DGAS, give'em what they want....


just shut down the police department find jobs elsewhere for the cops and let em kill each other...then they can protest the lack of a police force
Yep, put up signs as you enter the place that say..

"This area not patrolled or responded to by police. Enter at your own risk."
this is the one that gets me.....

Missouri State Senator Jamilah Nasheed....out there marching, inciting and getting them all riled up. Now on CNN getting air time. She should be arrested imo, but we all know that ain't gonna happen.

How else are you going to get a looting license? The only

problem with the locals giving up is inviting a national police force. That may be what they want.

This post was edited on 3/12 8:59 AM by Ty TyDawg
This state of affairs would have never come to this with Machine Gun

in charge.
FWIW, back then Macon was safer and FREER than present day Ferguson, Mo., or present day Macon, Ga. The great music scheme and Ronnie Thompson coexisted well together. Was no need for a young buck like me to even think about going to the A-T-L 'cause everything was just better in Macon back then.

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