Do you guys have any luck finding 22long rifle anywhere?


Letterman and National Champion
Jan 4, 2014
Its next to impossible to find up here and even if we drive a couple of hours into Indiana or Wisconsin no one seems to carry it, and if they do they want an arm and a leg for it.
Academy is the only place I could find a Brick reasonable, but not

all the time.
Conspiracy theorists, doomsday preppers, and comet riders demand

outstripping supply for a long time now. Amazing how manufacturers have been unable meet demand
Re: Academy is the only place I could find a Brick reasonable, but not

You ever buy any of the ammo in sealed cans (the ones that come with the can opener)? If so, what did you think?
Nope, I got the Winchester 533 Loose in a Box and there was 535 really

and the CCI 300 boxes.
Hopefully we get a Conservative in the WH in 2017. I spect that if we do..

there will soon be a glut of guns and ammo at cheap prices because all these yahoos will have to start selling off their stockpiles to keep their cars from getting repossessed.
I thought about trying some of the 223, but the can opener looks like

it would be hell to work with
Hearing some shops closing because they loaded up on black guns after the

panic following Newtown. They gigged folks right after, then loaded up on inventory, and haven't been able to move it, even selling at cost. Big difference on gunbroker now vs. 1-2 years ago
Re: I thought about trying some of the 223, but the can opener looks like

Be very careful you're not buying corrosive Chinese crap. It will really do a bad number on your rifle.
It's foreign, but not Chinese. Can't remember. Academy dude said he shot

them with no issues. I'm leery of it myself, which is why I axed the Chats
There are some crazy fokkers out there who have more rounds...

stockpiled than they could ever shoot in 30 years.

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