"he couldn't land at Bozeman because the grifter owes the airport $12,000 from the 2020 election"


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Jasper, Ga
Trump claims his plane had to land in Billings because of mechanical problems but in fact he couldn't land at Bozeman because the grifter owes the airport $12,000 from the 2020 election cycle. He also still owes the Billings police department $58,830.
Trump claims his plane had to land in Billings because of mechanical problems but in fact he couldn't land at Bozeman because the grifter owes the airport $12,000 from the 2020 election cycle. He also still owes the Billings police department $58,830.
can't speak to the truth of the specific complaint - whether or not the unpaid bills were the reason he couldn't land there. I will let MR DAWG answer to that ... but he does owe Bozeman and Billings money in the sums listed above, according to Montana (and regional) media:

Denver Gazette

Daily Montanan

NBC Montana (with receipts)
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Well Trump isn't quite there yet. He is the person we are discussing here right.
We are getting a lecture for not being able to notice. You liked a post that said it is wild that a few on here can’t see it. We told you and others for four years about Biden Celtic. Four years. lol. Trump is 78. I am sure he isn’t quite the same. But he is way, way, way better than Biden was four years ago today. It is a reach beyond a reach now to claim otherwise. Sadly, even Biden in steep decline realized a few years ago Kamala wasn’t ready. Told his party so. It is amazing some of you can’t see what a compromised human can see. I could have polled three ten year olds olds about biden’s wits four years ago and all four tell you the same. Should I say they are deep state fakes?
It’s wild how few on here can see it.
I think every Trump voter fully understands what they are getting with Trump. The amazing thing is there seem to be people that believe the politician of their choice isn't a con man. Hell, the only reason Trump rose to power is because the dems are now controlled by progs and the pubs campaigned like Reagan for the last 50 yrs and governed like global corporatist.

Seriously, do you think it's even a remotely good idea to be dependent on China and other hostile foreign nations for so much of our necessary supplies that include things like precious minerals, medicines, chips, cell phones, and even military supplies? Our pols haven't allowed China to become so integrated into our economy because it's good for the American people.
Did a little looking, Trump does not owe any money to the Bozeman airport and was not denied landing.

However, as pointed out above, it appears he has stiffed about every municipality in the state with unpaid bills.

Just a two bit con man.
It’s wild how few on here can see it.
Well its either him or a goofy loser woman who has accomplished literally nothing telling us than men can menstruate. Neither choice is A+. Also he will close the border thats currently wide open. For those of you that think the border isnt an issue, ask England how its going. Ireland. France. Germany. Ill bet you they would do things differently since they are being overrun by people that hate everything they stand for.

The English are currently getting arrested for criticizing immigration online. They need to seriously consider civil war.
Did a little looking, Trump does not owe any money to the Bozeman airport and was not denied landing.

However, as pointed out above, it appears he has stiffed about every municipality in the state with unpaid bills.

Just a two bit con man.
Where is the link to him stiffing cities? The DNC has plenty of money to pay this, you realize that he doesnt pay this right?

P{lease post it, because if this were true it seems we would be seeing this on MSLSD and CNN non stop.
can't speak to the truth of the specific complaint - whether or not the unpaid bills were the reason he couldn't land there. I will let MR DAWG answer to that ... but he does owe Bozeman and Billings money in the sums listed above, according to Montana (and regional) media:

Denver Gazette

Daily Montanan

NBC Montana (with receipts)
For starters, it's his campaign, not him. None of these stories explain the campaign's side.

Journalism is dead.
For starters, it's his campaign, not him. None of these stories explain the campaign's side.

Journalism is dead.
can you explain the campaign's side?

what indicates that "his campaign" is different from "him"?

are you not aware that he has a long, established reputation for stiffing contractors?
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A lecture: "It’s wild how few on here can see it."
Ok. That is a short lecture. But I should have referenced the 40 or so posts about this over the last week or so. This whole thread is about trump being a two bit con man. He is a salesman and now politician. Shocker. The biggest con ever played was by Biden on you guys. He is a fifty year politician who had 30 grand to his name in 2008. Not because he wasn’t working the system. He had issues raising money because he cheated among other things. 50 year politicians are con men. His views became so progressive he conned everyone who voted for him based on his long term middle ground record.

