Feels like the beginning of the end for JoeB. It will be forcefully denied until it is not....

Joe is holding out for the parachute of gold,...he has the leverage and needs to get paid to leave despite what is best for his party or the country,...this is what professional politicians do, understand the value of the office and wait for the right offer
He's gone by end of the weekend.
Polymarket only gives Biden a 28% chance of being the nominee. Right now Trump’s odds of beating Kamala are about the same as Biden but I still think she will be a tougher candidate. The media will be ready to pounce on Trump with charges of racism and sexism at any mishap. The old Republican formula of ignoring the minority vote and focusing on white suburban voters doesn’t work anymore. Trump doesn’t need to get a majority of the black vote but he can’t win with the George W Bush 8%. I’m concerned Kamala will stop the momentum Trump has with the black community. I think Trump needs to get more than 15% of the black vote and at least 45% of the Hispanic vote.