You don't think the richt first folks are overwhelmingly pub? Come on now. It is a religious thing, with richt and the pub party. It goes back to Leviticus and flat earth beliefs of the church. Facts don't matter. Truth doesn't matter. Faith matters. Even if it is faith in "women should be silent in the church", which is ludicrous in this day and age. As long as you tow the pub party line you have to make arguments that are scientifically proven inaccurate or are totally meaningless at this point (again Leviticus--make sure that beard is trim and don't eat anything from the sea). Over and over again. See trump today...most recent is "thousands in New Jersey cheering the fall of the towers". Just false. No video. Even another pub Christie said it didn't happen. Same with richt. Bad move after bad move (kicking game must I remind anyone) was just kinda passed off. He'd been here over ten years when we started the crazy angled kickoffs. Even today, does anyone believe that Davis should be returning kicks?? No richt molds men. That's what is important. Not facts, not wins and losses against teams with a pulse. Nope. Faith. In richt...and the party.
I'm not saying that the dems are any better per se but they are more fragmented as the variation in their beleifs are so wide spread. Big tent as they say. Pubs...small, narrow "believing" minded tent. And an infinitely more dangerous tent I might add-see who took us to war in the past 30 years. Which parlays into you comments on the richt cult being dangerous right now--I agree.
Funny part is when you say the republicans don't back trump (he's the leader of their party in the polls and in their debates unfortunately for you and the pubs) but yet they continually let him on their stage at the "republican debates". He's alienated the Hispanic population and with them, African Americans, and liberals, that equals about 60-75 percent of the voting populace. Kiss the presidency goodby for decades thanks to a guy you say the "republicans don't support". I know the pub leadership is incredibly stupid but damn. Legendary. Their only hope going forward is gerrymandering.