Did any of you guys watch the Senate hearings yesterday with SS acting director

Dirty Hairy Dawg

Circle of Honor
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Rowe and FBI deputy director Abatte? Buying the company line is getting harder and harder and none of the conclusions you can draw are very good. It seems to me either the SS has no idea how to secure an area, or the Butler, PA event had Moe, Larry and Curley in charge of security or there was a conscience decision to leave Trump exposed. It's almost to the point where it's impossible to believe all the failures could have occurred organically if you had competent people in charge.
Rowe and FBI deputy director Abatte? Buying the company line is getting harder and harder and none of the conclusions you can draw are very good. It seems to me either the SS has no idea how to secure an area, or the Butler, PA event had Moe, Larry and Curley in charge of security or there was a conscience decision to leave Trump exposed. It's almost to the point where it's impossible to believe all the failures could have occurred organically if you had competent people in charge.
The lack of an instant communication line between locals and SS is unbelievable. They should have been able to communicate immediately when they got the call someone was on the roof. Incompetence at its highest level.
The lack of an instant communication line between locals and SS is unbelievable. They should have been able to communicate immediately when they got the call someone was on the roof. Incompetence at its highest level.
I saw one former LE sniper that has worked with SS in the past that was shocked that the sniper/sniper face to face didn't occur on the day of the rally. He said it was SOP for the SS to give each sniper team a SS radio and the LE to give the SS one of theirs.

You would think there would be a person in the command center with access to all communications and then to be able to immediately relay it to the appropriate personnel in the command center. Iows, if any communication of gun, gun, gun came over any frequency, it should have been relayed to all within seconds, not minutes. That is just one of the many issues that occurred that has no acceptable explanation.
Rowe and FBI deputy director Abatte? Buying the company line is getting harder and harder and none of the conclusions you can draw are very good. It seems to me either the SS has no idea how to secure an area, or the Butler, PA event had Moe, Larry and Curley in charge of security or there was a conscience decision to leave Trump exposed. It's almost to the point where it's impossible to believe all the failures could have occurred organically if you had competent people in charge.
Not a conspiracy guy, but you have to wonder. They also had someone on there that predicted another attempt between now and Election Day.

If that happens, “Katie bar the door”. Gotta admire Trump’s courage in all of this, he has a set.

Pretty sure I wouldn’t do it, especially if I had the money he does.
Not a conspiracy guy, but you have to wonder. They also had someone on there that predicted another attempt between now and Election Day.

If that happens, “Katie bar the door”. Gotta admire Trump’s courage in all of this, he has a set.

Pretty sure I wouldn’t do it, especially if I had the money he does.
I'm not ready to don the foil cap yet but based on the experts I've heard and also talking with my BIL who is retired AF and worked 3 POTUS visits to air bases, this many errors is virtually impossible. My BIL said it just to regimented as well as having redundancy on top of redundancy for things to get missed. For example, he mentioned that once a building is scanned and declared clear, nobody gets into or onto that building and if there is a failure, you know immediately who was manning the post and failed.
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I'm not ready to don the foil cap yet but based on the experts I've heard and also talking with my BIL who is retired AF and work 3 POTUS visits to air bases, this many errors is virtually impossible. My BIL said it just to regimented as well as having redundancy on top of redundancy for things to get missed. For example, he mentioned that once a building is scanned and declared clear, nobody gets into or onto that building and if there is a failure, you know immediately who was manning the post and failed.
It certainly looks that way, the impossibility of it all happening that is.
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I haven't watched since Cheatle appeared. This is the US government we are talking about. They aren't going to tell the real story of what happened. They never do.
The problem is they've already been caught in lies and or misinformation that should have never occurred. (SS spokesman denying reports of Trump being denied additionally SS protection/Wray's fragment/shrapnel BS)

They tried to say they couldn't coordinate coms due to having to reprogram radios when operators are on the record stating SOP in the past is simply giving each other a radio on their frequency.

Leaving several perfect but obvious shooting perches unsecured and outside of the SS area of operation within a couple of hundred yards from a former POTUS's podium.

Saying a suspicious guy with a range finder didn't warranted delaying the former POTUS from being exposed.

Refusing to accept the offer to have drone surveillance.

Having no eyes or snipers posted on the water tower that had a complete view of the area.

Leaving access to a rooftop unguarded and accessible and an order going out by an unknown source that instructed the 2 snipers with a view of the perch to leave their post and look for the kid.

And the bottom line. After over 2 weeks nobody is going to believe the unbelievable.
They are caught up in this the way we always did it. Just look how they dress, coat and ties. This is not the 60's. I had a ton of ss supervisors after their coup on the federal air marshals. We wore coat and ties and every traveler knew who we were, till congress took action. Noticed they never said who approved the security plan, its always a group. They knew it mite happen and said well it hasnt happened yet and did nothing. Like having a 200lb tackle he mite win some plays but sooner or later he will get you qb killed.
They are caught up in this the way we always did it. Just look how they dress, coat and ties. This is not the 60's. I had a ton of ss supervisors after their coup on the federal air marshals. We wore coat and ties and every traveler knew who we were, till congress took action. Noticed they never said who approved the security plan, its always a group. They knew it mite happen and said well it hasnt happened yet and did nothing. Like having a 200lb tackle he mite win some plays but sooner or later he will get you qb killed.
A lot of truth in what you said but I think the issue is leaving multiple wide open shooting perches and failing to secure access to these perches is how they've always done things. I also highly doubt that using local and state LE as part of the security plan without having coms that could heard by the other agencies in some manner was SOP. I mean an imbecile could have figured out that having one local guy with a radio in the command center could have gotten gun, gun gun out to everyone within a couple of seconds. It's not like you had a few rednecks show up trying to figure out how to secure a perimeter for the first time.
Rowe and FBI deputy director Abatte? Buying the company line is getting harder and harder and none of the conclusions you can draw are very good. It seems to me either the SS has no idea how to secure an area, or the Butler, PA event had Moe, Larry and Curley in charge of security or there was a conscience decision to leave Trump exposed. It's almost to the point where it's impossible to believe all the failures could have occurred organically if you had competent people in charge.
How it’s been handled afterwards is about as bad.
Coordinated effort to take him out, and they’ll likely try again. The lack of answers at this point is very telling.
One senator did ask if leaving him under-protected, refusing to protect RFK Jr and pulling the protection of Robert O'Brien was a political decision. I don't think we're quite to coordinated effort to take him out as in a fed official setting up a patsy but at least questions are being asked about decisions that were made to leave Dem opponents vulnerable.
Coordinated effort to take him out, and they’ll likely try again. The lack of answers at this point is very telling.

Tin foil hat firmly on my head about this incident.

Congress is asking the wrong people the wrong questions.

They need to get the local agents and Secret Service personnel, who were present, together.

Who reported the suspicious person?
Who did you report it to?
Then ask THAT person, what did you do with that information, and why
Tin foil hat firmly on my head about this incident.

Congress is asking the wrong people the wrong questions.

They need to get the local agents and Secret Service personnel, who were present, together.

Who reported the suspicious person?
Who did you report it to?
Then ask THAT person, what did you do with that information, and why
They will not let them or threaten them

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