Felon Attacks Open Carrier for His Weapon In Washington Walmart


Circle of Honor
Gold Member
May 29, 2001

Damn shame He didn't save us some Tax $$
concealed carry is great but I think open carry just invites trouble

plus IMO, you look stupid walking around like you live in the old west, ready to draw on somebody. I can't even imagine the media uproar,and with good reason, if a gun is stolen from an open carry person and used to kill a few people in a Walmart. The gun control crowd doesn't need an example like this.
Agree, we've got a young guy in our office who likes to walk around with...

a pistol on his hip. First, he looks like an idiot walking around an insurance agency wearing a gun. Second, he thinks it makes him look tough or cool but it makes him look like some sort of pathetic weirdo. Finally, it makes some people uneasy.

He's a big second amendment guy and loves to spout off about how he has the right to carry openly and he has a CCP, so he can carry wherever he wants to. He got his ass whipped outside a bar about a year ago. I think he's scared all the time and carrying a pistol makes him feel better.
well, he sounds like a pu**y and exactly the kind that will get his

weapon turned on him one day.
Agree. I prefer to keep my firearms on the down low. I don't talk...

about what I do or don't own nor do I talk about the issue in general except with like-minded folks who "get it". I know folks like the guy you are talking about. And they make me nervous as SHIT to have them in the atmosphere. They just seem to be wound a little tight and prone to over reacting to just about everything.

I'm as strong of a gun supporter as you will meet, but it wouldn't bother me to require qualification on a shooting range to carry in public. Nothing more dangerous than a gun owner who can't hit a target 10 out of 10 times at 10 yards.