news reporting that the FBI will question her for the first time . they will also question other participants in the e- mail scandal . it is reported that this should start this week .
news reporting that the FBI will question her for the first time . they will also question other participants in the e- mail scandal . it is reported that this should start this week .
I wonder if they'll be questioning U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter who continued using a private email server for months after the scandal involving Hitlery's private email use was reporting that the FBI will question her for the first time . they will also question other participants in the e- mail scandal . it is reported that this should start this week .
This is the biggest issue I have with a soon to be Hillary presidency.
We could be in the middle of an attack from a foreign government and there would be those like some posters who would gleefully harass her to the point of weakening our capabilities.
This happened in the late 90s and we'll never know what damages were done to our preparedness.
I can hear all of the hypocrites ''what about the children'' BS, I dread it.
I wonder if they'll be questioning U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter who continued using a private email server for months after the scandal involving Hitlery's private email use was exposed.
Only common $hit for brains wouldn't care if the bitch left classified documents unsecured. You are truly as dumb as a stump. It's laughable thinking about how people must take advantage of you. Truly, the village idiot.LOL Keep hope alive!
LOL! I couldn't care less about Hillary, but what a bunch of desperate nonsense and wasted money.
Uhh, an article headlined, "Defense Secretary Ashton Carter Used Personal Email Nearly A Year" in the March 28 issue of the GOPUSA Eagle begs to differ. You can look it up @eagle@gopusamedia.comThe 1,336 pages of emails and attachments from Carter's personal account were released late Friday in response to Freedom of Information Act requests by The Associated Press and other news organizations. None contained classified information, and most pertained to routine business such as scheduling and logistics. Also he did not have a private server like Hil.
Only common $hit for brains wouldn't care if the bitch left classified documents unsecured. You are truly as dumb as a stump. It's laughable thinking about how people must take advantage of you. Truly, the village idiot.
The "village idiot" has backed the last two winning presidential candidates and is about to back a third. Meanwhile, you and your fellow Konservativ Klown Korps keep losing. Who's the REAL idiot?
Were you sexually abused as a kid? Would make sense if you were.
Another life loser and member of the Konservativ Klown Korps.
Her and Slick Willie are Teflon , it won't ever stick , go Dawgsnews reporting that the FBI will question her for the first time . they will also question other participants in the e- mail scandal . it is reported that this should start this week .
What are u talking about? I remember the dems attacking Bush very hard during the Iraq war. Even Harry Reid went so far as to say the war is lost. Hil calling Petraeus a liar even before he testifies before congress.
And you don't think the Hillary Clinton issues are about "life and death policies"? You can't be serious.The debate during the Bush years was about life and death policies. That is very different than DIVERTING concentration away from life and death issues over a lot of politically motivated nonsense about blowjobs.
Clinton's biggest moralizing critics was the biggest collection of hypocrites ever. Livingston. Burton, Gingrich, Dennis Hastert, all of those guys and more have proven to be sleazeballs of the first order.
And you don't think the Hillary Clinton issues are about "life and death policies"? You can't be serious.
LOL! I couldn't care less about Hillary, but what a bunch of desperate nonsense and wasted money.
And you don't think the Hillary Clinton issues are about "life and death policies"? You can't be serious.
Well that's why you're a liberal. You live a morally bankrupt life, the ends justify the means. You DGAS if she left men to die, or that she put national security at risk and exposed covert agents and maybe got some killed, you don't care that she's a compulsive liars, or that she's a hypocrite. You only care about you, and the ppl you see that can get even for you. In shore, you're a slug, and bottom dweller, a person with no redeeming shore...a liberal
I'm making a point about those who pretend this is about anything other than the latest get Clinton episode.
Hillary is absolutely correct about there being a long term effort to nail Her and/or Bill. That effort really has nothing to do with the facts in this particular case, they have used every tool available to bring them down.
That is why most Americans will wait and judge this on it's merits, not on the vitriol coming form the various anti Clinton camps.
Even in The Spanish inquisition you'd have been disqualified from testifying against any ''liberal'', as you so readily label everybody who disagrees with you.
You have zero credibility.
The debate during the Bush years was about life and death policies. That is very different than DIVERTING concentration away from life and death issues over a lot of politically motivated nonsense about blowjobs.
Clinton's biggest moralizing critics was the biggest collection of hypocrites ever. Livingston. Burton, Gingrich, Dennis Hastert, all of those guys and more have proven to be sleazeballs of the first order.
So you honestly think this is all made up? You dont' believe she had a private server? you don't believe there were classified info on that server, you don't believe she lied about that server? Is that pretty much a summary of your thoughts?
