Well what's your true rumor? You don't get to be a smart azz on the one hand by judging which rumors are "true" since you don't like the repeating of one such foible while maintaining you possess the truth yet are afraid to come clean. That has a cowardly bent to it, in my opinion. You inserted yourself into the game by claiming to know something yet lack the seeds to put it out there. I very plainly stated what was a straight out rumor and called it so. So let's hear it or sit down, shut up and let Jesse rob the train.
Here is the real truth: UGA is likely the best opportunity to come along in years, better than USC since that is a cluster. And as I stated a while back the line is going to be long trying to get into the job picture. And it is. So the interest and resulting rumors are all over the place. Many more people are applying and trying to get traction than are being considered. And when they do they try to pad their chances by mentioning who else they could bring along. For instance Chaney and Pittman as a team. They apply and the biggest gossip network in the USA is college coaches and it gets passed around. So who knows, KS is swamped by now with candidates, of that you can be sure. But hiring the best or even a capable person can be difficult. The Georgia job is clean: fresh start, huge potential and an underachieving previous staff in the opinion of many along with massive pay and access to players. Doesn't take much to sour a place though. AU is bent over trying to hire a DC because Malzahn is viewed as damaged goods and a short timer (maybe one and done). Texas can't hire a position coach from freaking Tulsa to PROMOTE him to O/C without flying the president and AD to Tulsa to reassure him, give him whatever the law will allow and beg. TEXAS.....Because Strong is radio active. Yet people are falling out of trees to get a look by UGA.