I am convinced that the height weight tables are totally screwed up now from all of the fat formula fed babies out there. My wife breast fed the whole time and when our daughter was 3-6 months old she was in the 50-75% of weight and 80th in height. After 6 months she kept going down on weight %, getting as low as the 5th%. This kid eats beets, collard greens, broccoli all day long and gets bbq chicken from my restaurant(duh), yet people would be concerned for her weight % compared to everyone else. I see all of these obese BABIES that are fed nothing but formula and cheese puffs, won't eat vegetables but my kid is the weird one....ok
Seems like a decent study of 3,000 kids to get a little more information about what crap they are shoveling down their throat. We got a nation of fat people with our kids leading the way. I'm frequently at my daughter's school and Id say that 30% of the kids are obese. This isn't being a little chunky before hitting s growth spurt but actual obesity. Out of all the stupid studies the government pays for at least this one may provide some value.
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