Do conservatives or liberals have the best sense of humor?


B2B Caffeinated Nat’l Champion
Gold Member
Jan 5, 2009
It is my belief that the “empathy syndrome” that is a big part of the liberal mantra (whatever that means), sucks humor right out of a human being.

We feel we must be so understanding and caring, we can’t see human weakness and mistakes as an incredibly funny thing.

We can’t allow failure, so we don’t prepare for life.

Liberals are stupid and should be deported. Daily

Prepare for life, laugh at life.

I am patient and will wait.
It is my belief that the “empathy syndrome” that is a big part of the liberal mantra (whatever that means), sucks humor right out of a human being.

We feel we must be so understanding and caring, we can’t see human weakness and mistakes as an incredibly funny thing.

We can’t allow failure, so we don’t prepare for life.

Liberals are stupid and should be deported. Daily

Prepare for life, laugh at life.

I am patient and will wait.
Liberals will see no humor in this post. Our culture desperately needs Richard Pryor, Archie Bunker, George Jefferson, Redd Foxx, and the great Dave Chappelle. Yes, laugh at life. We can’t do that anymore. Make fun of a ridiculous transvestite, get drawn and quartered, become unemployable, get fired.
Liberals will see no humor in this post. Our culture desperately needs Richard Pryor, Archie Bunker, George Jefferson, Redd Foxx, and the great Dave Chappelle. Yes, laugh at life. We can’t do that anymore. Make fun of a ridiculous transvestite, get drawn and quartered, become unemployable, get fired.

Seriously deadduck, you ignorant slut…..

Oh for the days of Dan Ackroyd and Jane Curtain doing the Weekend Update on SNL.
It is my belief that the “empathy syndrome” that is a big part of the liberal mantra (whatever that means), sucks humor right out of a human being.

We feel we must be so understanding and caring, we can’t see human weakness and mistakes as an incredibly funny thing.

We can’t allow failure, so we don’t prepare for life.

Liberals are stupid and should be deported. Daily

Prepare for life, laugh at life.

I am patient and will wait.
I'll swear man, your questions. What are we doing here? What's with the need to draw a line and talk about people this way?

I know you do likely believe the bold.

I know you're trying to be funny with the last few lines. But you would absolutely call Ricky Gervais a liberal based on his real views and he's one of the funniest guys out there right now.
Liberals will see no humor in this post. Our culture desperately needs Richard Pryor, Archie Bunker, George Jefferson, Redd Foxx, and the great Dave Chappelle. Yes, laugh at life. We can’t do that anymore. Make fun of a ridiculous transvestite, get drawn and quartered, become unemployable, get fired.
Dave Chappelle is still alive and kicking and doing comedy. Tons of others out there. Probably no one that crosses the politically correct line more than Ricky Gervais and he's great. This is a weird thread.
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I'll swear man, your questions. What are we doing here? What's with the need to draw a line and talk about people this way?

I know you do likely believe the bold.

I know you're trying to be funny with the last few lines. But you would absolutely call Ricky Gervais a liberal based on his real views and he's one of the funniest guys out there right now.
I think Gervais is funny.

My point isn’t really about comedians, it’s about us regular joes.

Humor is lost in the empathy quest. We get lost in feelings over maturity and truth.

I see most progressive liberals as devoid of humor. It is on display on this board. When an attempt to even apply self deprecating humor is applied, the liberal point is the only response.

I am not a smart man. I do realize women adore me and most men want to be me, but I keep that in check. I care for the less fortunate.

I get a kick out of the responses here. I do appreciate the friends I have on this board who have different views than myself. I will defend them when attacked personally, as they have for me. That is how life should be. We can’t always agree, but arm wrestle without hating the individual.

I do hate you though and find your posts utterly disgusting.

Joking of course and enjoy your posts on the vent….. as long as you agree I am right while posting here……

Good day sir. One day I’ll get you to trade your Metamucil and green tea for a beer. It will be on me!
I think Gervais is funny.

My point isn’t really about comedians, it’s about us regular joes.

