Dr. Ben Carson: Nut or Liar?


Letterman and National Champion
Mar 16, 2013
Fort Eustis, VA
Now Dr. Ben Carson claims he has no relationship with the supplement scam company Mannatech, even though there is abundant video evidence that he shilled for the company, claimed its products cured his prostate cancer, and had a decades-long financial relationship with the company.

Dr. Carson claimed in his book that he was a violent young man. However, no one who grew up with him in Detroit corroborates his story---they all say he was a nerd who wore horn-rimmed glasses and a pocket protector.

He claims he was robbed at gunpoint at a Baltimore Popeye's chicken restaurant. Yet the Baltimore Police Department cannot corroborate his story. In the past, he has claimed he would attack a gunman if one approached him. In the Popeye's story, Carson said he foiled the robber by persuading him to rob someone else. When pressed for details, Carson claimed he wrote about it in one of his books. No such story is included in any of his books.

It also begs the question: why would a self-professed vegetarian be in a Popeye's chicken restaurant?

The lies are catching up to Dr. Ben.
Now Dr. Ben Carson claims he has no relationship with the supplement scam company Mannatech, even though there is abundant video evidence that he shilled for the company, claimed its products cured his prostate cancer, and had a decades-long financial relationship with the company.

Dr. Carson claimed in his book that he was a violent young man. However, no one who grew up with him in Detroit corroborates his story---they all say he was a nerd who wore horn-rimmed glasses and a pocket protector.

He claims he was robbed at gunpoint at a Baltimore Popeye's chicken restaurant. Yet the Baltimore Police Department cannot corroborate his story. In the past, he has claimed he would attack a gunman if one approached him. In the Popeye's story, Carson said he foiled the robber by persuading him to rob someone else. When pressed for details, Carson claimed he wrote about it in one of his books. No such story is included in any of his books.

It also begs the question: why would a self-professed vegetarian be in a Popeye's chicken restaurant?

The lies are catching up to Dr. Ben.
LOL! You are a confirmed nut case and various of your posts contain blatant lies. But since you are not running for president none of your nose extending wild statements are noteworthy. However, as I have stated before, Barack Obama has the blood of thousands upon thousands on his hands. However he did not elect himself to office. It took nut cases like you to do that so that blood, to a very definite degree is upon you since you are not now speaking out about it. The division of a nation based upon race and income and class is upon him and you too as a loyal supporter. The relentless lies coming from his mouth are your lies. His supporter and benefactor. And the underlings whom you support and who have served this administration and have caused the deaths of courageous Americans like Hillary Clinton. Then lied to cover. Their lies are your lies. Her nuttiness is your nuttiness. The hundreds of millions she has fleeced are your thefts and her dodging enemy fire to land, and run for cover under enemy fire in the ME is you talking out of your azz.

I'm sure at some point Dr Carson has spoke an untruth, most, no all of us do. So he was a nerd. He also has lived a spectacularly useful life and served humanity and worked tirelessly to do so. Real jobs. Real accomplishments. Unlike your Obama whose past is murky to say the least. As far as we know Dr Carson never befriended and took the side of a bomber and terrorist such as Bill Ayers. He never took funding from the Chicago mob or any other mobster, he earned his the hard way, by working. He never subjected his family and children to the hatred of a ranting and raving Hitler type mentor and minister who GD'ed Whites and America and Jews relentlessly. Frankly I seriously doubt anything anyone Dr Ben had any dealings with have openly espoused the death of innocents. And if he has had anything to do with some obscure co so freaking what? We all make mistakes. His, you can be sure, based upon omission. Unlike BO's whose are based upon commission as are yours. Since you are and were aware of his and Hillary's and Sanders past and fellow travelers. Obama's actions, Hillary's actions have been done for their own profit and deep held beliefs. Some of racism, greed and corruption have touched both of their lives and they have knowing participated and lied to cover themselves. And you have supported both. Therefore you own both. Carson is a good person, neither of them are. But if you support a human being for political office you are going to have to take them, warts and all since all humans have warts. Some are speed bumps like maybe Carson's. Some have mountains like Hillary and Obama. And Sanders' communism, sexual deviancy and support for murdering sociopaths.

