammo are locked up. My grandfather was a police officer, I never saw his service revolver unless he was on duty.
If you want to support the NRA, I have no problem My BIL does. But I have never belonged and never felt I needed them to protect my Constitutional Rights. I was never taught that a gun was for protection or shooting people. We used them for hunting and shooting. I was always taught safety first. Except when required in the Army I have never carried a weapon for self protection. Call me a good guy without a gun, unless there is a deer or quail or pheasant to be had.
ok ,gawga, i respect your opinion, i have heard the talking points before from the liberal press , i don't buy what you are selling . i want the gun manufacturers to be healthy and other manufactures also . as i stated , we already have back ground checks , plus the state i live in requires classroom study,range qualification, and the back ground check to receive a cwp . you mentioned the atf guy that resigned after he wanted to ban the tipped ammo that he claimed would penetrate armor , well several law enforcement groups reputed that claim . so there you go, you have your opinion and i have mine .
We already have back ground checksMost of them are members of the NRA. I am not BTW; but I am a strong supporter of the 2nd. I have hunted since I was 12 and I served in the Army. I taught my children how to hunt and fish and I will teach my grandchildren if I live long enough. When someone takes your gun let me know, don't think its happening. But we do need to do background checks, not cause they stop crazy people from killing children, but because I don't think we should turn a blind eye and sell guns to certain people. I know they can get them illegally, but hell people can steal cars too, but that does not mean I leave the keys in it and make it easier.
Even if they are liberal talking points, they are a fact. The NRA has ignored many of it's members for years. They have actively lobbied against enforcement of existing laws. This is well known fact. They have actively lobbied to stop any ATF appointments. This is well documented. They're are bunch of liars.
As for background checks, yes we have them, with some serious loopholes. However, we don't have mental health checks, nor do we have a national registry to track illegal guns. Notice I said illegal guns use in a crime, and not legally owned guns. I don't understand how anyone can oppose that. I know the typical response is to start fear mongering and automatically assume the government is coming for your guns nonsense. I just wonder why gun deaths in this country are at nightmare proportions and in Europe, they have virtually none. Well, I have an idea why. Our prison population is also the largest in the world. It's shameful.
For what it's worth, I respect your opinion and anyone else's opinion, even if I don't agree with it. However, I just don't believe the NRA really cares about the 2nd Ammendment. They are no better than any other lobby.