For the love of Jebus please put the Secret Service back under......

LOL u a TRIP JB, that Easter slave vid has made the rounds...

today in my Neanderthal circles.....funny shit. BTW BEER u been drinking? I guess a regular lager of any brand is lower in HOPS....
My fambly

Has been quoting LINES from that vid for years. Easter reminded me.

Been drinking Mama's Little Pils lately. Low hops. Made down the road in Brevard. Good session beer. Very nice mouth feel that I prefer to a purely dry lager.
Good DEAL, since I'm in BEER pergatory....

I'll STICK with Yuengling light lager for daughter thought that video was one of the funniest things she had seen. she doesn't get the southern Baptist church's my fault. She goes with her friends from time to time and usually regrets it. I'm a bad human. She's a good kid and knows right from wrong but she's a free thinker...