Devine providence…


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jun 9, 2018
Spartanburg SC
Col, George Washington wrote a letter to his wife after he survived an ambush during the French-Indian war. 2 horses were shot out from under him and when the battle was over, he discovered 4 bullet holes in his jacket. He wrote Martha the “the hand of God and Devine providence had spared him for some higher purpose. He was 47 miles away from Butler PA.
Many will scoff at those of us that believe God spared Trump. I’ve never been a huge Trump fan although I have voted for him. But, there is no doubt in my mind that God is using this man for His purpose and I can’t wait to see how this all plays out. My prayer has always been for evil to be exposed and for God to be glorified. We are seeing it happen before our eyes.
Many will scoff at those of us that believe God spared Trump. I’ve never been a huge Trump fan although I have voted for him. But, there is no doubt in my mind that God is using this man for His purpose and I can’t wait to see how this all plays out. My prayer has always been for evil to be exposed and for God to be glorified. We are seeing it happen before our eyes.
Agreed! God used Nebuchadnezzar to punish Israel and Cyrus the Great to rebuild Jerusalem and return the Israelites home. I don't believe He is done with America yet.
Many will scoff at those of us that believe God spared Trump. I’ve never been a huge Trump fan although I have voted for him. But, there is no doubt in my mind that God is using this man for His purpose and I can’t wait to see how this all plays out. My prayer has always been for evil to be exposed and for God to be glorified. We are seeing it happen before our eyes.
Well that might be right, but the fireman whose head was blown to pieces has likely done more in furtherance of God’s purpose than DJT has done, or ever will do.
Well that might be right, but the fireman whose head was blown to pieces has likely done more in furtherance of God’s purpose than DJT has done, or ever will do.
You might be right, by all accounts he was a good man. But, who are we to know how or if the near death experience has changed Trump? I’ve learned years ago to not try and figure out Gods will for our lives. His ways are not our ways.
Don’t think I’d want to be able to peer into a man’s soul like you, must be a tremendous burden.
Its my cross to bear....

He's 77 years old....zebras dont change their stripes man.

He's emboldened even more now if that was even possible....he probably feels invincible in that he cheated death...fully achieving Messiah status with his base...
Its my cross to bear....

He's 77 years old....zebras dont change their stripes man.

He's emboldened even more now if that was even possible....he probably feels invincible in that he cheated death...fully achieving Messiah status with his base...
We’ll see. I don’t know how you can’t be a changed man after a bullet clips your ear.
Maybe we can pick this conversation back up in a few months.
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We’ll see. I don’t know how you can’t be a changed man after a bullet clips your ear.
Maybe we can pick this conversation back up in a few months.
On the surface....I agree with you. 100% most would be a changed person for the better.

But...When you have a personality disorder like trump...good luck changing anything for the better. I don't see him channeling this into some great unifier.

I'm convinced that he picked Vance so he can implement project 2025 in trump's absence should the Iranian assassination plot actually materialize.
On the surface....I agree with you. 100% most would be a changed person for the better.

But...When you have a personality disorder like trump...good luck changing anything for the better. I don't see him channeling this into some great unifier.

I'm convinced that he picked Vance so he can implement project 2025 in trump's absence should the Iranian assassination plot actually materialize.
As a man of faith I believe God can change anyone. The apostle Paul was the worst of the worst persecutor of Jews and was converted into a man that wrote most of the New Testament.
As a man of faith I believe God can change anyone. The apostle Paul was the worst of the worst persecutor of Jews and was converted into a man that wrote most of the New Testament.
God can change trump....but I doubt trump listens to the Lord when he tries to get his attention...the boss doesn't listen to anyone
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As a man of faith I believe God can change anyone. The apostle Paul was the worst of the worst persecutor of Jews and was converted into a man that wrote most of the New Testament.
I agree but it’s difficult to reconcile “there is no doubt in my mind that God is using this man for His purpose” with “I’ve learned years ago to not try and figure out Gods will for our lives”.
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At least you know he’s the boss!