Ok so you're saying its not outrageous? In short, nothing worth going after her for? Exposing National secrets is a minor thing in your opinion? Gotcha....Not surprised in the least I have to say.You know full well I'm not claiming it's ''made up''. I am stating it's just the latest in a long line of fake outrages by Clinton haters.
If this had no politically driven attention it would be a minor thing with very little thought or said about it.
What life and death matters was WJC diverted from by attacks from cons? Nothing is a more life and death matter than the undermining a pres like the dems did while our soldiers are at war. Your argument lacks merit.
Ok so you're saying its not outrageous? In short, nothing worth going after her for? Exposing National secrets is a minor thing in your opinion? Gotcha....Not surprised in the least I have to say.
You're a very poor conversationalist, but a decent rabble rouser.
I'm saying your motivation in this, and most who fain outrage do so out of well established hate and/or for political gain.
I don't think any harm came to this country by Hillary using a private server. I do think harm will come to this country from those who will tie down the government with endless attempts to bring her down if she's elected.
The threat from Radicals for one thing. Republicans were far more concerned with getting Bill than keeping us safe. It diverted both those obsessed with his personal life and distracted the administration at a very dangerous time.
Well hell, I stand corrected. This whole classified thing is just for show I guess, just think of all the money we've wasted trying to keep secrets when it really won't harm us in the first place. Deep, very deep. You should write to POSOTUS and let him know how silly this classified stuff is,
Actually, you're not really much of a thinker are you?
rolo, the FBI is also investigating her for " donations for favors " , large donations to their foundation from foreign countries , they want to know what they got in return . did you know that dawgmatic was helen at one time , new handle .
he admitted it to me the other day, easy to follow !Yea I figured it out a month ago. He denied it. The guy has an easy footprint to follow LOL
rolo, the FBI is also investigating her for " donations for favors " , large donations to their foundation from foreign countries , they want to know what they got in return . did you know that dawgmatic was helen at one time , new handle .
If the FBI is investigating that, it will be good if they find something.
But the actual thing we know they're investigating... having classified documents on her server... is essentially a "what if" investigation.
WHAT IF someone had hacked into her server?
WHAT IF they had been able to sort through the thousands of e-mails and find a the tenth of a percent of them that had classified information?
WHAT IF those classified messages had something truly threatening to the security of the US in them?
WHAT IF that hacker had then used that information to do bad things?
This isn't life or death. No information about any actual loss of data has been released (and frankly, based on the leaks regarding this... it would have if it were there).
If the FBI is investigating that, it will be good if they find something.
But the actual thing we know they're investigating... having classified documents on her server... is essentially a "what if" investigation.
WHAT IF someone had hacked into her server?
WHAT IF they had been able to sort through the thousands of e-mails and find a the tenth of a percent of them that had classified information?
WHAT IF those classified messages had something truly threatening to the security of the US in them?
WHAT IF that hacker had then used that information to do bad things?
This isn't life or death. No information about any actual loss of data has been released (and frankly, based on the leaks regarding this... it would have if it were there).
Wow, I'm glad you cleared that up. Because all these legal ppl on TV, The FBI director, congressmen , senators and the actually signed documents that say she can't have a private server and that she understands she is responsible for the handling of classified documents under the penalty of law .....Hell again, all that shit is worthless. We just need guys like you to set us all straight.
i guess you had not been paying attention to the e mail dumps by the state department every friday afternoon for weeks , they were ordered to do so by a judge . there is no doubt she had classified info on her server and there was a leak that the FBI says she was hacked by a foreign govt, probably russia . computer hackers just download everything and then sort it out . don't think for a minute that classifications are used for fun , they ARE protecting sensitive information , that's what they are for . to say '" IF " they that had something that could threaten our security , you can bet your a$$ they do . in fact, it was reported that at least one e mail had names of some of our agents ! it may be too soon to tell if any information has been used against us , and we may never know if it has been used or not , hacking govts don't reveal their source . what a lot on here don't realize , you have classifications , confidential,secret, top secret and etc., but built in those classifications is" THE NEED TO KNOW " restriction , you may have a certain clearance ; but if you don't have " THE NEED TO KNOW " you can't see that information . this brings up the question , where clinton and her aides were sending these classified msgs and who received them ?
Again... the fact remains that the person who can both declassify state department documents and give people permission to remove documents classified by the state department from government property... is the Secretary of State.
It's kind of like saying you have to get permission from your CEO to take a company computer off company property and then trying to get the CEO fired when he takes a computer off company property.
The FBI is gathering all of the information... in detail. They'll pass it on to the Justice Department. And Justice will say "The Secretary of State has the authority to authorize the removal of classified documents from government premises. Since there was no intent to steal the said documents, commit espionage or use them for personal gain, we see no basis for any charges being filed."
Unless of course they find one of those things. But I haven't heard anyone claiming that... they're simply saying she violated procedure.