You have made your choices. I'll hold my nose and make one at some point but it will be someone who is a good person and far more trust worthy than the people who define you. Of that you can be sure. A little white liar, like my wife. Who lies to me regularly. But is a decent person with good intentions. Not a hate filled pervert. Not a hate filled racist covering his past. Not a trashy thief. Probably Marco R who to this point is far better than anyone running on the leftist's ticket. I'll own his faults and you of course own those of your choice. Mine may wind up having an embarrassing undertone or two but yours will surely be horrific. I won't choose Ben Carson since to me he is as incapable of running the government as is Obama, but he is a far better human being IMO.
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I saw where CNN had a hit piece on Carson yesterday about something he did when he was 14 years old. In a million years do you think they would have done the same to Obama? He has a book of lies out there that no one will publish.
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Well, if I had to choose, I'd take a liar over a draft dodger any day of the week.

Twice in a week we agree. Better buy that lottery ticket.

I'm waiting for Trump to push Dr. Carson to release his medical records. I believe Carson is on medication. That's the only explanation I have for the crazy statements and odd affect he exhibits.

And Good Lord, he really believes the earth is only 10,000 years old and was created in 6 days? He believes the Egyptian pyramids were granaries built by Joseph? The pyramids are almost solid structures with about as much capacity as a conference room...not to mention the fact that granaries must be hermetically sealed, something the pyramids were not.

I used to admire Ben Carson. I don't know what to make of him now. I hope he is being medicated, that would explain things...
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What a stretch.. is this the worst you can come up with? How sad for you that you had to dig into his book looking for problems. If only this were biggest concerns with the other canidates. Im looking for someone who respects the position of "President" and understands that its responsibilites are bigger than the man or the party.
Twice in a week we agree. Better buy that lottery ticket.

I'm waiting for Trump to push Dr. Carson to release his medical records. I believe Carson is on medication. That's the only explanation I have for the crazy statements and odd affect he exhibits.

And Good Lord, he really believes the earth is only 10,000 years old and was created in 6 days? He believes the Egyptian pyramids were granaries built by Joseph? The pyramids are almost solid structures with about as much capacity as a conference room...not to mention the fact that granaries must be hermetically sealed, something the pyramids were not.

I used to admire Ben Carson. I don't know what to make of him now. I hope he is being medicated, that would explain things...

it is beyond hypocritical for any body who supports odumma and hitlery to attack anybody else, these folks are the worst of the worst . if we really knew odummas background it would probably shock a lot of dems , but we won't , the democrat party spent a ton of money to cover it up . justice kagen did the dirty deed and the appointment to the court was payment . these folks have really dark backgrounds, lies , lies , and some of their associates are really bad . but hey, a lot of folks put party over country .
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it is beyond hypocritical for any body who supports odumma and hitlery to attack anybody else, these folks are the worst of the worst . if we really knew odummas background it would probably shock a lot of dems , but we won't , the democrat party spent a ton of money to cover it up . justice kagen did the dirty deed and the appointment to the court was payment . these folks have really dark backgrounds, lies , lies , and some of their associates are really bad . but hey, a lot of folks put party over country .

You still worried about a lame-duck president? You better worry about the upcoming election. It's going to make 1936 and 1964 look like a tight race.
I think that we now know who the republican front runner is. The liberal machine has gotten all of the talking points out to it's foot soldiers. I've already read this BS on a couple sites including CNN. I have to say that you liberals stick together pretty good and get on the same page.
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I think that we now know who the republican front runner is. The liberal machine has gotten all of the talking points out to it's foot soldiers. I've already read this BS on a couple sites including CNN. I have to say that you liberals stick together pretty good and get on the same page.

