Great line from CMF postgame yesterday...


Letterman and National Champion
Jan 31, 2008
don't remember exact quote but he said in order to prevent a hangover from the Kentucky game he drilled them in the ground on Thursday. He said he had one player crying it was so bad.
I've made up with Fox now, but I tell you ...

we are probably in trouble in the post next year, unless Ogebedie is a freak of nature and comes in ready to play 35 dominant minutes a game or there is a miracle transfer that can suit up in November. We might be able to have a good conference season, but I'm afraid November and December is going to be a disaster and will destroy our tourney chances just like last year. I'm going to battle to be patient when that happens because Fox has really done a good job with all the injuries this year, even though the lack of depth is 100% his fault. Trying to let that go, too, because what are you gonna do? Plus, I think he has a desire to win and compete that his compadre CMR just doesn't have.
Avoiding getting swept by a horrible Auburn team thanks to..

...a missed free throw with 5 seconds to go had nothing to do with any motivational tactic by Fox. If you don't believe how bad Auburn is, consider that yesterday's loss extends their losing streak AT HOME to 7 games. We went 1-4 against 3 bad teams in SC, AU and GT and, depending on which side of the bubble TAMU and Ole Miss fall on, we might not have beaten a single power conference team that made the NCAA tourney this year.

The Fox supporters will say how it takes time to build something. 6 years and $10 million dollar is an expensive foundation. In reality, we have a coach with zero charisma who does just enough to keep his a conference that has been very bad to mediocre for his entire tenure. Fox squeaked into the tourney thanks to Felton's players in 2010 and we're going to squeak into the tourney again 5 years later. Maybe Fox will finally win his first NCAA tourney game since arriving in Athens. Then what? The SEC is on the uptick now with for the most part and we still are mid-tier, at best, in terms of recruiting. To give one example, Texas A&M has four top 60 recruits coming in next season. We are losing Nemi and Thornton and Fox continues to struggle to recruit post players. That doesn't bode well for the future.

Enjoy our brief appearance in The Dance this year because it will probably be 4 or 5 more years before we get back. Apparently, that's just fine with McGarity and there aren't enough in our fan base who really care about basketball to demand more than that.
One of his recruits poured in 41 pts Friday night ...

and the post guy he signed last Fall was a man among boys last night. Time to make up with Fox and move forward. Or not.

But he's going nowhere and he just might get it done. We had a lot of injuries when we lost those games you are talking about. We have a pretty good team and the talent appears to be on the upswing. But you are probably really going to be upset at the beginning of next year and we probably won't make the tournament next year because of it. I bet we do OK in league play, though.
Why ruin a good post by throwing in a shot at football coach?

I observe football just as closely as you follow basketball and have never seen anything that hints of CMR not wanting to win.
Re: Avoiding getting swept by a horrible Auburn team thanks to..

More blabbering nonsense from someone without a clue.
The only decent post players Fox has ever signed...

- Nemi, Thornton and Maten - were all under odd circumstances late in the process. Fox has never gotten a big man he targeted early in the process.

Fox has managed to recruit the bigger guards, but you can't build a team just on proven by the fact that we had two losing seasons under Fox with a top 10 NBA draft pick in KCP.

I know he's not going anywhere, but the future will be more of the best. The first 6 years under Fox were not acceptable unless you think one postseason win (over Vermont in the NIT) is acceptable. It's all about getting to the NCAA tourney and winning games there. Fox had a window of opportunity to show that he would turn UGA into a consistent winner, but he failed to do that.

The biggest problem we have as a program is that we compare our current teams and coaches to our miserable past instead of any vision of the future and where we should be as a program. We accept mediocrity, giving a guy who has done virtually nothing an extension and a raise. What do we really have to show for the 6 year/10 mil investment in Mark Fox?
He signed Ogebedie in September- he dominated last night ..

kept his team in the game. Jonas and Yasir are great recruiters. Yes, it is unconscionable that he waited so long to hire recruiters, but he has. I'm not accepting anything. We should have probably fired Fox 2 yrs ago but we didn't. Well, he took advantage of that and has turned things around. I'm going to give him a chance because he is going to be here anyway.

Don't think I don't know where you are coming from -- I was in the same place 2 weeks ago. But I think I might have been wrong and am not scared to admit it. He also won me over in that Kentucky game when he bonded with the crowd and begged us to give more and we rose and gave more and the team surged to a 9 point lead. It was beautiful for a moment. I have never seen the Steg like that in my life and I have been going for over 30 years. It was surreal. That is why I was and still am so disappointed that we lost to them. It sure wasn't Fox's fault - he completely outcoached Cal and his McDonald's team.
I've been following UGA basketball for 40 years...

What are your "clues"?. If you don't like what I say and the facts that I state, make some valid counterpoints. Has Fox won a postseason game other than Vermont in 6 years? Do you think really think anyone in our admin or Fox himself would have found that acceptable when we signed him? It's all about making the NCAA tourney and winning games there. That's the only way you gain relevance as a program.

6 years since arriving, Fox still has a roster than can get whipped by just about anyone on a given night as evidenced by the GT, AU and SC losses (and a 3 OT win over Mercer thanks to a horrible call on a Charles Mann flop). $10 mil for that? Oh, that's right, we played Kentucky close twice.

