Did everybody’s colors change here? Or just mine? Reminds me of when i was a little tyke and…..


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
Feb 5, 2003
N of shithole
I got a blue baby chicken for Easter. It was in a box behind the house and the neighbor’s dachshund ate it. Unbeknownst to me, my mother went to Woolworths to get me a new one but all they had was green. I went running around the neighborhood telling everybody my chicken changed color. They all knew what happened and were snickering at me. When I found out some years later it was a humiliating experience, a life altering event.
I don’t understand the fuss. They make the accuracy of an AR ridiculously low.
If you can demonize one firearm category or firearm accessory you can convince people there are 2 categories
...good guns and bad guns. At that point, it's very easy to come up with another boogie-man term for certain firearms and move them into the bad column. It's gun control over time since they can't get it all at once. That is why over the years they have come up with various manufactured terms to demonize certain guns. Saturday night specials, snipers rifles, assault rifles, ghost guns, etc.

Then, all you have to do is start moving more firearms or accessory into the bad column.
Im on the side of guns. I guess you have a valid point. I guess that the Imperial Stormtroopers used bump stocks.
LOL...I am just amazed all of the military laser guns in the future are semi-auto. Of course, here is a good question for those who are spreading the propaganda about how these are machine guns.

How come no military in the world uses them?
I got a blue baby chicken for Easter. It was in a box behind the house and the neighbor’s dachshund ate it. Unbeknownst to me, my mother went to Woolworths to get me a new one but all they had was green. I went running around the neighborhood telling everybody my chicken changed color. They all knew what happened and were snickering at me. When I found out some years later it was a humiliating experience, a life altering event.
Same feeling many teenagers will feel when they realize their parents had their nuts cut off…..
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I got a blue baby chicken for Easter. It was in a box behind the house and the neighbor’s dachshund ate it. Unbeknownst to me, my mother went to Woolworths to get me a new one but all they had was green. I went running around the neighborhood telling everybody my chicken changed color. They all knew what happened and were snickering at me. When I found out some years later it was a humiliating experience, a life altering event.

that baby was blue.
to tell a child it was green is politics.
to convince a child such!
If you can demonize one firearm category or firearm accessory you can convince people there are 2 categories
...good guns and bad guns. At that point, it's very easy to come up with another boogie-man term for certain firearms and move them into the bad column. It's gun control over time since they can't get it all at once. That is why over the years they have come up with various manufactured terms to demonize certain guns. Saturday night specials, snipers rifles, assault rifles, ghost guns, etc.

Then, all you have to do is start moving more firearms or accessory into the bad column.

nailed it, my friend!
I got a blue baby chicken for Easter. It was in a box behind the house and the neighbor’s dachshund ate it. Unbeknownst to me, my mother went to Woolworths to get me a new one but all they had was green. I went running around the neighborhood telling everybody my chicken changed color. They all knew what happened and were snickering at me. When I found out some years later it was a humiliating experience, a life altering event.

I feel yellow today;
note an insinuation,
only the color!
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