Scary to think that either one of those two could get elected, but I said the same about Obama. 3'days ago he said that ISIS was contained. It looks like he and Kerry have a plan to get as many refugees over here as possible . There is no telling how many future terriosts are in that group.hitlery claims isis is not our war and bernie says our biggest threat is climate change ! WOW
This is exactly like the 1990s when Bill was in office and gutted our intelligence. It took years but eventually it led to 9-11, which libs love to blame on W. By the same token, in the 1990s Bill benefitted enormously from the peace time economic expansion plus the Silicon Valley technology explosion, neither of which he had anything to do with.
Fast forward to today. The next POTUS will suffer from the failures and wrong headed decisions of the current idiot occupying the people's house.
US intelligence was working well enough post Clinton to provide Bush with a CIA report titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US" more than a month before 9-11. The truth is that Clinton's people urged the incoming Bush administration to take Al Queda seriously. But Bush and his neocon advisors where obsessed with threats from hostile states, not terrorists. That's also why they responded to 9-11 by invading Iraq (which had nothing to do with 9-11). That stupid decision, and the complete failure to plan for the aftermath of that war, led directly to the rise of ISIS. It also diverted resources from the effort against Al Queda, which is why we had to wait for a return to competence under Obama to actually kill the SOB who attacked us.
Conservatives love to talk tough, but it's just that, talk.
Stump, as in dumb as a stump. Pulling out of a stable Iraq and attacking Libya had absolutely nothing to do with ISIS. If your liberal buddies would allow a viable energy policy we could tell the whole region to go to hell. Plus gas would be a $1 a gallon. Now tell us about global warming threats.US inteligence was working well enough post Clinton to provide Bush with a CIA report titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US" more than a month before 9-11. The truth is that Clinton's people urged the incoming Bush administration to take Al Queda seriously. But Bush and his neocon advisors where obsessed with threats from hostile states, not terrorists. That's also why they responded to 9-11 by invading Iraq (which had nothing to do with 9-11). That stupid decision, and the complete failure to plan for the aftermath of that war, led directly to the rise of ISIS. It also diverted resources from the effort against Al Queda, which is why we had to wait for a return to competence under Obama to actually kill the SOB who attacked us.
Conservatives love to talk tough, but it's just that, talk.
Stump, as in dumb as a stump. Pulling out of a stable Iraq and attacking Libya had absolutely nothing to do with ISIS. If your liberal buddies would allow a viable energy policy we could tell the whole region to go to hell. Plus gas would be a $1 a gallon. Now tell us about global warming threats.
US intelligence was working well enough post Clinton to provide Bush with a CIA report titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US" more than a month before 9-11. The truth is that Clinton's people urged the incoming Bush administration to take Al Queda seriously. But Bush and his neocon advisors where obsessed with threats from hostile states, not terrorists. That's also why they responded to 9-11 by invading Iraq (which had nothing to do with 9-11). That stupid decision, and the complete failure to plan for the aftermath of that war, led directly to the rise of ISIS. It also diverted resources from the effort against Al Queda, which is why we had to wait for a return to competence under Obama to actually kill the SOB who attacked us.
Conservatives love to talk tough, but it's just that, talk.
the truth you are ignoring, is that the saudis offered bin laden to clinton and he declined . i guess he really didn't think he was much of a threat ,huh !
Where do you get your facts? Everyone knows Clinton hand strung our Intel. And let me remind you something about Iraq. Hillary voted for it. In fact, nearly everyone voted for it. History has shown it wasn't our best decision, but let's at least be honest. Clinton had no clue that our rising enemies were Islamic terrorists, and the reason is because he gutted our ability to infiltrate them.US intelligence was working well enough post Clinton to provide Bush with a CIA report titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US" more than a month before 9-11. The truth is that Clinton's people urged the incoming Bush administration to take Al Queda seriously. But Bush and his neocon advisors where obsessed with threats from hostile states, not terrorists. That's also why they responded to 9-11 by invading Iraq (which had nothing to do with 9-11). That stupid decision, and the complete failure to plan for the aftermath of that war, led directly to the rise of ISIS. It also diverted resources from the effort against Al Queda, which is why we had to wait for a return to competence under Obama to actually kill the SOB who attacked us.
Conservatives love to talk tough, but it's just that, talk.
This is exactly like the 1990s when Bill was in office and gutted our intelligence. It took years but eventually it led to 9-11, which libs love to blame on W. By the same token, in the 1990s Bill benefitted enormously from the peace time economic expansion plus the Silicon Valley technology explosion, neither of which he had anything to do with.
Fast forward to today. The next POTUS will suffer from the failures and wrong headed decisions of the current idiot occupying the people's house.
This is exactly like the 1990s when Bill was in office and gutted our intelligence. It took years but eventually it led to 9-11, which libs love to blame on W. By the same token, in the 1990s Bill benefitted enormously from the peace time economic expansion plus the Silicon Valley technology explosion, neither of which he had anything to do with.
Fast forward to today. The next POTUS will suffer from the failures and wrong headed decisions of the current idiot occupying the people's house.
Part of the Millennium plot included an attack on the USS The Sullivans which failed. Ten months later, the same type of attack was successful against the USS Cole. Yeah, Clinton was really on top of things.This is the biggest crock of shit yet.
Clinton was very cognizant of threats from terrorist groups. He made the public aware of potential threats many times. Several plots were thwarted including the LAX/2000 plot that would have been bigger than the Paris attacks. Bush on the other hand seemed totally oblivious and ignored many warnings leading up to 9-11.
Part of the Millennium plot included an attack on the USS The Sullivans which failed. Ten months later, the same type of attack was successful against the USS Cole. Yeah, Clinton was really on top of things.
There were plenty of intelligence failures during Clinton's presidency which led to 9/11. All of the terrorists who would fly the hijacked planes on 9/11 were already in the US by mid-2000. They had their plan in place before then. By that time, it was going to be nearly impossible to sniff them out. Bush had to play catch-up due to Clinton's failures.He tried, which is far more than Jr did.
I was wide awake after watching Bin Laden on 60 Minutes. He clearly had the ability and intention to attack NYC. Clinton was engaged and managed to concentrate his efforts to warn The American people and prepare as best as possible.
During this time your people didn't give a shit about anything other than harassing him about Monica and any other petty nonsense the hypocrites could get their dirty paws on. I recall a republican saying he was making up threats from terrorist to take people's minds off the real issue...blow jobs.
Then Jr came along and completely ignored the threats till after 9-11. He then turned his attention and our resources on Iraq, which had nothing whatsoever to do with terrorist threats. So save me the contrived bull shit.