He will be pardoned, but likely guilty of pay for play if this oligarch sticks to his story. I don’t think the left should question the right’s ability to see anything in their candidates for a while. Just sayin.
can you explain the campaign's side?

what indicates that "his campaign" is different from "him"?

are you not aware that he has a long, established reputation for stiffing contractors?
He also has a reputation of helping people in need.

I notice you guys ( except for Will ) never post proof.

what indicates that "his campaign" is different from "him"? - seriously? LOL
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what indicates that "his campaign" is different from "him"? - seriously? LOL
Seriously - as for proof - I posted articles above.

as for the bolded - I asked a question.... because I don't believe that the Trump Campaign is other than a shell company for Donald J. Trump, which doesn't (apparently) pay its bills either. What indicates that they are separate entities? Does he not control the campaign? etc.
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Seriously - as for proof - I posted articles above.

as for the bolded - I asked a question.... because I don't believe that the Trump Campaign is other than a shell company for Donald J. Trump, which doesn't (apparently) pay its bills either. What indicates that they are separate entities? Does he not control the campaign? etc.
Those are from 2018 and they are the same article in 3 different papers. Ok, maybe. Why only in one city in Montana? Hmmm

Do you have a business? There are LLCc , Scorps, and a few others, that separate the person from the business, thats why you set them up. Do you honestly thing Trump is paying for all this stuff out of his own pocket? The RNC is not the same as DJT himself. My gawd man what are you talking about?
Those are from 2018 and they are the same article in 3 different papers. Ok, maybe. Why only in one city in Montana? Hmmm

The articles are from 2024 regarding remaining debt from earlier appearances. One appears to be a shortened version of one of the others, the third has receipts.

Do you have a business? There are LLCc , Scorps, and a few others, that separate the person from the business, thats why you set them up. Do you honestly thing Trump is paying for all this stuff out of his own pocket? The RNC is not the same as DJT himself. My gawd man what are you talking about?

I do have a business - more than one - and have started several I am no longer involved with. Just because these structures generally insulate you personally from liability does not mean you don't control them. And, no, I don't think Trump is paying from his own pocket, though it is possible for a candidate to self-fund in the form of donations to their own campaign apparatus. Trump has done some of this along the way, and while those contributions must be reported, there are no limits, so I am sure he could just stroke a check and settle the debt.

but I think I see your confusion: the RNC is not the Trump Campaign - those are separate entities.
can't speak to the truth of the specific complaint - whether or not the unpaid bills were the reason he couldn't land there. I will let MR DAWG answer to that ... but he does owe Bozeman and Billings money in the sums listed above, according to Montana (and regional) media:

Denver Gazette

Daily Montanan

NBC Montana (with receipts)
lol, thinking the Trump crowds generated much more $ for the city, in any case maybe the cities need to get a deposit if true if they’re butt hurt.. Bozeman is mostly Democrat even though it is slight. Not that the media would be misleading🙄
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can't speak to the truth of the specific complaint - whether or not the unpaid bills were the reason he couldn't land there. I will let MR DAWG answer to that ... but he does owe Bozeman and Billings money in the sums listed above, according to Montana (and regional) media:

Denver Gazette

Daily Montanan

NBC Montana (with receipts)
1) in all my years, I had never heard of a campaign “owing“ a community for their police presence.
2) in simply reading the documents you posted, it’s very clear that payment of this kind is not required nor is not paying it illegal. I’ve literally never heard of a police department billing a presidential candidate for doing a rally in their town.
So local police departments charge candidates for their time when they come to town? Is this true all over America? It just seems strange that something "free" (paid by taxpayers) would be a fee assessment for something related to national politics (especially the President). I'm genuinely curious, but do they charge every President past and current to land and visit their area? And if that is the case, all of those individuals pay for that out of pocket?
Police Departments bill Presidential campaigns for the added costs all the time. The overtime, etc. are billed to the campaign committee. I know there was some arena that he stiffed in 2016 that made him pay in advance in 2020.

