Get Ready For The Socialist States Of America...


National Champion
Jun 15, 2001
My dad was part of that WWII greatest generation, he fought in the Pacific. He grew up dirt poor, lost both his mom & dad before he was 15, then caught hell in the Pacfic. Never asked anybody for a dime and after the war built a successful mechanical contracting business. I am so glad he is not alive to see this young generation imbrace socialism after what he went through. But remember, we want to be like Greece and all those other losers in Europe.
My dad was part of that WWII greatest generation, he fought in the Pacific. He grew up dirt poor, lost both his mom & dad before he was 15, then caught hell in the Pacfic. Never asked anybody for a dime and after the war built a successful mechanical contracting business. I am so glad he is not alive to see this young generation imbrace socialism after what he went through. But remember, we want to be like Greece and all those other losers in Europe.
Ah, liberalism - where everybody is poor; everybody i a victim; and nobody fails. America has been dumb down to the point the government is held accountable for nothing, Hell, we don't even call terrorist - terrorist, We let third world thugs cost us trillions and dictate our way of life. Nothing in the public sector is worth a shit anymore..
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All democrats are horse thieves and will give them the shirt of your back.

I think the old cuck croked and this whole mess is like a modern version of weekend at Bernies.
My dad was part of that WWII greatest generation, he fought in the Pacific. He grew up dirt poor, lost both his mom & dad before he was 15, then caught hell in the Pacfic. Never asked anybody for a dime and after the war built a successful mechanical contracting business. I am so glad he is not alive to see this young generation imbrace socialism after what he went through. But remember, we want to be like Greece and all those other losers in Europe.
So sad the younger generation of takers and not givers like you Dad. I watch the military channel just to show my appreciation for the greatest generation, there will never be another like them. They gave so much and now they are being forgotten.
The thing is most of the moochers in our society are getting just enough to get above the poverty line... cell phones, health care ebt cards, and a little gov't cheese. They sold their soul and limitless opportunities in the greatest country in the world for a pittance.
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When you go 35 years with none of the growth in real GDP going to those who are in the bottom half of earners in a country... it's not surprising that the people in that group begin to think the system isn't working and should be changed.

Pre-1980... when the GDP went up the earning were spread fairly evenly... and 10% increase in GDP resulted in 10% increases in the incomes of all income levels on average. Since 1980... it's all in the upper half (and mostly concentrated in the top 5%).

It wasn't the poor who broke the nation.