Hamza Bin Laden Warning


Yo Daddy
Gold Member
Dec 20, 2016
Hamza Bin Laden, Usama Bin Laden’s son, who was thought to have been killed during Trump’s first term, is, in fact, not dead. He is now the Emir of Al Qaeda and he recently made this quote:

“What America and its allies fear the most is that we take the battlefield from Kabul, Baghdad, and Gaza, to Washington, London, Paris in Tel Aviv, and to take it to all the American, Jewish, and western interests in the world.”

Folks, I know this sounds like it’s all conspiracy theorist, but it’s not. There are Al Qaeda, Taliban, and ISIS terrorists in our country at this very moment. There a sleeper cells ready to be activated and they are trained to kill people. We are sending terrorist organizations MILLIONS of dollars a month and they’re using it all to come after us. Folks in the know have been calling for mainland and embassy attacks for a while now. We aren’t ready for them. We’re complacent and too caught up in things that do not matter. New Orleans was just the beginning. We have to prepare ourselves and be ready. Please don’t dismiss these warnings because the threat is real.

Watch Shawn Ryan and some of these other ex spec ops and former intelligence people. They’re warning us.
I always thought Joe's terrorists would wait for him to leave office.
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Glad I don't frequent any cities or most popular events too much. All the more reason not to now with this threat imminent
Hamza Bin Laden, Usama Bin Laden’s son, who was thought to have been killed during Trump’s first term, is, in fact, not dead. He is now the Emir of Al Qaeda and he recently made this quote:

“What America and its allies fear the most is that we take the battlefield from Kabul, Baghdad, and Gaza, to Washington, London, Paris in Tel Aviv, and to take it to all the American, Jewish, and western interests in the world.”

Folks, I know this sounds like it’s all conspiracy theorist, but it’s not. There are Al Qaeda, Taliban, and ISIS terrorists in our country at this very moment. There a sleeper cells ready to be activated and they are trained to kill people. We are sending terrorist organizations MILLIONS of dollars a month and they’re using it all to come after us. Folks in the know have been calling for mainland and embassy attacks for a while now. We aren’t ready for them. We’re complacent and too caught up in things that do not matter. New Orleans was just the beginning. We have to prepare ourselves and be ready. Please don’t dismiss these warnings because the threat is real.

Watch Shawn Ryan and some of these other ex spec ops and former intelligence people. They’re warning us.
Joe Biden and Barak Obama are responsible for this travesty.
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