Does anyone know what's going on in Aurora Colorado?

Heavily armed Tren de Aragua gang members took over 2 apartment complexes where a number of illegals are living, in Aurora and Lowry.

Police are doing their best Baghdad Bob impressions.

Feds are doing nothing.


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Yes, illegal invaders let in and even recruited waltzed into our country at the behest of democrat biden and his border czar. These criminals took over entire complexes, removing at gunpoint the legitimate owners/renters so they could live there. Apparently, democrats are okay with invader criminal owning and using guns but wish to limit our everyday citizens from owning arms in order to defend themselves when the government refuses too.

A democrat governor told everyone it wasn’t true despite first hand video taken and used as proof of the criminal activity. The democrat government in charge of police have ordered them to do nothing.

Will any of these democrats do anything to protect legitimate citizens and their lawful property rights or just continue to collect and concentrate power to be used against our own citizens. Will people wise up and challenge the dem. Claims that there is nothing going on here, question the league formed by govt and media to hide such high crimes.

Basically the dems at traitors and caused this unnecessary and unsafe situation in an attempt to scare legit citizens into giving them more control and manufacturing more illegal votes. They should
Be in court charged with crimes against the country.
Yes, illegal invaders let in and even recruited waltzed into our country at the behest of democrat biden and his border czar. These criminals took over entire complexes, removing at gunpoint the legitimate owners/renters so they could live there. Apparently, democrats are okay with invader criminal owning and using guns but wish to limit our everyday citizens from owning arms in order to defend themselves when the government refuses too.

A democrat governor told everyone it wasn’t true despite first hand video taken and used as proof of the criminal activity. The democrat government in charge of police have ordered them to do nothing.

Will any of these democrats do anything to protect legitimate citizens and their lawful property rights or just continue to collect and concentrate power to be used against our own citizens. Will people wise up and challenge the dem. Claims that there is nothing going on here, question the league formed by govt and media to hide such high crimes.

Basically the dems at traitors and caused this unnecessary and unsafe situation in an attempt to scare legit citizens into giving them more control and manufacturing more illegal votes. They should
Be in court charged with crimes against the country.
damn really?
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Heavily armed Tren de Aragua gang members took over 2 apartment complexes where a number of illegals are living, in Aurora and Lowry.

Police are doing their best Baghdad Bob impressions.

Feds are doing nothing.


Rumors are that the hells angels are heading to Aurora.
If true, things could get interesting very quickly.
NUTS! How in the hell is this allowed to happen? Another wonderful state goimb to heel in a hand basket die to Democratic leadership. Where is local law enforcement? And what kind of restrictions has the state of Colorado and its govt officials put on local police as other law enforcement entities..can’t believe this is the United States of America
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Heavily armed Tren de Aragua gang members took over 2 apartment complexes where a number of illegals are living, in Aurora and Lowry.

Police are doing their best Baghdad Bob impressions.

Feds are doing nothing.


would make a great Illegal Immigration National ad for the Republican much out there where all you have to do is play the “in her own words” of the DEI Queen as well as footage like see just how screwed up this country’s Dem leadership is
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I live in Aurora (the nice part) and voted for the councilwoman who is stoking this. The Venezuelan gang stories are 25% truth and 75% hype. The rough area they are operating in has been run by gangs since the bloods and crips in the 1970s. Just shows you the power of social media to make it a new story. Councilwoman Jurinski is following the conspiracy playbook to support her political career, just like MTG.
  • Haha
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I live in Aurora (the nice part) and voted for the councilwoman who is stoking this. The Venezuelan gang stories are 25% truth and 75% hype. The rough area they are operating in has been run by gangs since the bloods and crips in the 1970s. Just shows you the power of social media to make it a new story. Councilwoman Jurinski is following the conspiracy playbook to support her political career, just like MTG.
1% truthful is disgusting enough, 25% is total BS…The video says way more than enough!
I live in Aurora (the nice part) and voted for the councilwoman who is stoking this. The Venezuelan gang stories are 25% truth and 75% hype. The rough area they are operating in has been run by gangs since the bloods and crips in the 1970s. Just shows you the power of social media to make it a new story. Councilwoman Jurinski is following the conspiracy playbook to support her political career, just like MTG.
So you’re ok with it then , got it.
I don’t believe the naysayers, mostly because they are going along with the media, who obviously do not want this in our minds. And I don’t care if it’s one apartment. In fact, that makes it worse because that would be much easier to solve than the whole complex being overrun.

