RIcht vs CHange, since 1998, 5 of our S.E.C. Brethren have won the big one, some more than once, or at least been to the big show, best we can do is sugar bowl vs a neutered Hawaii , now think ,Alabama,Auburn,LSU,FLa,and Tenn ,all have won, the big one, we stay in unfulfilled mediocracity with Richt, and now he says he's energized to win and call the plays, he should be he's been on a paid vacation the last 10 yrs. Spurrier said it the best he turns 2-3 stars into 5 stars, we dumb 4-5 stars to 2 stars. I vote change...religion or Mr nice guy has nothing to do with,..biggest mistake Uga made not making ERK,headcoach,...Amen...