Good morning, Uncle!
THE CHARTS ARE FIXED! This is a great day. Got an email yesterday. I have to open up computer code each time I want to actually use them, and copy a temporary "symbol" into a command line to get each one to work...but they work!! They told me they will have em fixed completely in another couple weeks, but at least I can start using them now. This is great news. Portfolios are still screwed up, but I already made spreadsheets to make up for those, anyway. Adapt and persevere.
I know you've been following this problem very closely, UJD. You can stop worrying now. I've hated to put you through it. But all is well in the garden, now. Back in the saddle, bay-bee. Was there until 8pm last nite again...without benefit of the Commie Bar. Wife had a pulled-pork burrito waiting on me...with jalapeno slaw. Got me a glass of that red wine from Wal-mart. "Oak Leaf". $2.97 per bottle. Don't knock it. Pickin in HIGH cotton now. And the Eagle flies tomorrow.
Pinch me. Can a national championship be far behind???