I dream of a Trump/Carson ticket. It just might shake the Republican Party to its core. I could easily see such a ticket getting as low as 25% of the popular vote.
I dream of a Trump/Carson ticket. It just might shake the Republican Party to its core. I could easily see such a ticket getting as low as 25% of the popular vote.

i really don't look for either one to make the cut, i could see rubio or cruze, maybe carly . we have a long way to go .
You still worried about a lame-duck president? You better worry about the upcoming election. It's going to make 1936 and 1964 look like a tight race.

i'm not worried about prez, it's all over but the crying , i worry about the democrat uninformed voter that just votes for the party no matter who is running. the democrat party has gone so far left that it is very concerning to many americans of both parties and independents .
it is beyond hypocritical for any body who supports odumma and hitlery to attack anybody else, these folks are the worst of the worst . if we really knew odummas background it would probably shock a lot of dems , but we won't , the democrat party spent a ton of money to cover it up . justice kagen did the dirty deed and the appointment to the court was payment . these folks have really dark backgrounds, lies , lies , and some of their associates are really bad . but hey, a lot of folks put party over country .

Obama is a lousy president, but you don't know squat about his background. I'd also consider lying about a West Point appointment twice a significant lie. Then again, all politicians are untrustworthy liars. Some are just more blatant about being one.
LOL! You are a confirmed nut case and various of your posts contain blatant lies. But since you are not running for president none of your nose extending wild statements are noteworthy. However, as I have stated before, Barack Obama has the blood of thousands upon thousands on his hands. However he did not elect himself to office. It took nut cases like you to do that so that blood, to a very definite degree is upon you since you are not now speaking out about it. The division of a nation based upon race and income and class is upon him and you too as a loyal supporter. The relentless lies coming from his mouth are your lies. His supporter and benefactor. And the underlings whom you support and who have served this administration and have caused the deaths of courageous Americans like Hillary Clinton. Then lied to cover. Their lies are your lies. Her nuttiness is your nuttiness. The hundreds of millions she has fleeced are your thefts and her dodging enemy fire to land, and run for cover under enemy fire in the ME is you talking out of your azz.

I'm sure at some point Dr Carson has spoke an untruth, most, no all of us do. So he was a nerd. He also has lived a spectacularly useful life and served humanity and worked tirelessly to do so. Real jobs. Real accomplishments. Unlike your Obama whose past is murky to say the least. As far as we know Dr Carson never befriended and took the side of a bomber and terrorist such as Bill Ayers. He never took funding from the Chicago mob or any other mobster, he earned his the hard way, by working. He never subjected his family and children to the hatred of a ranting and raving Hitler type mentor and minister who GD'ed Whites and America and Jews relentlessly. Frankly I seriously doubt anything anyone Dr Ben had any dealings with have openly espoused the death of innocents. And if he has had anything to do with some obscure co so freaking what? We all make mistakes. His, you can be sure, based upon omission. Unlike BO's whose are based upon commission as are yours. Since you are and were aware of his and Hillary's and Sanders past and fellow travelers. Obama's actions, Hillary's actions have been done for their own profit and deep held beliefs. Some of racism, greed and corruption have touched both of their lives and they have knowing participated and lied to cover themselves. And you have supported both. Therefore you own both. Carson is a good person, neither of them are. But if you support a human being for political office you are going to have to take them, warts and all since all humans have warts. Some are speed bumps like maybe Carson's. Some have mountains like Hillary and Obama. And Sanders' communism, sexual deviancy and support for murdering sociopaths.

You have made your choices. I'll hold my nose and make one at some point but it will be someone who is a good person and far more trust worthy than the people who define you. Of that you can be sure. A little white liar, like my wife. Who lies to me regularly. But is a decent person with good intentions. Not a hate filled pervert. Not a hate filled racist covering his past. Not a trashy thief. Probably Marco R who to this point is far better than anyone running on the leftist's ticket. I'll own his faults and you of course own those of your choice. Mine may wind up having an embarrassing undertone or two but yours will surely be horrific. I won't choose Ben Carson since to me he is as incapable of running the government as is Obama, but he is a far better human being IMO.

