Here’s what Democrats want to celebrate, legalize and force on our youth


Letterman and National Champion
Sep 27, 2020
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Where are the stories on the main stream media, google, Facebook, anywhere???

Democrats get their way and this will be just considered normal and legal behavior

Somewhere, at some point in time, the DFACS folks who allowed this to happen need to be called into accountability. Make sure something like this can never happen again.
Somewhere, at some point in time, the DFACS folks who allowed this to happen need to be called into accountability. Make sure something like this can never happen again.

But will it? I haven’t seen an article
About this on one mainstream media platform. If I didn’t follow independent media, I’d know nothing about it. Not MSNBC, ABC, local news, Fox News, google, etc. if these deranged people are not exposed, nothing will happen. As usual.
Hang ‘em high. Let the world see how perverted child abusers are punished. And good grief, what is a Christian adoption service doing to let these 2 LGBTQ++ animals, raise 2 kids?
Good Christians have a monetary price just like everyone else. I guess they don’t really believe in hell. General population lock up might help them see the light on that subject.
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Is that what they call tough love for gays? One can never justify the actions of people like this. They should have never had access to children for their evil plans.
I have read where child authoties will tell you pedifiles will fine a homosexual men adapting children, befriend them for this purpose. If they know it why don’t regular people.
Where are the stories on the main stream media, google, Facebook, anywhere???

Democrats get their way and this will be just considered normal and legal behavior

Happened out here in Walton county and NO ONE has reported on it. An absolute horrific crime by evil people but they are in a protected class so it's completely ignored.

Brace yourself for the "minor attracted person" defense.
I have read where child authoties will tell you pedifiles will fine a homosexual men adapting children, befriend them for this purpose. If they know it why don’t regular people.
That’s pretty disgusting and disturbing. Damn these people will find out in the end, they were dead wrong!
Let the punishment fit the crime, Neuter them and make them eat it. Then drag them behind horses through the streets of the city where they committed these horrors. Hang them with a chain but not to death and burn them alive while they are hanging.
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