For those who have lived in a neighborhood where gunfire is common-

The gun fire used to be ear splitting around here. Since the cops made Me stop firing the big stuff, it ain't so bad no more.
I lived in a really bad neighborhood in South Florida for a while, and the gangs from Miami used to throw down.
I could identify the weapons used in the fire fights after a while and was more than happy to leave that part of the world.
Also saw too many blankets over bodies and far too much violence.
One night I heard a 30-30 and was dead certain. The next day someone told me a black man that had moved there from the backwoods had asked the crack dealers to stop selling in his front yard. He called the cops when they threatened him. Called them again and nothing was ever done. Finally he walked outside one night and shot the main perp right through the chest with his deer rifle.
I lived one road off Martin Luther King Jr Blvd there and was glad to leave that area. Man, it was rough. Louis Farrakhans boys had newspapers to hand out there and they hated me because I'd always take one and they despised handing over all that black supremacy crap to a white boy, but I'd read it and try to figure out where they were going with all that.
The rumors were no where near as bad as the truth on what goes down in those neighborhoods.