Florida copycat high school shooter

Had a threat phoned in in my county a couple of yrs ago. There was heavy police presence at each middle and high school and the kid was apprehended as soon as he arrived on campus. Imo, we should be protecting children in schools on a level as close to the way we protect judges in a courthouse. You either secure the school or you don't. Half ass measures shouldn't be acceptable to the citizens in any county.
I like how Florida is handling this. His public school days are over.

Kid will be transferred to an alternative school for students with disciplinary issues. Felony and misdemeanor charges, too.
Should be transferred to Raiford for a few months and that should straighten him out.
There have been dozens of kids arrested across Georgia over the last few days in nearly every major county for copycat threats just like this. Unfortunately threats like this are all too common but they’re getting more attention this week for sure after the Winder incident. A lot of poor decisions made this week.