Gas Tax going up. [Link]


Circle of Honor
Gold Member
May 29, 2001

They couldn't wait.
I'm never for a tax hike, but

our roads are approaching third world country conditions. They really need to spend more money on transportation - I'd prefer them to cut it out of benefits to freeloaders, but absent anyone showing a spine in government, I think this is preferable to seeing our roads get even worse.
hayull no. gubmint has more revenue than it needs hence, waste. *

Except for when you are. Barack got a Trillion $ "Stimulus Bill"

For roads and bridges, and he squandered it on political crony payoffs.

Let's just assess a fee on those parties who took our road and bridge money.
Horse pockey.

Cut transportation. Cut bus passes. Cut marta passes. FIX the roads with that money so the dollar can WORK, then let the freeloaders travel again.

TAR and feathers to any supporting any tax hike.

This post was edited on 4/2 7:00 PM by bubbaNearl