Bush and company have the blood of tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands, and who knows how many billions they fleeced this country for. You didn't care then because they were Republicans. You don't care now, you just don't like the fact that Democrats are in control of the White House.
Obama is a lousy president, but you don't know squat about his background. I'd also consider lying about a West Point appointment twice a significant lie. Then again, all politicians are untrustworthy liars. Some are just more blatant about being one.

You read my mind. Dr. Ben lied about the US Army offering him an appointment to USMA.

Every day that goes by, Dr. Ben's reputation crumbles. He is through.
LOL! You are a confirmed nut case and various of your posts contain blatant lies. But since you are not running for president none of your nose extending wild statements are noteworthy. However, as I have stated before, Barack Obama has the blood of thousands upon thousands on his hands. However he did not elect himself to office. It took nut cases like you to do that so that blood, to a very definite degree is upon you since you are not now speaking out about it. The division of a nation based upon race and income and class is upon him and you too as a loyal supporter. The relentless lies coming from his mouth are your lies. His supporter and benefactor. And the underlings whom you support and who have served this administration and have caused the deaths of courageous Americans like Hillary Clinton. Then lied to cover. Their lies are your lies. Her nuttiness is your nuttiness. The hundreds of millions she has fleeced are your thefts and her dodging enemy fire to land, and run for cover under enemy fire in the ME is you talking out of your azz.

I'm sure at some point Dr Carson has spoke an untruth, most, no all of us do. So he was a nerd. He also has lived a spectacularly useful life and served humanity and worked tirelessly to do so. Real jobs. Real accomplishments. Unlike your Obama whose past is murky to say the least. As far as we know Dr Carson never befriended and took the side of a bomber and terrorist such as Bill Ayers. He never took funding from the Chicago mob or any other mobster, he earned his the hard way, by working. He never subjected his family and children to the hatred of a ranting and raving Hitler type mentor and minister who GD'ed Whites and America and Jews relentlessly. Frankly I seriously doubt anything anyone Dr Ben had any dealings with have openly espoused the death of innocents. And if he has had anything to do with some obscure co so freaking what? We all make mistakes. His, you can be sure, based upon omission. Unlike BO's whose are based upon commission as are yours. Since you are and were aware of his and Hillary's and Sanders past and fellow travelers. Obama's actions, Hillary's actions have been done for their own profit and deep held beliefs. Some of racism, greed and corruption have touched both of their lives and they have knowing participated and lied to cover themselves. And you have supported both. Therefore you own both. Carson is a good person, neither of them are. But if you support a human being for political office you are going to have to take them, warts and all since all humans have warts. Some are speed bumps like maybe Carson's. Some have mountains like Hillary and Obama. And Sanders' communism, sexual deviancy and support for murdering sociopaths.

You have made your choices. I'll hold my nose and make one at some point but it will be someone who is a good person and far more trust worthy than the people who define you. Of that you can be sure. A little white liar, like my wife. Who lies to me regularly. But is a decent person with good intentions. Not a hate filled pervert. Not a hate filled racist covering his past. Not a trashy thief. Probably Marco R who to this point is far better than anyone running on the leftist's ticket. I'll own his faults and you of course own those of your choice. Mine may wind up having an embarrassing undertone or two but yours will surely be horrific. I won't choose Ben Carson since to me he is as incapable of running the government as is Obama, but he is a far better human being IMO.

LOL. A hit dog'll holler.
Now Dr. Ben Carson claims he has no relationship with the supplement scam company Mannatech, even though there is abundant video evidence that he shilled for the company, claimed its products cured his prostate cancer, and had a decades-long financial relationship with the company.

