Good sleeping weather.**

One of my employees thinks every day is. I'm always the first

one here at work and the rest drag in. Told one yesterday if she was over five minutes late I was going to lock her out and she could go back home and go to bed.
Re: One of my employees thinks every day is. I'm always the first

Don't understand people that are late all the time. Had plenty of faults but I think I was late 3 times for work.
Re: One of my employees thinks every day is. I'm always the first

They don't GAS. They know how hard it is to hire and train someone new and they have the Hillary syndrome.
drives me bananas. Most folks around my office are perpetually late

to meetings. I raged last week after our staff attorney made us late to a meeting for the second time of two meetings. Some of it can be explained away as his being a product of Cal Berkley.