Sadly not the first time for this type
Of stuff. Remember the autonomous zone in Oregon, when the dems, antifa nuts took over that part of the city. Remember how the dems ended it? By apologizing to the freeloading asshats that took that area over, illegally. Ruining public property, private businesses, and a citizens right to freely traverse public areas.

It’s actually an invasion. It’s an illegal takeover of federal, state and private property. Why is any of this allowed. Just goes to show what democrats are all about. Chaos, anarchy, zero rule of law, thievery, violence, mobs, riots.

These anti-Americans hit the roof over what they labeled as an insurrection, but are just fine with these takeovers, as long as the perps vote democrat.
1% truthful is disgusting enough, 25% is total BS…The video says way more than enough!
Sorry, not trying to infer that you are lying in anyway..just a big believer that the least little bit of that stuff is complete BS and should not be tolerated ANYWHERE in this country…and it could and should be addressed and eliminated if the right people really wanted it to be…had a similar situation in my hometown about 15-20 yrs ago…mostly an illegal alien drug/gang ring decided to basically invade my small town and tried to take things over..that shi+ got put to bed in a hurry ..but unfortunately a young promising 4* high school football player lost his life (shot to death for trying to defend his gf that one of the gang members was antagonizing) before these POS were dealt with….those bastards are complete animals and have zero regard for human life. They deserved to be treated like the animals they are, and have a special place in hell waiting for them. They don’t deserve to be on this earth!
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I don’t believe the naysayers, mostly because they are going along with the media, who obviously do not want this in our minds. And I don’t care if it’s one apartment. In fact, that makes it worse because that would be much easier to solve than the whole complex being overrun.

Sadly not the first time for this type
Of stuff. Remember the autonomous zone in Oregon, when the dems, antifa nuts took over that part of the city. Remember how the dems ended it? By apologizing to the freeloading asshats that took that area over, illegally. Ruining public property, private businesses, and a citizens right to freely traverse public areas.

It’s actually an invasion. It’s an illegal takeover of federal, state and private property. Why is any of this allowed. Just goes to show what democrats are all about. Chaos, anarchy, zero rule of law, thievery, violence, mobs, riots.

These anti-Americans hit the roof over what they labeled as an insurrection, but are just fine with these takeovers, as long as the perps vote democrat.
You are so right…it’s unbelievable the hypocrisy
I live in Aurora (the nice part) and voted for the councilwoman who is stoking this. The Venezuelan gang stories are 25% truth and 75% hype. The rough area they are operating in has been run by gangs since the bloods and crips in the 1970s. Just shows you the power of social media to make it a new story. Councilwoman Jurinski is following the conspiracy playbook to support her political career, just like MTG.
so why cant it be stopped?
so why cant it be stopped?

Because they don’t want it stopped. Just hidden until elections. Then someone will
Come out and apologize to the criminals , let them keep what doesn’t belong to them, offer up some free tax payer funded money, allow them to keep whatever firearms and tell the media to not report it. It’s their plan.
are there any clips from the governor?
Colorado Gov. Jared Polis dismissed anger over Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua taking over apartment buildings in the Denver suburb of Aurora, calling it “imagination” — despite video footage, police reports and the city’s mayor confirming it’s happening.

Full Article

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In Venezuela, crime rates have plummeted as criminals have been sent to America and are organizing in US cities. Notice that the first targets are sanctuary cities with strict gun laws.

I'm sure this is just imagination, too.

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I am so surprised that the hero dem governor of Colorado would dismiss such a thing occuring,...oh yeah, it's an election year and it looks bad nationally for his party to have stories of illegal "newcomers" causing problems,...Dems never worry about their constituents, but "top down" orders nationally

Evidently it's a thing in Venezuela to take over residential areas and demand a secondary rent from residents by the gangs,'s the one benefit of a Biden presidency, that Americans get to have more empathy for the struggles of Latin America by feeling the horrors directly in real life,..thanks a lot Crooked Scranton Joe
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