You are a tool. All I can do is pray your eyes will be opened to something in your life. You must be loaded with money. Have a good evening.
I appreciate your prayers.

Not sure how the rest of your rambling about financial status is relevant here...

My eyes are open enough to know a false idols when I see one...I pray one day yours will be too.
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You don’t have to be smart to identify a hypocrite through his own words.
Keep piling on brother, i know where my strength come from. Just a word of caution, be careful making fun of God and those that are of faith. I’m not perfect by any means and I strive daily to be better. Some day you will be faced with a situation where you have no control and you’ll realize that calling out to God is your only hope. It is my sincere prayer that you will and He will hear.
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I appreciate your prayers.

Not sure how the rest of your rambling about financial status is relevant here...

My eyes are open enough to know a false idols when I see one...I pray one day yours will be too.
When I mentioned money I’m talking about inflation. It’s crazy to even to go to the grocery store.
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Keep piling on brother, i know where my strength come from. Just a word of caution, be careful making fun of God and those that are of faith. I’m not perfect by any means and I strive daily to be better. Some day you will be faced with a situation where you have no control and you’ll realize that calling out to God is your only hope. It is my sincere prayer that you will and He will hear.
I’m done piling on. Sorry if it got personal (it did). Respect your faith and opinions, we should just agree to disagree about politics.
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Many will scoff at those of us that believe God spared Trump. I’ve never been a huge Trump fan although I have voted for him. But, there is no doubt in my mind that God is using this man for His purpose and I can’t wait to see how this all plays out. My prayer has always been for evil to be exposed and for God to be glorified. We are seeing it happen before our eyes.
Maybe the Devil made the bullet miss so Trump could do more evil. Look at Trump's record and tell me who he is closer too.
Maybe the Devil made the bullet miss so Trump could do more evil. Look at Trump's record and tell me who he is closer too.
You also are a Tool. This country has really gone downhill these last few years. Gas and Groceries are bankrupting this country along with hellacious prices on housing but yet you say Trump is evil although when he was President you could afford groceries gas and a house. You are a lib and I will surely pray for you because Joe is going away…
Many will scoff at those of us that believe God spared Trump. I’ve never been a huge Trump fan although I have voted for him. But, there is no doubt in my mind that God is using this man for His purpose and I can’t wait to see how this all plays out. My prayer has always been for evil to be exposed and for God to be glorified. We are seeing it happen before our eyes.
I probably like trump more than you but also have issues with him but your post was very well articulated
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He’s a dick yankee… but his policies make since… you folks that can’t get over him just look so ridiculous… wake up…
Are you referring to his highly inflationary tariffs or his highly inflationary deportation of millions of workers.

If people think food and housing are expensive now, just wait until the workforce that produces much of both gets deported.

Beyond that, how anyone can associate Trump and Christian principles is truly beyond my comprehension.
Are you referring to his highly inflationary tariffs or his highly inflationary deportation of millions of workers.

If people think food and housing are expensive now, just wait until the workforce that produces much of both gets deported.

Beyond that, how anyone can associate Trump and Christian principles is truly beyond my comprehension.

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Its my cross to bear....

He's 77 years old....zebras dont change their stripes man.

He's emboldened even more now if that was even possible....he probably feels invincible in that he cheated death...fully achieving Messiah status with his base...
If you believe that you have never seen God at work. Trump is a good man and God is working on him whether you want to believe it or not. I hope some day you get it.
Are you referring to his highly inflationary tariffs or his highly inflationary deportation of millions of workers.

If people think food and housing are expensive now, just wait until the workforce that produces much of both gets deported.

Beyond that, how anyone can associate Trump and Christian principles is truly beyond my comprehension.
Highly inflationary tariffs? Remind me again what inflation was doing under Trump. Also, I believe we had enough people working the fields and in construction 4 years ago before the Dems allowed in 10 million illigals. We are housing and feeding millions at a great expense.Many are receiving cash as well, How long can we keep taking care of them? What happens when we cut off theflow of money and housing?
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