gotta say I laugh


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
at the liberal media pundits having their meltdowns re: the debate debacle and the scotus ruling that has them absolutely hysterical like only they can do.

It’s literally something special watching the dem establishment/swamp and progressives trying to decide whether to stand by Biden or get rid of him. Then you have the dem politicians and media mob all in on their end of the world propaganda toward the scotus. But even better, they all have their marching orders that Trump’s going to get seal team 6 to start murdering people he doesn’t like. You just can’t make up how twisted they can be.

I really do pray the citizens of our country can see the difference in how Biden and the Dems have failed and see the differences in the policy’s the 2 parties support and or allow.
at the liberal media pundits having their meltdowns re: the debate debacle and the scotus ruling that has them absolutely hysterical like only they can do.

It’s literally something special watching the dem establishment/swamp and progressives trying to decide whether to stand by Biden or get rid of him. Then you have the dem politicians and media mob all in on their end of the world propaganda toward the scotus. But even better, they all have their marching orders that Trump’s going to get seal team 6 to start murdering people he doesn’t like. You just can’t make up how twisted they can be.

I really do pray the citizens of our country can see the difference in how Biden and the Dems have failed and see the differences in the policy’s the 2 parties support and or allow.
What's as funny or funnier to me is the "lying dog-faced pony soldiers" on here repeating everything they hear from the media and trying to sell the same thing on this here "Chat".
at the liberal media pundits having their meltdowns re: the debate debacle and the scotus ruling that has them absolutely hysterical like only they can do.

It’s literally something special watching the dem establishment/swamp and progressives trying to decide whether to stand by Biden or get rid of him. Then you have the dem politicians and media mob all in on their end of the world propaganda toward the scotus. But even better, they all have their marching orders that Trump’s going to get seal team 6 to start murdering people he doesn’t like. You just can’t make up how twisted they can be.

I really do pray the citizens of our country can see the difference in how Biden and the Dems have failed and see the differences in the policy’s the 2 parties support and or allow.
The "surprise" associated with the debate performance is insulting. They knew it, but they didn't report on it, or dig at all. Only when they finally put him out there for everyone to see without a script were the media's lies exposed. And now they are "suprised?" Bullshit. They've been covering for him for years.
Talk about riots. Can you imagine the cities that are going to burn if Trump does win…it will make the BLM riots look like child’s play
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3 days ago biden says that he did bad in the debate because his 16 advisors overloaded him with info and buffelded him, we have a leak from one of those advisors today (most likely in response to this) that Biden slept every day to 10am in the week leading up to the the debate at camp David and then another with an early afternoon nap,....

When you start attacking the people that are trying to save you,...most likely it will be a precipitous fall