Just want to make sure that the new "Uga" has a clean record at least when it comes to slapping around the females in his world. Seriously, cannot wait to see what punishment is actually applied to both of the fine young men recently suspended from the FSU team for beating on girls. There surely seems to be a disconnect regarding appropriate or effective punishment for physical violence at all levels and in all phases of our "culture."
Time outs, losing PT for games or partial games, losing privileges or even jail time have proven quite ineffective as deterrents to physically violent acts or crimes. Obviously, as some of us like to say, our system is NOT working. The consequences for violence are either meaningless or insignificant to perpetrators (many times cast as victims by attorneys and family), therefore they do not care about any published or applied punishments.....as they obviously have NO teeth. They are NOT working. Not anywhere.
Time outs, losing PT for games or partial games, losing privileges or even jail time have proven quite ineffective as deterrents to physically violent acts or crimes. Obviously, as some of us like to say, our system is NOT working. The consequences for violence are either meaningless or insignificant to perpetrators (many times cast as victims by attorneys and family), therefore they do not care about any published or applied punishments.....as they obviously have NO teeth. They are NOT working. Not anywhere.