You haven’t heard about it because all the other campaigns besides Don the Con have paid so the taxpayers don’t get stuck with the bill.
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can you explain the campaign's side?

what indicates that "his campaign" is different from "him"?

are you not aware that he has a long, established reputation for stiffing contractors?
I have no idea who was responsible for what after reading these articles. Was the campaign responsible? Was a PAC responsible? Certainly, it wasn't Trump in his personal capacity. In fact, it's highly unlikely Trump even knows those details.

All that is mentioned is the claim by someone that "Trump" didn't pay. That's good enough for NBC "News" these days. In my line of work, I come across a lot of claims and defenses. I've come to learn that it is exceedingly rare, if ever, that something is being relayed in a 100% accurate manner when the medium has a history of bias or sloppiness.

Disputes arise for a lot of reasons, especially in the business world. My faith in the legacy media in reporting disputes involving Trump hovers at zero when it. Particularly given the high number of provocative claims and stories pushed by the MSM in the past 7 years or so that have turned out to be 100% false.
Yes, Trump is not personally liable, it is his campaign that rents out arenas and owes the police departments.

But make no mistake, Trump is the one calling the shots, and has directed his campaign to not pay those bills, just like he has stiffed thousands of others through the years.

Guess Thou shalt not steal doesn’t apply to the Orange Jesus.
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Yes, Trump is not personally liable, it is his campaign that rents out arenas and owes the police departments.

But make no mistake, Trump is the one calling the shots, and has directed his campaign to not pay those bills, just like he has stiffed thousands of others through the years.

Guess Thou shalt not steal doesn’t apply to the Orange Jesus.
You literally make stuff up and you think we wont notice lol.

You post nothing of substance and your next post you will probably blame Trump for the killing of JFK, MLK and RFK.
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You literally make stuff up and you think we wont notice lol.

You post nothing of substance and your next post you will probably blame Trump for the killing of JFK, MLK and RFK.
Please tell me what I made up here.
can't speak to the truth of the specific complaint - whether or not the unpaid bills were the reason he couldn't land there. I will let MR DAWG answer to that ... but he does owe Bozeman and Billings money in the sums listed above, according to Montana (and regional) media:

Denver Gazette

Daily Montanan

NBC Montana (with receipts)
From your article.

“There is no specific provision in FEC regulations for congressional or presidential campaign committees that speaks to expenses incurred by a state or local municipality in connection with a federal officeholder’s or candidate’s campaign event(s),” FEC public affairs specialist Myles Martin told NBC Montana. “While federal campaigns are permitted to use campaign funds to reimburse for these security costs, Commission regulations do not specifically mandate that they do so.”

Also, the Daily Montanan is not a real news organization, it is a left wing advocacy group, it just has a name that makes it sound like a Newspaper.
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How about from a Fox station.

I looked and I see nothing supporting the conspiracy theory that Trump couldn't land in MT because he owed them money.

It is not unusual for campaigns to carry debt for years, even if they win. Hell, Hillary, Biden and Bernie still owes some cities for campaign stops.
“While federal campaigns are permitted to use campaign funds to reimburse for these security costs, Commission regulations do not specifically mandate that they do so.”

Also, the Daily Montanan is not a real news organization
these seem to be quibbles. OP mentioned the debt, the debt seems to be real. I did read the note about the FEC, but it's not really germane. If he owes the money, he owes the money. Whether he cares or not is another matter. He does seem to have paid off a similar bill from a Great Falls rally.

Also, for fairness sake, I think there was a post somewhere that suggested the Harris 2020 camp was in debt to consultants as late as August of 2020. Did we resolve if that were ever paid?

also, the OP mentioned the plane - it does seem that the Trump Express pooped out in Billings due to medical failures. Some airplane nerd suggests that he is now back on the Lolita Express, having borrowed the plane formerly owned by Jeffrey Epstein, with which he is very familiar. I have no interest in vetting this story, but I imagine one of you will help us.