Free food, free college, stay pregnant and get your check in the mail, free doctors, free drugs and plenty of them, big raises coming for us old timers with our SS. Walk into jail and walk right out the back door. I feel like I just watched a late night infomercial and old Bernie cut the price to just $30 for a one way trip to paradise. Everything is free and nobody pays. Course only black lives matter since neither he nor O'Mally, nor the disgusting ex-republican or the queen of sleeze would say they all matter. I seem to remember the only adult in the room and the only one fit to even consider for president said they all do. He'll likely drop out soon as he is totally out of step with todays main stream leftists whackos. But he serves a purpose, a relic of the Kennedy mold, a portrait of he days when being a democrat was not associated with being a political prostitute.
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