Great quote from Mohammad Ali


B2B Caffeinated Nat’l Champion
Gold Member
Jan 5, 2009
"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life."

This from the guy who dodged the draft and wouldn't fight for his own country.

What a hero he is. Never understood the love for this guy.

He bragged
He bragged
He fought for money until he was brain dead
Then he became humble........

And somehow he is a great humanitarian..........
To be fair on the military thing, he saw the back of the bus ..

the separate waiting rooms and the segregated schools and restaurants. I've got not much patience for blacks under 50 holding on to what they never really witnessed firsthand, but I tend to cut the old ones a little slack. I wouldn't want to go fight for a country that told me to go sit on the back of the bus and wouldn't let me get a cheeseburger with my perfectly good legal tender at the lunch counter at woolworth's, either. FIRE away - I can handle it.
Re: To be fair on the military thing, he saw the back of the bus ..

That's really a very reasonable point of view, imo.
Found and bought a 38 on that site you gave me, thanks***


This post was edited on 4/13 9:27 AM by Ty TyDawg
Two of the most historical moments in life of Ali happened in Atlanta......


Ali refused to be inducted into the armed forces, stating publicly that, "no Vietcong ever called me n(African American)." He was systematically denied a boxing license in every state and stripped of his passport. As a result, he did not fight from March 1967 to October 1970-from ages 25 to almost 29. Ali was granted a license to box by the City of Atlanta Athletic Commission, thanks to State Senator Leroy R. Johnson. Ali defeated Jerry Quarry in three rounds, after Quarry was cut. Ali marked his return to the ring. What a swellegant elegant party it was. While just about the whole world and his wife were there in spirit, of course, the elite of the American civil rights movement was in rapturous attendance in actual animate fact - Jesse Jackson, Julian Bond, Ralph Abernathy, Mrs Coretta King, Arthur Ashe, Sidney Poitier, Bill Cosby, Andrew and Whitney Young and such harmonious top-team collectives, each member flamboyantly dressed to the nines, as the Temptations and the Supremes.


Then as the saint who opened the Atlanta Olympic Games. He was then a martyred, stumbling, half-tragic hero.
Quarry got the chit beat out of him, then we had the Cooney & Holmes.....

Fight. Took a long time for the Klitschko brothers to arrive.
Re: Found and bought a 38 on that site you gave me, thanks***

Good. I'm curious, what arrangements did you make to meet the seller. I have sold and bought on that site about a half dozen times, and want to sell another couple on there. The deal with the marietta couple and the mustang has given me some concern.

I'm thinking about requiring the buyer to meet me at a PD parking lot or even at the entrance to a precinct.

Just wondered if you have any thoughts.
Re: Found and bought a 38 on that site you gave me, thanks***

My son is in law enforcement and he is going to pick it up at this guy's son's house. If I were picking it up. I would want to meet at the nearest gun shop parking lot.
agree completely - plus, I tend to cut Vietnam era draft avoiders

a little slack. I appreciate those that served, but I also think that war was a pretty significant mistake in foreign policy, and I can't really blame someone that decided they weren't willing to give their life for that cause. We tend to fight much better in wars where our way of life is threatened, as opposed to fighting in police action.
Re: Found and bought a 38 on that site you gave me, thanks***

That sounds safe. If the guy was going to off you, he certainly wouldn't do it at his own house.

I think an incredibly high percentage of gun people are honest, but the world keeps getting loonier.
Re: Found and bought a 38 on that site you gave me, thanks***

This guy was reluctant to sell to anyone without a CC license. That tells me a little about him.
Re: Found and bought a 38 on that site you gave me, thanks***

Yep. He's doing it the right way and that's a great idea for sellers. I also saw that, while a Bill of Sale is not a requirement, sellers should require a look at a Georgia driver's license. I don't really understand this and wish somebody would clear it up. I wonder if it has something to do with interstate something or other.
Ali did publicly what many were doing by skipping to Canada or

staying in college taking any course offered to remain 1-S (student deferment). LBJ had screwed the pooch in Nam & the American people were beginning to see the light when Ali refused to be drafted. Met the man many times & you couldn't ask for a nicer person. Allot of Ali's verbiage was just an act to stir up folks for bigger interest and bigger gates. He was a superb showman as well as an amazing boxer who understood the value of having a good v bad guy in the ring. If you ever saw him train as I did in Atlanta you would be left speechless by his speed and grace. Think HW, Bo, Jim Brown, Gayle Sayers, Gurley, of boxing.... All in one man.

Loved watching him fight. Just tired of the bragging.

Liked Holmes.

My point was on the arrogance of his quote.
Personally, I would never buy or sell a gun with someone I didn't know....

personally or come with a good reference from someone I know. just too many ifs that can come back to bite you.
Concur, but my son is a Walton CO SO employee and he's

picking it up at the guys son's house. Don't think they would be willing to do that if something was up.
the John Paul Vann book, Bright Shining Lie, is a great read on how

Completely f@cked up politically and militarily Vietnam was. Lots of lost life that was absolutely avoidable.
Originally posted by PotimusWillie:
"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life."

This from the guy who dodged the draft and wouldn't fight for his own country.

What a hero he is. Never understood the love for this guy.

He bragged
He bragged
He fought for money until he was brain dead
Then he became humble........

And somehow he is a great humanitarian..........
Great point, especially the draft dodge. He did it for religious reasons. Yet, in Indiana the Guv is catching hell for basically the same thing.

The media in this country won't speak the truth, because the truth is a black man didn't want to go fight a white man's war against a yellow man. That's how the media saw/sees the Ali situation, and they support his viewpoint.
"Don't be afraid to go down in flames"..Bill Parcels

Screw Vietnam. The Gulf of Tonkin incident was a proven admitted fabricated lie and our govt used people's patriotism and fear of communism to garner support for a load of crap. I don't really blame any American for not believing in it and I sure don't blame a black man in that era for seeing straight through all that bullshit.