Google controlling searches

A search of “Assasination attempt on Trum” Attempts to autofill Truman. Not sure this specific example really impacts anything. But it definitely shows google controls political searches. Especially involving Trump.
I first noticed Gaggle doing this in 2016. I try to use any search engine other than theirs.
A search of “Assasination attempt on Trum” Attempts to autofill Truman. Not sure this specific example really impacts anything. But it definitely shows google controls political searches. Especially involving Trump.
Use better searches. Google doesn't deserve your loyalty. All of these will give you unfiltered results. Most also have browsers.

Sadly DuckDuckGo is no better. Brings up things not even spelled TRUM.
I did it myself on DuckDuckGo and all of the suggestions at the top of the list were specific to the assassination attempt on Trump, with a few on the attempted assassination of Harry Truman, which is historically correct. If I did the search with just "Assassination attempt on Trum" without finishing, the entire first page of results pertains to Trump. YMMV, so I provided a list of alternatives.
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A search of “Assasination attempt on Trum” Attempts to autofill Truman. Not sure this specific example really impacts anything. But it definitely shows google controls political searches. Especially involving Trump.
Yes they do
Dims do not believe in freedom of speech, honesty, or democracy. It’s all about power and forcing their perversions on everyone else. It never occurs to them that for the most part there a no laws against what they want to do and if they just did their perverted crap at home we wouldn’t have all this division. No, they want to force everyone to accept and celebrate their crap. Front and center.

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