Humor is lost in the empathy quest. We get lost in feelings over maturity and truth.

I see most progressive liberals as devoid of humor. It is on display on this board. When an attempt to even apply self deprecating humor is applied, the liberal point is the only response.

I am not a smart man. I do realize women adore me and most men want to be me, but I keep that in check. I care for the less fortunate.

I get a kick out of the responses here. I do appreciate the friends I have on this board who have different views than myself. I will defend them when attacked personally, as they have for me. That is how life should be. We can’t always agree, but arm wrestle without hating the individual.

I do hate you though and find your posts utterly disgusting.

Joking of course and enjoy your posts on the vent….. as long as you agree I am right while posting here……

Good day sir. One day I’ll get you to trade your Metamucil and green tea for a beer. It will be on me!
I may be completely wrong, but I would assume you have way more friends that think like you than not in real life.

I feel your comment is more based on what you see on posts online, which is not actually real people or who they are in their day to day lives.

I'm not a liberal, but if liberal means not supporting Trump (which it seems to for the vast majority of the Chat) then I would not fit in your take on "Liberals" and their sense of humor. Most of my friends think I have a pretty good one.

My best friend from grad school is a Democrat (at least he almost always votes that way) but non registered because he doesn't feel the need to align with a party. One of the funniest people I've ever known.

A friend of mine who is a pastor, and is a registered Democrat, is also one of the best dry humor guys I've ever known. When he interviewed with a church board for his first pastorate, a lady introduced herself as the church treasurer. She said she felt that it was a gift and the Lord had called her to do it. He responded, "So did Judas." I asked him did she or anyone act offended. He said "No, they all laughed. It's all in the delivery."

I will say this to you about my conservative friends and family. For years, and no matter who the POTUS was, we would laugh at SNL portrayals of the President. My family, hardcore conservatives, loved Hartman's Reagan, Carvey's Bush, Hartman and Hammond's Clinton, Ferrell's GWB and Pharoah's Obama. But they don't laugh any more because you can't make fun of Trump. That's a no, no.

Doesn't mean they aren't funny people in their personal lives. They all have good senses of humor and I still enjoy my conversations with them.
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It is my belief that the “empathy syndrome” that is a big part of the liberal mantra (whatever that means), sucks humor right out of a human being.

We feel we must be so understanding and caring, we can’t see human weakness and mistakes as an incredibly funny thing.

We can’t allow failure, so we don’t prepare for life.

Liberals are stupid and should be deported. Daily

Prepare for life, laugh at life.

I am patient and will wait.
I would say liberals must have a better sense of humor. They took all of mine from me. :/
I may be completely wrong, but I would assume you have way more friends that think like you than not in real life.

I feel your comment is more based on what you see on posts online, which is not actually real people or who they are in their day to day lives.

I'm not a liberal, but if liberal means not supporting Trump (which it seems to for the vast majority of the Chat) then I would not fit in your take on "Liberals" and their sense of humor. Most of my friends think I have a pretty good one.

My best friend from grad school is a Democrat (at least he almost always votes that way) but non registered because he doesn't feel the need to align with a party. One of the funniest people I've ever known.

A friend of mine who is a pastor, and is a registered Democrat, is also one of the best dry humor guys I've ever known. When he interviewed with a church board for his first pastorate, a lady introduced herself as the church treasurer. She said she felt that it was a gift and the Lord had called her to do it. He responded, "So did Judas." I asked him did she or anyone act offended. He said "No, they all laughed. It's all in the delivery."

I will say this to you about my conservative friends and family. For years, and no matter who the POTUS was, we would laugh at SNL portrayals of the President. My family, hardcore conservatives, loved Hartman's Reagan, Carvey's Bush, Hartman and Hammond's Clinton, Ferrell's GWB and Pharoah's Obama. But they don't laugh any more because you can't make fun of Trump. That's a no, no.

Doesn't mean they aren't funny people in their personal lives. They all have good senses of humor and I still enjoy my conversations with them
Most people have more friends that think like them than not. That is a given for you and me.