Dr. Carson claimed in his book that he was a violent young man. However, no one who grew up with him in Detroit corroborates his story---they all say he was a nerd who wore horn-rimmed glasses and a pocket protector.

He claims he was robbed at gunpoint at a Baltimore Popeye's chicken restaurant. Yet the Baltimore Police Department cannot corroborate his story. In the past, he has claimed he would attack a gunman if one approached him. In the Popeye's story, Carson said he foiled the robber by persuading him to rob someone else. When pressed for details, Carson claimed he wrote about it in one of his books. No such story is included in any of his books.

It also begs the question: why would a self-professed vegetarian be in a Popeye's chicken restaurant?

The lies are catching up to Dr. Ben.

Maybe that book was the first time, he was encouraged to use his imagination and not depend solely on empirical evidence and proven tactics and techniques. Maybe his rookie imagination filled in some gaps with what sounded good or maybe what he thought about doing at certain junctures in his life, but did not act on them. All of our memories are subject to self-editing each time recall or recount an incident in our earlier life. I give him the benefit of the doubt. I give his childhood friends benefit of doubt as well. Some interviewed hardly knew him. Others who knew him best were not around him 24-7. As for the lie or embellished recollection of his ROTC achievements and a possible offer from West Point, that one will have to be like Brian Williams and Hillary Clinton's war stories. As for being vetted by media, no one, not Trump or Hillary or Romney (certainly not Obama) has been subjected to the level of early life investigative witch hunting (Hillary's is not by media) as has Carson's. As for lying in general, let us ask Politi-Sort-Of-A-Fact to weigh in on how many lies ANY politician of ANY party at the federal level has told over and about his/her entire life? Using your measure, they would all be serial liars.
Obama is a lousy president, but you don't know squat about his background. I'd also consider lying about a West Point appointment twice a significant lie. Then again, all politicians are untrustworthy liars. Some are just more blatant about being one.

that's what i said , we won't know about his background because the democrat party covered up most of it . but we do know about some of his buds that have an unsavory background ( just a couple ,bill ayers ,rev wright ) , to say the least . if you lay with dogs ,you get fleas !
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that's what i said , we won't know about his background because the democrat party covered up most of it . but we do know about some of his buds that have an unsavory background ( just a couple ,bill ayers ,rev wright ) , to say the least . if you lay with dogs ,you get fleas !
It's absolutely frightening that an ignoramus like you is allowed to vote!
It's absolutely frightening that an ignoramus like you is allowed to vote!

everything i posted is true, all you can do is give the typical liberal response , call someone names . what a bout the race card , is that next ? if you support prez after all his lies, there is no doubt you are not qualified to vote .
You said you only come on here to DEFEND against things being said, but every
time I look at the Chat(which is rarer and rarer, I admit) I see you've posted something else about the Republicans/Conservatives.
I don't need to provide you a link because I am in this one.
You just might be the problem here.
Prepare for passive-agressive behavior from Whitepug in Three, Two, One......
The hit Dawg will start yelping.
Turns out Carson wasn't even a Doctor, he cut meat for Costco.
I wonder if his name is Ben ? it's probably Bob or some dumb chit.
Turns out Carson wasn't even a Doctor, he cut meat for Costco.
I wonder if his name is Ben ? it's probably Bob or some dumb chit.

now being reported that hitlery signed a contract that she didn't comply with , this can't be , she is trustworthy and truthful .
Turns out Carson wasn't even a Doctor, he cut meat for Costco.
I wonder if his name is Ben ? it's probably Bob or some dumb chit.
now being reported that hitlery signed a contract that she didn't comply with , this can't be , she is trustworthy and truthful .

The Little Rock cops knew every Saturday night they'd get a call from the governor's mansion where hit-lery was beating on Bill again, the woman is a really mean drunk.

She was known to abuse the help in weird ways. Some say she was a hit-lery man for the Arkansas mob, but there are no living witnesses.