Didn't take big Gov Dem thieves long. Obama's $10. fee on oil. Where were they when gas was $4.


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
a gallon. Two worker households can expect to about $55. more month for gas. Home utility bills go up another $125. month and everything you buy is trucked so that's another $200. month. Hell everybody has got $7K a year laying around to pay politicians $7K a year in gov kickbacks. Throw the thieves out.
There should be an increase in state gas tax to fund road and bridge construction, and a national tax to pay off debt. I think your math is wrong.
There should be an increase in state gas tax to fund road and bridge construction, and a national tax to pay off debt. I think your math is wrong.

Yea, that's been done about a dozen time....yet we still seem to have the same problems with road and bridges? Weird don't ya think?

I find it funny, that someone actually believes the dems raise taxes to actually fund things for America.
The White House announcement is a perfect example of what I've always said. Liberals are stupid.

Think about it. "We want to put a $10 a barrel tax , and the OIL COMPANIES will pay it!

Think about that? Does anyone see the stupidity in that ? See they know their followers won't get it, their followers will stand up and cheer "yea stick it to evil big oil, YEA!" The scratch their head when they're paying a higher price for gas.
There should be an increase in state gas tax to fund road and bridge construction, and a national tax to pay off debt. I think your math is wrong.
Are you drunk? That damn government will waste every dime of any increase on anything. Beside, I thought the 2008 stimulous was to repair all bridges and roads.
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Are you drunk? That damn government will waste every dime of any increase on anything. Beside, I thought the 2008 stimulous was to repair all bridges and roads.

He's a liberal. To be a liberal, history starts TODAY.......EveryDAY
He's a liberal. To be a liberal, history starts TODAY.......EveryDAY

The Government already taxes oil and gas at a much higher % than the oil companies make in profit. Who is the one screwing over the public? People need to wake up.
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Exactly. Why is it so hard for them to understand that businesses just pass their increased taxes onto their customers via higher prices?

Lord they really are stupid.
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Exactly. Why is it so hard for them to understand that businesses just pass their increased taxes onto their customers via higher prices?

Lord they really are stupid.
It's not that they are ignorant about that.... they know the cost is passed on to the consumer. They just don't care. Just shocked and surprised Obama wants to pass a tax he knows will hit the wallets of the poor and middle class so hard. You know the groups he pretends to care so much about. Guy is a bloodsucker and he don't care what host he gets it from.
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Yea I bet you do, considering you don't pay them LOL what a moonbat

I pay taxes and I pay the price for freedom. That's the problem with you konservativs. Most of you are cheapskates or sociopaths who don't want to pay the price, like Donald the Draftdodger or Dick "I had other priorities" Cheney.

If you read your posts objectively, the common theme that emerges is that you are a first-class crybaby. All you do is piss and moan about every political issue that doesn't conform to your twisted worldview. You never make a positive point about anything. Stop whining and bitching.
I pay taxes and I pay the price for freedom. That's the problem with you konservativs. Most of you are cheapskates or sociopaths who don't want to pay the price, like Donald the Draftdodger or Dick "I had other priorities" Cheney.

If you read your posts objectively, the common theme that emerges is that you are a first-class crybaby. All you do is piss and moan about every political issue that doesn't conform to your twisted worldview. You never make a positive point about anything. Stop whining and bitching.

LOL what a fcking moonbat