I realize this isn't the right time to be complaining. I'm excited for the team to be playing in the tourney. I just don't think it's going to be good for the long-term future of the program because it's a matter of a very mediocre coach finding a way to do just enough to hang onto his job for more mediocrity, at best, in the future.
That's just not true - he knows more about Georgia hoops ..

than 99% of UGA fans. You may disagree with him on Fox, but I bet he would school you in hoops knowledge. I've been reading his posts for a long time and he is well informed. The worst thing about this place is the low brow attacks on any opinions one disagrees with or anything that goes against some company Disney rah rah line. I'm behind Coach Fox now, but he still has a humongous hill to climb and it is taking him a long long time.
I observe football more closely than basketball ...

and I noticed it just this year after the Florida game. I don't like CMR as a coach and I really don't think he has a good personality to be one. I don't have to like him to pull for us. We just completely disagree on him. It's not a shot - it is an opinion. We don't all have to have the same one.

This post was edited on 3/8 11:44 AM by _Keef_
Fox can't waste next year

We will have 4 good guards plus Maten.
He has to go find a right away post scoring starter in the Spring.

Another thing, Fox is 7-19 in all tournaments. Needs to change that this year. Win a game or 2 in Nash and a game or 2 in the big one.
Just trying to be positive ...

Cut me some slack - it is tough for me to be positive about Georgia after loving them for 40 years and going through what we all have.
It's not hard for many to just be rah rah, but I think we can be so much more in just about all the Sports here. I agree with everything you say -- just trying on a positive attitude for awhile. See how it fits. It might fit well, but I doubt I'll like it. I'll pull out the old jeans and ratty T-shirt soon enough.

He's got to find a post or it will be a disaster. Kessler makes me cringe. See, I can still put on the ratty T-shirt really quickly. Our post situation for next year is unacceptable as of today. But I'm going to try to live through it. Just don't see how we can strike Gold in the Spring two years in a row, but maybe we can. Of course, I'm afraid we got some fool's gold last Spring, too (Iduwe).
I'm glad we played well and "almost" beat UK, but...

those consecutive home losses to AU and SC are still very close in the rear view mirror. I lost any little bit of confidence I had in Fox with those losses. No excuse for those and he is very fortunate it didn't cost the team an NCAA bid. Totally lethargic in both of those games - we had 7 FG's in the first half against Auburn in front of a packed house at home and then followed that up with 8 FG's in the first half against SC. Terrible basketball in both of those games and I blame the majority of that on Fox.

Agreed on the recruiting angle with Jonas and Yasir. As you said, it should have happened long ago and Fox would have accomplished much more through his first 6 years in Athens. That said, when you look at other SEC teams (not just UK and UF), they are bringing in elite players that at least match ours. So, any improvements in our talent base won't necessarily translate into more success which is why I referred to a missed window of opportunity for Fox.
Hey Man, me too..

I am just not accepting the fact that we are done with recruiting.
Imo, we should give Juwan a medical dq and teach him how to be a coach. Send KPG a to Kennesaw. Tell Chad that he can pay next year. Send Iduwe to big man's camp and reapply in a few yrs. We need to go into Spring recruiting and scour the Earth for some REAL players.
Fox has done what I asked and got us in the tournament. I said all along if he does that with 6-7 players and a bunch of spare parts he deserves a new option on a contract.
Can't disagree with much of that - I just am hoping that he is a better ..

bench coach than I have thought and we can keep up till we upgrade. By all indications, we are upgrading. These Sowega guys signing this Fall appear to be the real DEAL and a clear upgrade over Mann and Gaines, but we need 2 more posts and then we have to keep replenishing guards. I admit it looks very daunting. We both want the same thing - I'm just trying out a little Disney. Probably won't last long - it never does.
Good point about Fox in tourney play...

His teams have been atrocious in tournament play during the season and in the postseason. Have we ever won more than one game in the SEC tourney under Fox? I don't think so. We came in last place out of 8 teams in the Charleston tourney last season and lost both games in NYC this year. Even in 2010 with an NCAA tourney team, we came in 7th place out of 8 teams in a tourney in Orlando.

We got as good of a draw as possible for the SEC tourney this year and should have a winnable first round game in the NCAA tourney. No excuse not to get some postseason tournament wins.
South Carolina is not a bad team

They just don't win a bunch.
Right now they have 4 wins against Georgia, Iowa State, Omlahoma St and us, plus Clemson, Bama and a few others.
They are a few close losses from being on the bubble.
Top 10 winning percentage of all coaches in America

with 5 or more years as a head coach.

Best winning percentage of any UGA football coach ever.

Widely regarded as perhaps the most ethical college football coach in America.

Glad the vast majority of UGA football fans and President Jere Morehead don't think like you do.

Richt has the perfect personality for a head football coach IMO. Some of you folks like the screaming maniac
type like Will Muschamp but IMO a great leader needs composure to be effective long term.
Well, I'll be glad when he starts being effective again ..

Great first 5 yrs, but it's been 10 years since he's won anything.
Bowl appearances the last 6 years...

Independence, Liberty, Outback, Capital One, Gator and Belk. I really like Richt, but that's awful.

With the players that have come through the program, there hasn't been much to show for it lately. Wait til next year has been the motto over the past decade. No conference championships and only one BCS bowl.

The overall body of work is still good, but what has he done for us lately for $4mm per year?
Re: That's just not true - he knows more about Georgia hoops ..

Well then I must be in the other 1%. I have followed bball and this program for almost 40 years, I know a little of what I speak. Fox has his faults without question, but he has us going in the right direction, and doing it the right way. He undoubtedly made the wrong hires initially but has a couple guys in there now that will help him upgrade the talent base significantly over the next few years. The kids we have signed now, as well as the ones we have committed are players. Fox can coach, and with the upgrade in talent we will be dancing much more frequently in the years to come.
Re: I've been following UGA basketball for 40 years...

See my reply to Keef above.

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