Do you know anyone over 140 years old?

That is bad, but the $2.7 trillion in medicare and medicaid payments going to Europe, many going to banks, is even worse.
They are related. The issues in Medicare and Medicaid, and myriad other programs, are rooted in the Social Security system. If you fix the boondoggles in Social Security a lot of downstream issues are going to be affected as well.

SSA has rationalized their patchwork structure and obvious data issues rather than fixing them for a long time. It is not sufficient to say we already know about a given problem as a way of dismissing it. You have to fix it. Each bad record in Social Security is an exploitable weakness, with nobody to complain if fraud occurs.
The question I want answers is who is collecting the checks each month. I sure hope they are exposed and charged.
It’s funny that Elon’s 12 minute analysis was dead wrong and noted years before that none of these people were paid anything.

dems cheat a lot man
Those folks in Congress who suddenly become millionaires on a Congressman’s salary means they are either stealing taxpayer money or being “bought” by outside interests to control their votes. Many more probably need to be jailed like the former Democrat congresswoman from Jacksonville who was on the “take” for years.
And you have presented literally no argument at all or any proof at all to back up what you’re saying.
As pointed out before, just the Social Security is the tip of the iceberg. The dark side opens up on the $2.7 Trillion that went to Europe, some to European banks. No telling what will come out from Asia, Africa, etc. not to mention the money laundering of the funds in U.S. financial institutions.
The proverbial Pandora's box has been opened and it may not be able to be closed by Trump or anyone else.
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I can’t believe that there are fools in America that believe this fake made up shit
Zelenzky says he can’t even account for what happened to $100 Billion sent to Ukraine. Yeah our government has a full accounting for where the money goes……..LOL. The federal government has grown to such a level that no one truly knows where all the money is going or is accountable for it.
Here’s a report done in 2023 showing people above the age of 100 and whether they were paid or not

Been through several OIG audits and they are pretty non forgiving. It appears to me they were less than impressed by SSA especially in regards to their recommendations to clean up death records on 2.5 million people, et al.

We recommended SSA (1) use death information already in its
records to input death information on 2.5 million numberholders’
Numident records, (2) use death information in Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services and various state death data files to
input death information on approximately 498,000 Numident
records, and (3) develop a methodology to add death information
to the Numident records of the approximately 15.8 million
remaining non-current payment status beneficiary numberholders
identified by our audit. SSA disagreed with our recommendations."
As pointed out before, just the Social Security is the tip of the iceberg. The dark side opens up on the $2.7 Trillion that went to Europe, some to European banks. No telling what will come out from Asia, Africa, etc. not to mention the money laundering of the funds in U.S. financial institutions.
The proverbial Pandora's box has been opened and it may not be able to be closed by Trump or anyone else.
Let’s hope so. I’m also excited to see what they find at Ft Knox
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Here is the results of the OIG audit of SSA in 2023. Maybe SSA got their database cleaned up in a year, but they are excruciatingly slow as an agency to make changes and OIG was not impressed:
SSA has not established controls to annotate death information on
the Numident records of numberholders who exceeded maximum
reasonable life expectancies. SSA added death information to the
Numident records of approximately 1.5 of the 6.5 million
numberholders age 112 or older discussed in our 2015 report.
However, at the time of our review, although the Census Bureau
estimated approximately 86,000 individuals residing in the United
States were age 100 or older, SSA’s Numident included
approximately 18.9 million numberholders who were born in 1920
or earlier but had no death information on their Numident record.
Death information missing from the Numident and the DMF
hampers both SSA and Government-wide efforts to prevent and
detect fraud and misuse.
In Tax Years 2016 through 2020, employers and individuals
reported approximately $8.5 billion in wages, tips, and self-
employment income using 139,211 SSNs assigned to individuals
age 100 or older. SSA transferred these earnings to the Earnings
Suspense File, primarily because personally identifiable
information provided on the workers’ earnings reports did not
match information in SSA enumeration records. Resolving these
discrepancies will help improve the accuracy and completeness of
the DMF and prevent future misuse of these SSNs.
The Department of the Treasury operates the Do Not Pay portal as
part of a Government-wide initiative to prevent and detect improper
payments. SSA will begin sharing its full DMF with the Do Not Pay
initiative in December 2023. Taking action to include death
information for the millions of numberholders omitted from the DMF
would enhance Government-wide improper payment prevention
and detection.
We recommended SSA (1) use death information already in its
records to input death information on 2.5 million numberholders’
Numident records, (2) use death information in Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services and various state death data files to
input death information on approximately 498,000 Numident
records, and (3) develop a methodology to add death information
to the Numident records of the approximately 15.8 million
remaining non-current payment status beneficiary numberholders
identified by our audit. SSA disagreed with our recommendations.