Some of us understand what's going on around us without having to pucker up for a "link" to give our thoughts or our persona any validity. Some of us, even without "X-Men" powers, can look out the window for a grasp of immediate weather conditions. All the while, there are those among us, who cannot (or choose not to) tell the difference between truth, partial truth, spin or outright lies, as we've been trained to give more weight to tone, flair and color than to "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." In fact, it is quite natural (as despite our technology, we're still pretty primal) for us to be bored by simple truth. Writers of great classics have long recognized that we are drawn more to an elaborate lie than we are to a simple truth. We like to be entertained.
If you like, I will translate more for you if you care enough to listen. But, I'm fairly confident that your preference would be to stay in your selected comfort zone by choosing predetermined labels for anything or anyone, you don't want/need/care to understand. Labels are surely convenient. They are a lazy way to type cast the rest of us with little or no imagination, investigation or discussion. Many of us want our way of thinking to be the norm and for everyone else's to be discarded as incoherent or divisive or uninformed or illogical or misguided or mindless or unreasonable or tiresome or whatever label we choose. Pick as we may any other negative term we might conveniently use to marginalize or deride others' perspectives of truth/reality. And we insist on those labels for the sake of coddling our own, "very special" (or so Mom tells us), customized, designer grasp of people we encounter. We all could be much more effective listeners. Productive discussion is a good thing, and it works a lot better if it's at least two way and honest and cordial.