Headed out to work this morning. Got about a mile down the road when I


War Daddy
May 29, 2001
felt a movement of epic proportions rumbling deep within my bowels.
By the time I decided I had to turn around and get back home, I was at Defcon 4.
Stiff-legged it into the nearest terlet and let loose with what surely had to be some sort of record.
I ain't worth a damb now. That took everything outta me. I just want to take a nap.

Defcon 4 welling = bad times
Downloading = priceless
I was talking to myself, trying to calm me down and talk me through it til

I could get back home.
Woke Wifey up. She got up and said, "I thought you already left"
She could sense the angst in my voice as I explained
LOL,I always turn the AC on if I'm in the car and put the vents.........

right on me.Not sure if it helps ,but you don't sweat as much.
Barely made it home from IHOP this morning 'for the wife and kids passed

out from the coming poopagedon. And let me tell you, it was pure heaven when it was over.
I love shite stories..

Have a doozie from NYE '94 involving a chili cheese burger, a desolate hwy 17 between Savannah and Charleston, a red headed Australian girl and a Christmas sweater. That story has been told here before.

This post was edited on 3/7 12:15 PM by teddy_bulldawg
CHATs usually gets a cup of hot chocolate, and bottle of Pepto-Bismal

And gathers around the campfire wearing Christmas sweaters to hear the annual holiday tradition of the telling of Teddy's Coastal Colon Blow tale.

It's CHAT-tastic! Sometimes there's a re-run of it in the summer.
was epic

Was to meet this Australian girl that I had been seeing in Charleston for NYE. She was coming from Charlotte and I from Savannah.
At about 3, I drove through Checkers and ordered the chili burger for the road. Tasted good.

If you have never driven SAV to Chas, once you get on 17 off of 95, there is nothing. No hotels. No convenience stores. Maybe you see an old AME church, but they aren't open on NYE at 4 p.m.

About 10 minutes into 17, it hit me. I knew immediately that I was in trouble as I scoured left and right looking at shanties and marshy grasslands.
For the next 15 minutes, I prayed, lifting my ass off the seats trying not to release farts that I did not trust.

And then there was no turning back. It was happening. I veered off the road next to a wooded area wearing the aforementioned forest green Christmas sweater, my new jeans and a pair of now even dirtier bucks. In the woods, I finished my business and took off everything I was wearing except the sweater. I used my socks to wipe as much as I could and began the half nekkid walk back to my vehicle as others whizzed by.

I pulled down my sweater to cover my loins and opened the tailgate of my late model Ford Explorer. Luckily, I was traveling and had a suitcase full of clothes.
But damn I stunk. Finally found a c store 15 minutes up the road in Ravenel where I was able to squirt some more.
I was then praying that my ginger haired friend would not beat me to the hotel where I could shower for an hour or 3.

Luckily that was the case. I showered, she arrived later and we enjoyed a memorable night running the streets of the Holy City ending up at my Greek future brother in laws bar where I helped bar tend because of the crowd.

I knew she could have been a keeper when at 2 am in the morning I told her of my escapade and she died laughing.
I could have lover her.

This post was edited on 3/7 12:45 PM by teddy_bulldawg

This post was edited on 3/7 12:50 PM by teddy_bulldawg
Good one. But the quintessential shiite story will always be the Ryan's

Steakhouse story. EPIC. I can't remember who it was that it happened to, but it will live forever in Chat infamy.

If your's had lacked the change of clothes and included a required rescue from a stranger with the facilitation of said Redhead, it might have given a serious challenge to the Ryan's story.

This post was edited on 3/7 12:52 PM by MusicCityDawg
thanks for remembering

I recently told this story to a bunch of neighbors who were over for dinner.
Have gotten so much mileage out of that story that if I had to do it over again, I wood still order the chili cheeseburger. Still have not gone back to Checkers though.

Driving home from Seattle one night(1 hour drive)

Left this Irish bar and felt a slight rumbling but figured I could make it home. 30 minutes down the road the rumble grew stronger but hell I was half way there and cruising at 75mph, no worries. Get to the Ft Lewis exit 20 minutes from home and it gets real serious. I pull off at the exit south of the base (2 AM mind you) and pull into a large parking lot where many restaurants and stores are located. I have to drop trou right there in the parking lot. Barely got my pants unbuttoned when the tidal wave hit. I've almost got some relief when I see a police cruiser approaching.....

I quickly pull my pants up (my car is between me and the cruiser) and begin "checking my tires". Guy pulls up and asks me what I am doing and if I'm ok, told him I was just on the way home and felt a slight vibration, just checking my tires. He bought it and left me alone. That would have been an interesting conversation with said officer.
Driving home from Seattle one night(1 hour drive)


This post was edited on 3/7 2:28 PM by Klesko12
Driving home from Seattle one night(1 hour drive)


This post was edited on 3/7 2:29 PM by Klesko12