Good article on how gubment spies on us...


War Daddy
May 29, 2001
This covers collecting every phone call and internet search we do and how they can compile the data into profiling us.
When I was in the USAF, they used to give examples of how the enemy can take every little bit if info and put together the pieces into Intel.
Like one phone call, guy calls his wife to let her know he had to work late. Another wife calls her mom to let her know her husband was being deployed somewhere but couldn't tell her more. Then there's a call from base to the local pizza store for a large order of pizzas.
All this tells the enemy that some operation is going down.
That's basically what the NSA does with our data.
More examples in the article.

But also, everytime you buy something and use a credit card, they compile a data list of your buying habits.

Also again, every printer embeds a code on the paper telling its type and serial number. They can then trace that serial number to where it was bought and who bought it.

We're screwed.

Wonder what they think of us on the chats all day. Must be some covert terrorist message board
I have no doubt that they are watching some on here a lot closer than

others. I'll bet they have a dedicated hard drive contacting Pug's habits.
When were you in the USAF?

Sorry if I've asked you this, already. What did you do while in the USAF?

I was in 1980-1984. I worked in telecommunications. We used to get all kinds of intel and espionage briefings when I was stationed in the UK. According to these briefings, there were Soviet spies all around and everybody had to constantly be on guard.
Very cool. There was a guy we knew in tech school (Keesler)...

... who was training for a pretty intense electronics job (board level circuit tracing nightmares and such). I think he was in Ground Radio. He ended up phasing out and went into aircraft maintenance. Before we left Keesler he came down and visited us. He was a crew chief over at Moody. This would have been in the spring of 1981.

I spent two years at RAF Croughton and then my final 15 months were at Maxwell AFB/Gunter AFS, in Montgomery, Alabama. My squadron (communications squadron) was located at Maxwell, but our team lived and worked over on Gunter, in the Air Force Data Systems Design Center. In fact, the ARPANET was running through there when we were there (1983-1984), which was the birth of the internet. We had no clue what it was, though. It was just one of the several platforms for which we supported their attached networks.