But we can still get along with differences of opinion. That is the beauty of our life.

And I find great humor, joy, frustration, and happiness in that. That way, your stupidity doesn’t ruin my day………
Most people have more friends that think like them than not. That is a given for you and me.

But we can still get along with differences of opinion. That is the beauty of our life.

And I find great humor, joy, frustration, and happiness in that. That way, your stupidity doesn’t ruin my day………
That is a given for you, I guess. Not me. I have lived in various places and have worked in environments where there were very different views and varied opinions. I was born in a place where almost everyone was conservative.
That is a given for you, I guess. Not me. I have lived in various places and have worked in environments where there were very different views and varied opinions. I was born in a place where almost everyone was conservative.
Just out of curiosity, are you a contrarian? I have tried to have fun with this but dang man.

What is this serious point you are attempting to prove to me?

I obviously can’t relate nor understand someone born around conservatives.
Bob Hope was funny and he was conservative. I assume Larry the Cable Guy is too and he's funny.

George Carlin was pretty funny, and I'm fairly sure he was liberal (but could have been libertarian). Jim Gaffigan was pretty funny until, like many, he became political. He's very liberal.

Bill Burr is funny. He has TDS but he calls it as he sees it and he'll slam liberals.
Just say “never mind “ like Emily Litella and move on I guess.
I agree everyone takes offense with any little thing these days.
I think 80% of the people agree with the vast majority of views or at least are not that far off. But a few stances/views have been made out to be so critical that you can not have a differing opinion or you are the scum of the earth.
Not really. I realized William is trying to make a joke. But he also does his little questions all the time thinking he's pulling someone in to discuss a topic with him so he can show he has all the answers. The reality is he does believe what he said that I put in bold. He's said similar in posts in the past. I knew that the post was meant to be his little trap, but I'm just asking him if he really believes the bold statement. He seems to. I'd say his views and the things that contribute to them are based on a narrow life experience.
Not really. I realized William is trying to make a joke. But he also does his little questions all the time thinking he's pulling someone in to discuss a topic with him so he can show he has all the answers. The reality is he does believe what he said that I put in bold. He's said similar in posts in the past. I knew that the post was meant to be his little trap, but I'm just asking him if he really believes the bold statement. He seems to. I'd say his views and the things that contribute to them are based on a narrow life experience.
But it’s a Haveaheart trap.

This whole thread is so typical.

We all need to knock over a convenience store and honor George Floyd’s legacy.
Tip: If you want to do stand-up, keep your day job and see how it goes first.
Now there’s that humor we’ve been digging for.

I’ll just do stand up at MAGA rally youth camps. It’s appreciated there. Just being around a bunch of young boys and girls who still have their birth genitalia is motivating.

kckd, it’s been fun. Let’s just keep our conversations to recruiting and general football nuggets. I enjoy your posts.

I have officially closed my participation in this thread.

Good evening, and in case I don't see ya, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
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Now there’s that humor we’ve been digging for.

I’ll just do stand up at MAGA rally youth camps. It’s appreciated there. Just being around a bunch of young boys and girls who still have their birth genitalia is motivating.

kckd, it’s been fun. Let’s just keep our conversations to recruiting and general football nuggets. I enjoy your posts.

I have officially closed my participation in this thread.

Good evening, and in case I don't see ya, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
This thread started off funny and fun. If Ross Perot was a Chat poster he’d say, (hear this in a funny voice), “That giant sucking sound is the humor being vacuumed out of this thread.”
This thread started off funny and fun. If Ross Perot was a Chat poster he’d say, (hear this in a funny voice), “That giant sucking sound is the humor being vacuumed out of this thread.”
I'm confused as to why it stopped being funny for you.
It started being humorless with post #4.
But that was the purpose of it. Did you not get the joke?

It's like playing a prank and then catching the guy in the prank and not laughing. Why is that?

Just based off the replies that's what you all think happened here, so why not laugh?
A picture is worth a thousand words:
