Ha ha ha!

Well...its true. There are those who play to peoples fears.

And no, government though certainly corrupt in some ways and in some areas is not as Obama stated "inherently" corrupt.

For better comprehension I would recommend paying attention to modifiers. They are essential for context. Modifiers are also called adjectives, they limit the meaning of the word they modify.

Inherent means involved in the constitution or essential character of something : belonging by nature or habit : intrinsic. risks inherent in the venture.

Thus Obama's statement was not a declaration that government is never corrupt, but that it is not an essential component of its character and makeup that it be corrupt.
Well...its true. There are those who play to peoples fears.

And no, government though certainly corrupt in some ways and in some areas is not as Obama stated "inherently" corrupt.

For better comprehension I would recommend paying attention to modifiers. They are essential for context. Modifiers are also called adjectives, they limit the meaning of the word they modify.

Inherent means involved in the constitution or essential character of something : belonging by nature or habit : intrinsic. risks inherent in the venture.

Thus Obama's statement was not a declaration that government is never corrupt, but that it is not an essential component of its character and makeup that it be corrupt.
Wow. Do you really trust the DMV? How about DHS under Mayorkis or the DoD who can't seem to keep track of money? Do you trust how DOJ protected Hunter but threw old ladies in jail for peacefully walking through the Capitol on J6? Do you trust the IRS? Did you trust the FBI when they said they don't know whose coke it was at the WH or how they don't know who released Dobbs or who killed JFK? Did you trust how our Govt responded to Covid? Do you trust how they are mandating unwanted green policies? Do you trust them over your own personal choices?

Don't tell me you trusted the Trump Admin? Don't you dare do that.
Wow. Do you really trust the DMV? How about DHS under Mayorkis or the DoD who can't seem to keep track of money? Do you trust how DOJ protected Hunter but threw old ladies in jail for peacefully walking through the Capitol on J6? Do you trust the IRS? Did you trust the FBI when they said they don't know whose coke it was at the WH or how they don't know who released Dobbs or who killed JFK? Did you trust how our Govt responded to Covid? Do you trust how they are mandating unwanted green policies? Do you trust them over your own personal choices?

Don't tell me you trusted the Trump Admin? Don't you dare do that.
Nope on all acounts...still doesnt make government "inherently" corrupt. Which is what Obama said.
Well...its true. There are those who play to peoples fears.

And no, government though certainly corrupt in some ways and in some areas is not as Obama stated "inherently" corrupt.

For better comprehension I would recommend paying attention to modifiers. They are essential for context. Modifiers are also called adjectives, they limit the meaning of the word they modify.

Inherent means involved in the constitution or essential character of something : belonging by nature or habit : intrinsic. risks inherent in the venture.

Thus Obama's statement was not a declaration that government is never corrupt, but that it is not an essential component of its character and makeup that it be corrupt.
I agree.

AND government is why our founding fathers created a system to protect citizens from the government.

Money and power were corrupt anything. The safeguards were out in because of that.
I agree.

AND government is why our founding fathers created a system to protect citizens from the government.

Money and power were corrupt anything. The safeguards were out in because of that.


Government in its original form (I believe as ordained by God) is to provide a check on evil.

But then, what checks goverment, who holds government accountable?
A governement of the people, by the people and for the people does just that.
What a sorry , lying basterd Obama is ! He is a disgrace & the second worst president in modern times. Only Biden has a worse track record than Obama! Carter was tops until those two POS came along! By the way, limited government is what the founding fathers had in mind , not the corrupt behemoth we currently have!
And despite what our politics might suggest, I think most Americans understand that. Democracy isn’t just a bunch of abstract principles and dusty laws in some book somewhere. It’s the values we live by. It’s the way we treat each other, including those who don’t look like us or pray like us or see the world exactly like we do.

That sense of mutual respect has to be part of our message. Our politics have become so polarized these days that all of us across the political spectrum seem so quick to assume the worst in others unless they agree with us on every single issue. We start thinking that the only way to win is to scold and shame and out-yell the other side. And after a while, regular folks just tune out, or they don’t bother to vote.

We gotta stop this division and get united again. It's time to move forward. Let's look through that window to the future with optimism. Together, we can!!!

And despite what our politics might suggest, I think most Americans understand that. Democracy isn’t just a bunch of abstract principles and dusty laws in some book somewhere. It’s the values we live by. It’s the way we treat each other, including those who don’t look like us or pray like us or see the world exactly like we do.

That sense of mutual respect has to be part of our message. Our politics have become so polarized these days that all of us across the political spectrum seem so quick to assume the worst in others unless they agree with us on every single issue. We start thinking that the only way to win is to scold and shame and out-yell the other side. And after a while, regular folks just tune out, or they don’t bother to vote.

We gotta stop this division and get united again. It's time to move forward. Let's look through that window to the future with optimism. Together, we can!!!

We must quit trying to bend the rules to suit one’s needs. That is what has caused the divisions. Both sides have strayed to seek power over each other and for greed. We have people trying to twist our democratic republic into mob rule. Who needs the electoral college etc.
We must quit trying to bend the rules to suit one’s needs. That is what has caused the divisions. Both sides have strayed to seek power over each other and for greed. We have people trying to twist our democratic republic into mob rule. Who needs the electoral college etc.
It's okay. We should all do a better job of understanding where you're at.

We got a seat for ya. We're not gonna yell at ya any more for not getting on the train. Take your time. Hope you have better choices in four years.