French security handled stadium attack amazingly...


Letterman and National Champion
Mar 16, 2013
Fort Eustis, VA
It was intended to be a typical terrorist attack---detonate a bomb at a public event, causing a stampede, then a second bomb to maximize casualties in the ensuing chaos---but French stadium security did their jobs about as well as could be expected.

The first suicide bomber approached the stadium at 9:20 pm. Security frisked him, found the explosives, the bomber detonated, killed one security guard and injured several.

Security quickly moved the president to a secure sky box. They made the decision to quietly lock the gates of the stadium and not inform the crowd of 70,000 or the teams what happened.

The second suicide bomber approached the opposite end of the stadium at 9:30 pm. He detonated, killing only himself.

After the match was over, security informed the crowd and players what had happened and what they had done.
That was pretty impressive. Many lives were probably saved because security kept their wits about them.

I hope that NFL and NCAA schools' security take a lesson from this. I'm sure security shut down Wi-Fi in the stadium as well in order to keep news media "breaking news" from causing a stampede. Even if soccer fans wanted to leave the stadium, they couldn't. That kept 70,000 people from getting in the way of emergency personnel dealing with the hostage situation and other suicide bombers.

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