the coward looks black on tv, the deputy is white . the cowards mother called police . that bunch in dc has really divided this country , by design .
The media is a big part of this as well. I agree it is by design, they are trying to go after our 2nd right amendment. It is much easier to control an unarmed populace. It is a scary thing to live in these times and see a government that is destroying the United States. This story will not carry as much weight as if a black perp was shot by a white cop. Really is sad.the coward looks black on tv, the deputy is white . the cowards mother called police . that bunch in dc has really divided this country , by design .
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would be appalled. The civil society is unraveling before our very eyes. In no way should we, as a country, allow ignorant, simple-minded, malcontent imbeciles define our society.
8 hours prior to the Policy Officer being shot members of the blacklivesmatter movement was calling for the lynching and hanging of white people and cops:
This isn't a movement, it is a sick, radical left wing terrorist group masquerading as a legitimate movement.
Is there a link to the cop being shot? Time will tell.